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{{infobox identity
| flag = nonbinary.png
| meaning = Yellow: gender without reference to the binary; White: many or all genders; Purple: gender between or a mix of female and male; Black: lack of gender.
| related = [[Genderqueer]]
| umbrella = [[Transgender]]
| frequency = 66.6%
| alt_flag = Nonbinary-2.png
| gallery_link = Pride Gallery/Nonbinary
{{Personal story
{{Personal story
| quote = I'm still facing doubts and questions on this journey but despite the hardships that come with being under the trans umbrella, I have no regrets and have immense hope for the future. I am learning to love myself and live beyond the binary.
| quote = Aún tengo dudas y preguntas en este viaje pero aun con las dificultades que conlleva ser parte del colectivo trans, no me arrepiento y tengo una gran esperanza para el futuro. Estoy aprendiendo a quererme y a vivir más allá de lo binario.
| name = Jay
| name = Jay
| age = 19
| age = 19
| identity = Nonbinary
| identity = No binario
'''No binario''' (también escrito como '''no-binario''')<ref>[ Gender Census 2018: The spelling question]</ref> es un término paraguas que se refiere a cualquier [[Special:MyLanguage/gender identity|identidad de género]] o [[Special:MyLanguage/gender expression|expresión]] que no encaja en el [[Special:MyLanguage/gender binary|binarismo de género]]. La etiqueta también podría ser usada por personas que quieren identificarse fuera del género binario sin especificar más.
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Nonbinary falls under the umbrella term of [[transgender]] (meaning a [[gender identity]] different than one's [[sex assigned at birth]]). However, for various reasons, individual nonbinary people may or may not consider themselves transgender.<ref name="Darwin2020">{{cite journal|last1=Darwin|first1=Helana|title=Challenging the Cisgender/Transgender Binary: Nonbinary People and the Transgender Label|journal=Gender & Society|volume=34|issue=3|year=2020|pages=357–380|issn=0891-2432|doi=10.1177/0891243220912256}}</ref>
Como término paraguas, no binario es similar a [[Special:MyLanguage/genderqueer|genderqueer]], y muchas personas no binarios también se consideran genderqueer. Sin embargo, los términos tienen significados y connotaciones diferentes. El término genderqueer es al menos una década más antiguo que no binario.
[[File:Marche des Fiertés Paris 02 07 2016 06.jpg|thumb|200px| Kyle Rowan diseñó la bandera no binaria, visible al lado izquierdo, en 2014. La bandera quiere "representar las personas no binarias que no sienten que la [[Special:MyLanguage/genderqueer flag|bandera genderqueer]] los representa. Esta bandera fue pensada para acompañar la bandera genderqueer de Marilyn Roxie, no para sustituirla. La bandera consiste de cuatro rayas. De arriba a abajo: amarillo, blanco, lila y negro. El amarillo representa aquellos cuyo género existe más allá y sin referencia a lo binario, puesto que el amarillo se usa a menudo para distinguir algo como propio. El blanco representa aquellos que tienen muchos o todos los géneros, puesto que el blanco es la presencia fotológica del color y/o la luz. La raya lila representa las personas que sienten que su género es una mezcla o está entre lo femenino y lo masculino, ya que el lila es la mezcla de los colores tradicionales para los chicos y las chicas. El lila también puede considerarse como una representación de la fluidez y la originalidad de las personas no binarias. La raya inferior negra representa los que no sienten ningún género, porque el negro es la ausencia de color y/o luz." La bandera no binaria y la bandera genderqueer son opciones igual de válidas para que las personas no binarias puedan sentirse representades y tienen enfoques distintos sobre como simbolizar los géneros no binarios.  ]]
Fotografía tomada durante la manifestación del Orgullo gay de París en 2016. La pancarta está impresa con los colores de la bandera no binaria. Las letras grandes dicen "Mi género es no binario", con docenas de nombres de identidades no binarias específicas enumeradas en letras más pequeñas en el fondo.
''Véase el artículo principal en [[Special:MyLanguage/history of nonbinary gender|historia del género no binario]].''
En 2014, Kyle Rowan diseñó la bandera no binaria, mostrada en la parte superior del artículo. La bandera quiere "representar las personas no binarias que no sienten que la [[Special:MyLanguage/genderqueer flag|bandera genderqueer]] los representa. Esta bandera fue pensada para acompañar la bandera genderqueer de Marilyn Roxie, no para sustituirla. La bandera consiste de cuatro rayas. De arriba a abajo: amarillo, blanco, lila y negro. El amarillo representa aquellos cuyo género existe más allá y sin referencia a lo binario, puesto que el amarillo se usa a menudo para distinguir algo como propio. El blanco representa aquellos que tienen muchos o todos los géneros, puesto que el blanco es la presencia fotológica del color y/o la luz. La raya lila representa las personas que sienten que su género es una mezcla o está entre lo femenino y lo masculino, ya que el lila es la mezcla de los colores tradicionales para los chicos y las chicas. El lila también puede considerarse como una representación de la fluidez y la originalidad de las personas no binarias. La raya inferior negra representa los que no sienten ningún género, porque el negro es la ausencia de color y/o luz." La bandera no binaria y la bandera genderqueer son opciones igual de válidas para que las personas no binarias puedan sentirse representades y tienen enfoques distintos sobre como simbolizar los géneros no binarios.

{{infobox identity
En 2014, ''no binario'' era uno de los 56 géneros disponibles en la versión inglesa de Facebook.<ref>Eve Shapiro, ''Gender circuits: Bodies and identities in a technological age.'' Unpaged.</ref>
| flag = nonbinary.png
| meaning = -Yellow: gender without reference to the binary.<br>-White: many or all genders.<br>-Purple: gender between or a mix of female and male.<br>-Black: lack of gender.
==Identidades no binarias==
| related = [[transgender]], [[genderqueer]]
| percentage = 66.6
{{main|List of nonbinary identities}}
| gallery_link = Pride Gallery/Nonbinary
'''Nonbinary''' (also spelled '''non-binary''')<ref>[ Gender Census 2018: The spelling question]</ref> is an umbrella term covering any [[gender identity]] or [[Gender expression|expression]] that does not fit within the [[gender binary]]. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as falling outside of the gender binary without being any more specific about the nature of their gender.

As an umbrella term, nonbinary has similar scope to [[genderqueer]] with most nonbinary-identifying individuals also considering themselves genderqueer. However the terms have different meanings and connotations. The term genderqueer predates nonbinary by at least a decade.
Algunas de las identidades más comunes que se consideran no binarias incluyen:

Kye Rowan designed the nonbinary flag in 2014, shown at right. This flag is meant to "represent nonbinary folk who did not feel that the [[genderqueer flag]] represented them. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie's genderqueer flag rather than replace it. The flag consists of four stripes. From top to bottom, they are yellow, white, purple, and black.. Yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of and without reference to the binary, as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders, as white is the photological presence of color and/or light. The purple stripe represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male, as purple is the mix of traditional boy and girl colors. The purple could also be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of nonbinary people. The final black stripe represents those who feel they are without gender, as black is the photological absence of color and/or light." The nonbinary flag and the genderqueer flag are both options for nonbinary people to use to symbolize themselves and take different approaches to how to symbolize nonbinary genders.
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Agender|Agénero]]''': No tener identidad de género o género para expresar (similar y a veces intercambiable con género neutro o neutrois).
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Androgyne|Andrógino]]''': Identificarse o presentarse entre las opciones binarias de hombre y mujer o masculino y femenino (Similar y a menudo sinónimo de Intergender).
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Multigender|Multigénero]]''' (también puede incluir Andrógino): moverse entre dos identidades de género o más en momentos/situaciones diferentes o tener más de una identidad de género al mismo tiempo. Algunas identidades multigénero son '''[[Special:MyLanguage/bigender|bigénero]]''', '''[[Special:MyLanguage/polygender|poligénero]]''' y '''[[Special:MyLanguage/genderfluid|género fluido]]'''.
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Gender Neutral|Género neutro]]''': Tener una identidad o expresión de género neutral o preferir [[Special:MyLanguage/gender neutral language|lenguaje]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/pronouns|pronombres]] neutros.
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Genderqueer|Genderqueer]]''': Expresión o identidad de género no normativa. Aunque esta identidad se originó como un término inclusivo, muchas personas lo consideran una identidad individual.
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Intergender|Intergénero]]''': Identidad de género entre las dos opciones binarias de la masculinidad y la femenidad.
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Neutrois|Neutros]]''': Identidad sin género o con un género neutro, usualmente (pero no siempre) utilizado para indicar el deseo de esconder o eliminar lenguaje o gestualidad asociada a un género.
*'''No binario''' o '''no-binario''': Término genérico que abarca todas las personas con un género más allá de lo binario, sin definirse más específicamente. También se usa como una identidad individual por si misma. Se podría ser [[Special:MyLanguage/butch|Butch no binario]] o [[Special:MyLanguage/femme|Femme no binario]].
*'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Transgender|Transgénero]]''': Término genérico que abarca todas las identidades o expresiones de género que van más allá de las normas y conceptos sociales sobre el género.

Puedes leer más sobre identidades en la [[Special:MyLanguage/list of nonbinary identities|lista de identidades no binarias]].
[[File:Marche des Fiertés Paris 02 07 2016 06.jpg|thumb|200px| Photograph taken during the Paris Gay Pride March in 2016. The banner is printed with the colors of the nonbinary flag. The big letters say "My gender is nonbinary," with dozens of names of specific nonbinary identities listed in smaller letters in the background.]]

''See main article at [[history of nonbinary gender]].''
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In 2014, Kye Rowan designed the nonbinary flag, shown at the top of this article. This flag is meant to "represent nonbinary folk who did not feel that the [[genderqueer flag]] represented them. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie's genderqueer flag rather than replace it. The flag consists of four stripes. From top to bottom: yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of and without reference to the binary as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders as white is the photological presence of color and/or light. The purple stripe represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male as purple is the mix of traditional boy and girl colors. The purple also could be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of nonbinary people. The final black stripe represents those who feel they are without gender, as black is the photological absence of color and/or light." The nonbinary flag and the genderqueer flag are both options for nonbinary people to use to symbolize themselves, and take different approaches to how to symbolize nonbinary genders.
==Presentación y expresión no binaria==
<br />[[File:Gender_census_enby_usage.png|thumb| No hay una única manera o una manera correcta de ser no binario. La mayoría de las personas no binarias están primariamente motivadas por el deseo de estar cómodas y ser sinceras con ellas mismas, más que intentar seguir un rol de género particular. Las personas no binarias pueden experimentar [[Special:MyLanguage/gender dysphoria|disforia de género]], aunque a veces solamente se experimenta disforia social o corporal, y algunas personas no experimentan ningún tipo de disforia. No binario es un término genérico muy amplio que abarca un número muy alto de identidades y expresiones de género. Todos los modos de presentación son igual de válidos. ]]

In 2014, "Nonbinary" was one of the 56 genders made available on Facebook.<ref>Eve Shapiro, ''Gender circuits: Bodies and identities in a technological age.'' Unpaged.</ref>
No todas las personas no binarias experimentan disforia de género o siguen la narrativa de la "[[Special:MyLanguage/transition|transición]]". Algunos creen que no hay un rol social o un cuerpo al que "transicionar", así que simplemente se centran en ser ellas mismas.

==Nonbinary identities==  
===Presentación andrógina o neutral===  

Algunas personas de género no binario pueden elegir presentarse de modo [[Special: MyLanguage/androgyny|andrógino]] o neutral respecto a su expresión de género, quizás escondiendo, eliminando o mezclando pautas de expresión. Esto corresponde a cada individuo y ninguna forma de expresión da más "crédito de no-binario" que otra.

Some of the more common identities that fall under the nonbinary umbrella include, but are not limited to:

*'''[[Agender]]''' aka '''Genderless''', '''Non-gender''' - Having no gender identity or no gender to express (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Gender Neutral and/or Neutrois).
Algunas personas no binarias eligen presentarse en una combinación agresiva de [[Special:MyLanguage/gender cues|pautas de género]] que se antojan chocantes o contradictorias a quienes esperan de todos el encorsetamiento en un [[Special:MyLanguage/gender binary|binario]]. Por ejemplo, combinando barbas con maquillaje o sujetadores. Esta práctica de romper radicalmente las reglas sociales de la presentación de género se conoce como "gender-fuck" o "gender-punk".
*'''[[Androgyne]]''' aka '''Androgynous gender''' - Identifying or presenting between the binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Intergender).
*'''[[Multigender]]''' (may also include [[Androgyne]]) - Moving between two or more different gender identities at different times/situations or having more than one gender identity at one time. Some multigender identities are '''[[bigender]]''', '''[[polygender]]''', and '''[[genderfluid]]'''.
*'''[[Gender Neutral]]''' aka '''Neutral Gender''' - Having a neutral gender identity and/or expression, or identifying with the preference for [[gender neutral language]] and [[pronouns]].
*'''[[Genderqueer]]''' aka '''Gender Queer''' - Non-normative gender identity or expression. While genderqueer originated as an inclusive umbrella term, it is also considered by many to be an individual identity.
*'''[[Intergender]]''' - Having a gender identity between the two binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine
*'''[[Neutrois]]''' - Belonging to a non-gendered or neutral gendered class, usually but '''not always''' used to indicate the desire to hide or remove gender cues
*'''Nonbinary''' or '''non-binary''' - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all people with gender outside of the binary, without defining oneself more specifically. Is also used as an individual identity in itself. One could be [[butch|nonbinary butch]] or [[femme|nonbinary femme]].
*'''[[Transgender]]''' - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all gender identities or expressions that transgress or transcend (go beyond the limits of) society’s rules and concepts of gender (Transgender is a wide umbrella term also covering people who hold [[binary gender]] identities and expressions but who transgress gender by transitioning between the binary genders).

You can read about many more of these at [[list of nonbinary identities]].
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
*'''[[Androgyne]]''' (from Greek, meaning "man-woman")<ref>"Androgyne." ''Merriam-Webster Dictionary.'' Retrieved July 5, 2020.</ref> and has been used for many kinds of people who don't fit into the gender binary. Even a century ago, some people who called themselves androgynes saw themselves as a mix of male and female.<ref name="Trans Bodies 611" /><ref>Katz, Jonathan Ned. "Transgender Memoir of 1921 Found". ''Humanities and Social Sciences Online''. N.p., 10 October 2010. Web. Retrieved April 13, 2017.</ref>

==Nonbinary presentation and expression==  
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*'''[[Bigender]]''' people feel they have two genders at the same time, or moving back and forth between them at different times.<ref name="Trans Bodies 611"></ref><ref name="Schneider APA 2008">Schneider, M., et al, American Psychological Association, ''APA Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions'', 2008 [ Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, And Gender Expression] (PDF), date unknown, captured April 2016.</ref><ref name="2019 Gender Census" />

There is no single or 'correct' way to perform a nonbinary gender. Most nonbinary people are primarily motivated by the desire to be comfortable and true to themselves rather than attempting to follow any particular gender role. Nonbinary people may or may not experience [[gender dysphoria]] or may experience only bodily or social dysphoria. Nonbinary is a wide umbrella term covering a large number of gender identities and expressions. Whichever way any particular nonbinary person needs or chooses to present, express or perform their gender is as valid as any other.
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*'''[[Genderfluid]]''' people move between different gender identities, and sometimes expressions, at different times.<ref name="Trans Bodies 614">Laura Erickson-Schroth, ed. ''Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community.'' Oxford University Press, 2014. P. 614.</ref><ref name="2019 Gender Census" />

Not all nonbinary people experience gender dysphoria or follow the '[[transition]]' narrative. Some feel that there is no social role or body to 'transition' to and so simply focus on being themselves.
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*'''[[Gender neutral]]''' or '''[[neutrois]]''' can mean being genderless, or it can mean having a gender identity that is not female, not male, and not a mix, but simply neutral.<ref name="Trans Bodies 614" /><ref name="2019 Gender Census" />

===Androgynous or gender neutral presentation===  
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*'''[[Genderqueer]]''': Any gender identity or expression which is queer, in and of itself. That is, a gender which is transgressive and non-normative. This can be an umbrella term, or a specific identity. The word comes from 1995.<ref>"Answering gender questions concerning genderqueer." ''Genderqueer ID.''</ref><ref name="Trans Bodies 614" /><ref name="2019 Gender Census" />

Some nonbinary people may choose or need to present an [[Androgyny|androgynous]] or [[gender neutral]] gender expression; perhaps choosing to hide, remove or blend [[gender cues]]. This is personal to each individual and is not any ''more nonbinary'' than any other way of expressing a nonbinary gender.
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*'''Nonbinary''' means any gender outside the gender binary. That is, any identity which is not solely male or female all the time. Though there are many kinds of nonbinary identities, many people use this as the only name for their gender.<ref name="2019 Gender Census" />

Some nonbinary people experience bodily dysphoria relating to certain primary or secondary [[sexual characteristics]]. The act of obscuring, removing or replacing these sexual characteristics in order to reduce gender dysphoria may result in physical androgyny without the individual having set out to specifically obtain an androgynous presentation.
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==Nonbinary expression==

Some nonbinary people may choose or need to present a 'clashing' combination of [[gender cues]] that are incongruous, challenging or shocking to those who expect others to fit the [[gender binary]]. For example, combining a beard with makeup and a padded bra. This practice of transgressively breaking the rules of gender presentation is known as ''[[Clothing|genderfuck]]'', ''genderfucking'' or sometimes ''genderpunk''.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
There is not one right way to perform a nonbinary gender. Most nonbinary people are primarily motivated to do what feels comfortable and true to themselves, rather than attempting to follow any particular gender role. Whichever way any particular nonbinary person needs or chooses to present, express, or perform their gender is as valid as any other.

===Gender neutral language===
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Nonbinary people may or may not experience [[gender dysphoria]], or may experience only bodily or social dysphoria. Some nonbinary people choose to [[transition]] by making social and physical changes that suit them better. Other nonbinary people do not make life changes that they see as part of the transition narrative. Some feel that there is no social role or body to "transition" to, and so simply focus on being themselves. Some nonbinary people choose or need to present an [[Androgyny|androgynous]] or [[gender neutral]] gender expression, and others do not. Some nonbinary people wear [[clothing]] that could be seen as [[crossdressing]], and some nonbinary people do not. Some nonbinary people prefer to be referred to using [[gender neutral language]], [[gender neutral titles|titles]], and [[pronouns]]. Other nonbinary people are comfortable with being called by gendered language.

Some nonbinary people prefer to be referred to using [[gender neutral language]] and [[pronouns]]. Some choose a [[gender neutral titles|gender neutral title]] such as Mx or Misc for formal communications. Others may opt for no title.
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All of these are completely individual choices based on what any one nonbinary person personally feels they want to, need to, or must do in order to feel more comfortable and more like themselves.

===Expanding or subverting binary gender roles and language===
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Some nonbinary people prefer to expand on or subvert what is considered socially acceptable for their [[assigned gender]]. This may involve preferring binary [[pronouns]] while [[crossdressing]], blending or mixing [[gender cues]] or otherwise subverting the expectations society places on that gender role. Some may consider this to be a political act, for others this is simply an expression of self identity or personality.
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Some nonbinary people have no preference for gender neutral language but instead have a preference against the language and pronouns associated with the gender they were [[assigned gender|assigned at birth]].
== Notable nonbinary people ==

== Notable nonbinary people ==  
[[File:Rebecca Sugar Peabody Awards.jpg|thumb|200px| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cartoonist [[Rebecca Sugar]] at the Peabody Awards in 2019.</span>  ]]

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''See main article: [[Notable nonbinary people]]''
''See main article: [[Notable nonbinary people]]''

There are many more [[notable nonbinary people|notable people who have a gender identity outside of the binary]]. The following are only some of those notable people who specifically use the word "nonbinary" for themselves.  
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
There are many more [[notable nonbinary people|notable people who have a gender identity outside of the binary]]. The following are only some of those notable people who specifically use the word "nonbinary" for themselves.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Olly Alexander|Olly Alexander]], the lead singer and songwriter for electropop band Years and Years.<ref name=alexanderout>[ Years &amp; Years: Inspiring - #PlessPlayForPride] Spotify, June 7 2016</ref>  
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Olly Alexander|Olly Alexander]], the lead singer and songwriter for electropop band Years and Years.<ref name=alexanderout>[ Years &amp; Years: Inspiring - #PlessPlayForPride] Spotify, June 7 2016</ref>  
* [[Kate Bornstein]], an influential writer on gender theory, publishing books on the subject from the 1990s to the present.<ref>Retrieved November 11, 2019.</ref>  
* [[Kate Bornstein]], an influential writer on gender theory, publishing books on the subject from the 1990s to the present.<ref>Retrieved November 11, 2019.</ref>  
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Tom Phelan|Tom Phelan]], a television actor.<ref name="phelan">[ "TOM PHELAN" in She Wired], 2014-03-02</ref>
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Amandla Stenberg|Amandla Stenberg]], a singer and actor who has won the BET Awards for YoungStar Award.<ref name=stenberg>''[ hi folks, @dazedfields and I are organizing a workshop on feminism]'',, March 2, 2016</ref><ref name=stenberg2>''[ Hunger Games actress says she 'doesn't feel like a woman all the time']'', Gay Star News, March 4, 2016</ref>  
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Amanda Stenberg|Amanda Stenberg]], a singer and actor who has won the BET Awards for YoungStar Award.<ref name=stenberg>''[ hi folks, @dazedfields and I are organizing a workshop on feminism]'',, March 2, 2016</ref><ref name=stenberg2>''[ Hunger Games actress says she 'doesn't feel like a woman all the time']'', Gay Star News, March 4, 2016</ref>  
* [[Rebecca Sugar]] (a nonbinary woman) is a writer, songwriter, and artist whose work on the cartoon series ''Adventure Time'' and ''Steven Universe'' has earned her six Primetime Emmy Award nominations.<ref></ref>
* [[Notable nonbinary people#Rebecca Sugar|Rebecca Sugar]] (a nonbinary woman) is a writer, songwriter, and artist whose work on the cartoon series ''Adventure Time'' and ''Steven Universe'' has earned her six Primetime Emmy Award nominations.<ref></ref>
* [[Sam Smith]], a renowned English singer, Grammy winner and nominee. They came out as non-binary and changed their pronouns to they/them in September of 2019.
* [[Demi Lovato]], an American singer, songwriter, and actor, came out as non-binary and changed their pronouns to they/them in May of 2021.<ref></ref>

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== Nonbinary characters in fiction ==
== Nonbinary characters in fiction ==

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''See main article: [[Nonbinary gender in fiction#Nonbinary genders in fiction|Nonbinary gender in fiction]]''
''See main article: [[Nonbinary gender in fiction#Nonbinary genders in fiction|Nonbinary gender in fiction]]''

There are many more [[Nonbinary gender in fiction#Nonbinary genders in fiction|nonbinary characters in fiction who have a gender identity outside of the binary]]. The following are only some of those characters who are specifically called by the word "nonbinary," either in their canon, or by their creators.
== Uso de la palabra ''enby'' ==

''Please expand this section, giving quotes that show that the characters are specifically called by the word "nonbinary."''
[[File:Gender_census_enby_usage.png|thumb|Tabla mostrando los porcentajes de participantes según su palabra favorita (en inglés).<ref name="GC20-enby"/>]]

==See also==
La palabra ''enby'' (en plural ''enbies'', de la pronunciació inglesa de las letras ''N'' y ''B'') es una palabra inglesa alternativa que puede usarse para referirse a una persona no-binaria. Parece que fue acuñada por el usuario de Tumblr revolutionator en 2013 como equivalente de ''chico'' y ''chica''.<ref>[ @cassolotl] en Tumblr (septiembre 2013)</ref><ref>[ argentconflagration] en Tumblr (noviembre 2013)</ref> Como tal, muchas personas no lo entienden como un equivalente total de ''no-binario'' y a menudo se usa para referirse a personas no-binarias jóvenes. El Gender Census de 2020 muestra que las personas mayores usan menos esta palabra para referirse a ellas mismas.<ref name="GC20-enby">{{Cite web|url=|title=On “enby” and age|last1=Cassolotl|first1=|date=15 June 2020|website=Gender Census|access-date=15 June 2020}}</ref>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
*[[Gender-variant identities worldwide]]  
*[[Gender-variant identities worldwide]]  
*[[Gender designation in different cultures]]  
*[[Gender designation in different cultures]]  
*[[Gender neutral language]]
*[[Gender neutral language]]
*[[Glossary of English gender and sex terminology]]
*[[Glossary of English gender and sex terminology]]

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[[Category:Nonbinary identities]]
[[Category:Nonbinary identities]]
