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From Nonbinary Wiki
Welcome to the Nonbinary wiki

The wiki dedicated to nonbinary gender identities

Nonbinary wiki was created on the 1st of February 2017, after the original Wiki went down. Luckily, the Wayback Machine had a copy of it. Our goal is to build a new wiki with the best of the old as well as new and improved content.

Currently, 2 users are working on 954 articles here.


Nonbinary is a term that refers to people whose gender is not completely and exclusively male or female. They can identify with not having gender at all, with both binary genders, with a third identity, or an identity which can change over time. Nonbinary people fall under the transgender umbrella term, and nonbinary is an umbrella term itself, although some people use it to describe their specific gender identity too.

Click on the blue words above or explore the wiki to learn more about nonbinary identities!

Get involved!

This site is a wiki, meaning that anybody (including you) can make a contribution to it. You don't even need to create an account, although it's strongly recommended. These are some things you can do to contribute:

  • Edit an existing article. Search any page and improve its content! You can also expand a stub.
  • Go to the list of wanted pages and create one of them!
  • Help to add information to pages which need it!
  • Spread the word. If you know somebody who is nonbinary or questioning their gender, tell them about this wiki. If you don't know anybody like this, tell them anyway!
Featured article: Clothes

People use clothes as a way of talk without words, to tell others what kind of person they are. However, because gender identity is different than gender expression, a person's gender identity may or may not correlate with how they wear their hair or clothes. For example, if someone likes to wear clothes from the women's wear department, or feminine accessories, that doesn't necessarily mean that they identify as a woman. There is no set style or guidelines for nonbinary presentation due to the diversity of identities encompassed within these terms. Clothing links and descriptions may be identity-specific as well as subject to variation by the individual. For example, a person identifying as an androgyne may not necessarily wish to present as androgynous. Some nonbinary people like clothes that don't give any female or male markers (gender-neutral fashion). Other nonbinary people like clothes that mix female and male markers (mixed-gender fashion). Yet other nonbinary people wear clothes that are very similar to either conventional women's wear or conventional men's wear.

Our friends
a wiki about nonbinary gender identities written in the German language.
Go check it out!
Mspec Wiki
the wiki about multi-attraction spectrum identities.
Mspec wiki logo.png
Go check them out!
Gender Census
the annual survey of humans worldwide whose genders or lack thereof are not fully described by the gender binary.
Gender census logo.png
Go check them out!