Charities and groups that benefit gender variant people

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Charities and groups that benefit gender variant people include charitable organizations, non-profits, not-for-profits, and activist for-profit groups that focus on improving conditions for gender variant people. In particular, this page lists groups that focus on helping people who have nonbinary identities. The groups may do this by changing identity paperwork laws to allow it a nonbinary legal gender, raising awareness of the existence of nonbinary gender, and defending nonbinary people who have been victims of violence and discrimination. This page also will list groups that have a broader focus on helping transgender people of all kinds, and also of related issues for intersex people. Most of these groups accept donations and/or volunteers.

For now, this page will list groups by name, in alphabetical order. Unless otherwise cited, quotations come from the "about" web-pages of the groups in question.


Name of group, linked to its official web-site.

  • Kind of group:
  • Location:
  • Mission/description:
  • Projects:
  • Nonbinary focus:

List of groups

Breaking the Binary

Breaking the Binary.

  • Kind of group: Not-for-profit Project.
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "Creating a Safe Space for Non-Binary People of All Identities."
  • Projects: weekly meetups offering an opportunity to seek support and socialise with other non-binary people, monthly social groups.
  • Nonbinary focus: High. This group has nonbinary identity as its focus.

Center of Excellence for Transgender Health

Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: USA.
  • Mission/description: "The mission of the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health is to increase access to comprehensive, effective, and affirming health care services for trans communities."
  • Projects: ?
  • Nonbinary focus: Low? This group is for transgender people of all kinds, not strictly nonbinary people.

Gendered Intelligence

Gendered Intelligence.

  • Kind of group: Not-for-profit Community Interest Company.
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "Our mission is to increase understandings of gender diversity through creative ways."
  • Projects: Offers youth group sessions, mentoring for trans youth, and training for professionals.
  • Nonbinary focus: Low? This group is for transgender people of all kinds, not strictly nonbinary people.

Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)

Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES).

  • Kind of group: Volunteer operated membership charity
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "GIRES' purpose is to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people, including those who are non-binary and non-gender."
  • Projects: ?
  • Nonbinary focus: Low? This group is for transgender people of all kinds, not strictly nonbinary people.

Gender Spectrum

Gender Spectrum.

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: USA.
  • Mission/description: "To help create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens."
  • Projects: "We provide consultation, training and events designed to help families, educators, professionals, and organizations understand and address the concepts of gender identity and expression. [...] We present an overview of how society currently defines gender and how these restrictive definitions can be detrimental to those who do not fit neatly into these categories. We then help you identify and remove the obstacles so all are free to be their authentic selves."
  • Nonbinary focus: Unknown; this group is for transgender people of all kinds, not strictly nonbinary people.

Genderqueer Australia

Genderqueer Australia.

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: Australia.
  • Mission/description: ?
  • Projects: "Genderqueer Australia is strictly a support organisation and does not give legal advice nor participate in political engagement or advocacy of any kind."
  • Nonbinary focus: High. This group has genderqueer identity as its main focus.

Global Action for Trans* Equality (GATE)

Global Action for Trans* Equality (GATE).

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: International.
  • Mission/description: GATE "Believes that the respect and celebration of gender diversity is an integral part of a society that is based on the fulfilment of human rights. Aims to protect the Human Rights of trans* people worldwide. Works for the empowerment and self-determination of all trans* people and aims to increase the visibility and respect of all trans* people. Opposes the continued exotisation of trans* people and the persistent pathologisation of gender variance as a mental disorder. Works to combat the violence, discrimination and unequal treatment experienced by trans* people."
  • Projects: "We have started a dialogue with the WHO, the UN and other international actors about the urgently needed reform of medical classifications of trans* identities, which is erroneously referred to as a ‘personality disorder’." The 10th version of the International Classification of Diseases is being revised for 2017, and GATE is taking action "with the goal of supporting trans* depathologization while retaining full access to transitional healthcare."
  • Nonbinary focus: Low. This group is for transgender people of all kinds. Its site doesn't prominently show any projects focusing on nonbinary people.

Intersex and Genderqueer Recognition Project (IGRP)

Intersex and Genderqueer Recognition Project (IGRP).

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: USA.
  • Mission/description: "The only legal organization in the United States addressing the right of non-binary adults to gender-self-identify on legal documents."
  • Projects: "Proposing legislative changes to the California Code to allow for a non-binary gender on CA Driver's Licenses. [...] Identifying non-binary adults who are experiencing discrimination in order to begin impact litigation."
  • Nonbinary focus: High. This group has nonbinary identity as its main focus.

Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal.

  • Kind of group: a legal organization, free of charge
  • Location: USA
  • Mission/description: "Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we do not charge our clients for legal representation or advocacy, and we receive no government funding. We depend on contributions from supporters around the country."
  • Projects:
    • Impact Litigation: "We select cases that will have the greatest impact in protecting and advancing the rights of LGBT people and those with HIV."
    • Education: "We lead high-impact public education campaigns to help people exercise the rights they have and to build public support for equality."
    • Public Policy: "We advocate for the public policy at the local, state and federal levels to improve the lives of LGBT people, people affected by HIV, and their families and allies."
  • Nonbinary focus: Low? Their focus is not on nonbinary people, but they can and have represented nonbinary people, such as Dana Zzyym, who is both nonbinary and intersex, where they fought to have their gender identity recognized on their passport.



  • Kind of group: Registered Charity No. 1073991.
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "Mermaids is a support group originally formed in 1995 by a group of parents who were brought together as a result of their children's longstanding Gender Identity Issues."
  • Projects: Volunteers run mailing lists for transgender youth, their families, and their professional caregivers. They have also spoken at venues and offered training.
  • Nonbinary focus: Low. This group is for transgender people of all kinds. Its site doesn't prominently show any projects focusing on nonbinary people.

National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)

National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE).

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: USA.
  • Mission/description: "The National Center for Transgender Equality is a national social justice organization devoted to ending discrimination and violence against transgender people through education and advocacy on national issues of importance to transgender people. By empowering transgender people and our allies to educate and influence policymakers and others, NCTE facilitates a strong and clear voice for transgender equality in our nation's capital and around the country."
  • Projects: ?
  • Nonbinary focus: Low. This group is for transgender people of all kinds. Its site doesn't prominently show any projects focusing on nonbinary people.

Non-Binary Union Los Angeles (NBULA)

Non-Binary Union Los Angeles (NBULA).

  • Kind of group: union
  • Location: Los Angeles, USA
  • Mission/description: "NBULA aims to support, advance, and uplift non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming people in the greater Los Angeles area. Our mission is to create opportunities for social connection, advocate for the needs of our communities, and build power with other non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming people."
  • Projects: They have numerous and varied ongoing projects, from fun events hosted for non-binary people to advocating for the rights of non-binary people.
  • Nonbinary focus: High. Is made up of, and is dedicated to non-binary people.

Press for Change (PFC)

Press for Change (PFC).

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "Press for Change has been a key lobbying and legal support organisation for Trans people in the UK. since it's formation in 1992. Seeking respect and equality for ALL trans people in the UK, through case law, legislation, and social change, it reaches thousands of transgender (trans) people in the UK. It is primarily a voluntary organisation."
  • Projects: ?
  • Nonbinary focus:

Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP)

Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP).

  • Kind of group: ?
  • Location: USA.
  • Mission/description: It "works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence. SRLP is a collective organization founded on the understanding that gender self-determination is inextricably intertwined with racial, social and economic justice. Therefore, we seek to increase the political voice and visibility of low-income people and people of color who are transgender, intersex, or gender non-conforming. SRLP works to improve access to respectful and affirming social, health, and legal services for our communities. We believe that in order to create meaningful political participation and leadership, we must have access to basic means of survival and safety from violence."
  • Projects: ?
  • Nonbinary focus: ?



  • Location: USA

Transgender Europe

Transgender Europe

  • Location: Sweden

Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center

  • Location: USA

Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund

Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund

  • Location: USA

UK Trans Info

UK Trans Info.

  • Kind of group:
  • Location: UK.
  • Mission/description: "A national charity focused on improving the lives of trans and non-binary people in the UK."
  • Projects: "We run a new web hosting service specifically for trans and non-binary groups, organisations and charities. This service is either free or very low cost." "In the run up to the 2015 General Election, we asked all Candidates to make our Non-binary Pledge. The campaign was a huge success, and over 20% of candidates made our pledge."
  • Nonbinary focus: Medium. This group is for transgender people of all kinds. It has taken actions that specifically help nonbinary people.

Trans Unite

Trans Unite

  • Location: UK.
  • Description: "A comprehensive resource for people in the UK searching for support in the transgender community."
  • Nonbinary focus: Low. This group is for transgender people of all kinds.

World Professional Organization for Transgender Health

World Professional Organization for Transgender Health

  • Location: Global.

See also

External links