Heather McComber

Revision as of 15:12, 21 October 2021 by (talk) (added character from youtube slenderman series)
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Heather McComber is a character from the Youtube found footage horror series DarkHarvest00. Heather is the granddaughter of the man who previously lived in Chris's house, known as Kin von der Ritter and eventually revealed to be Mark McComber. She knows very little about the secret society her father and grandfather were a part of, but is aware that it caused tension between the two. She becomes emotional when talking about them and tries not to.[1] She was in possession of documents concerning the Princeton Experiment, a government-funded attempt at recreating the ancient Egyptian rite of Gorr'Rylaehotep.[2]

Heather Mooch, the actress who plays the character Heather McComber, has expressed her gender identity as gender-fluid or gender non-conforming.[3]

  1. "DarkHarvest00". The Slender Man Wiki. Retrieved 2021-10-21.
  2. "The Princeton Experiment". The Slender Man Wiki. Retrieved 2021-10-21.
  3. heathermooch.tumblr.com