River Gallo

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    River Gallo
    Place of birth New Jersey
    Nationality American
    Pronouns they/them
    Gender identity genderqueer
    Occupation filmmaker, actor, model, activist
    Known for Ponyboi

    River Gallo is a Salvadoran-American filmmaker, actor, model, and intersex rights activist. They wrote, directed, and acted in the 2019 short film Ponyboi, the first film to feature an openly intersex actor playing an intersex person.

    Gallo is genderqueer[1] and uses singular they pronouns.[2][3]


    "In my undergrad, I'd always go through these swings where I was really flamboyant and just feeling myself. And then I'd have these moments where it was just like, no, I need to be more masculine or dress more conservatively. Now, knowing I'm intersex makes me feel sometimes feminine and sometimes masculine. I wake up and can be whoever I want to be that day. I feel like the feminine and masculine energetically lives inside of me equally. Being intersex has really taught me that it's OK to hold both of those things equally, to have them mean equal things to you, and that you don't have to try to be one or the other."[4]

    "There are intersex people who are not queer. They don't want to be part of the alphabet. They want to look at it entirely as a medical situation, and want to correct their bodies to the heteronormative paradigm. I have intersex friends who are heterosexual and cis-gendered. But to me, I think it’s missing the point when one wants to look at it completely in medicalised terms. There are some people that choose to be cis-gendered, and it works out for them completely, but for intersex people who are non-binary, for intersex people who are trans or queer, it is a human rights violation. Because other people are literally taking control and removing agency over decisions about our bodies that should be our own."[5]


    1. "Meet River Gallo, The GLAAD Award-Winning Trailblazer Fusing Activism And Art". MTV News. 28 March 2019. Retrieved 29 March 2020.
    2. Instagram bio
    3. https://www.rivergallo.com/about
    4. Masters, Jeffrey (7 September 2018). "River Gallo: Intersex People Are 'Objectified By The Medical Community'". advocate.com. Retrieved 9 April 2020.
    5. Harvey, Michael (19 November 2019). "Listen Up Issue: River Gallo on being a voice of change for the intersex community". HUNGER TV. Retrieved 1 May 2020.
    Wikipedia logo This article uses material from the Wikipedia article River Gallo, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (view authors).