Finance (UK)

Revision as of 09:37, 7 February 2019 by imported>Cassolotl (→‎Royal Bank of Scotland: Indent)
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This list, in alphabetical order, lists banks, building societies, and similar institutions in the UK whose status on genderqueer and nonbinary identity acceptance is known. Edits should, where possible, link to evidence.

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Please note that Barclays and Barclaycard are separate (sister) companies and have separate systems.

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Unknown.
  • Do they allow no title? Yes.
  • Evidence: None yet.

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Barclays Bank

Please note that Barclays and Barclaycard are separate (sister) companies and have separate systems.

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Yes, in some ways via manual override.
  • Do they allow no title? Yes.
  • Evidence:
    • (No title) Blogged comment that a card from Barclays has no title on it, April 2013.
    • contributor spoke with an individual in-branch and updated their name and title. Barclays system cannot accept Mx as a title, however, a gendered title can be selected and then overridden; the new title can be printed on all documentation and chequebooks manually. Barclays are working on accepting Mx as a title officially.

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Coop Bank

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Mx (partially)
  • Notes:
    • Their online sign up for new customers allows Mx, but several reports of both new customers using the sign up and existing customers changing titles only to be told they can't actually process the Mx title on their system.
    • "It may interest you to know I've had trouble with the Co-op bank using Mx consistently / They put it on my statements and cards but call me "miss" when I phone and on Internet banking. I've asked them to / change it several times but they won't." Tweets, May 2015: 1, 2, 3
    • Phone conversation June 2015 clarified that they can put Mx on cards but it is not one of the permitted titles for customer details, so statements and other correspondence still bear a gendered title.
  • Do they allow no title? No.

Coventry Building Society

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? No.
  • Do they allow no title? No.
  • Evidence:
    • Telephone conversation in September 2012, they dealt with it well and were open to change.

Derbyshire Building Society

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Yes (but not through their online service).
  • Do they allow no title? Unknown.
  • Evidence:
    • Pre-filled application form sent out with the title Mx.

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  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? No
  • Do they allow no title? Yes, on debit cards only
  • Evidence:
    • In branch conversation. I was offered a choice of titles from the gender they perceived me to be. I do not however hold a cash card or cheque book there so I cannot comment if they offer no-title or neutral titles on those items. I continue to receive mis-titled letters from them, even after a series of complaints.
  • Notes:
    • April 2011: Halifax have publicly stated they can offer gender-neutral options, Screenshot from Twitter.
    • Feb 2015: Halifax will remove title from cards only, but account will still have gendered title. Mx and other inclusive titles unavailable. Source.

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  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Yes (online banking and bank cards only).
  • Do they allow no title? Unknown.
  • Evidence:
    • Evidence could not be recovered.

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ING Direct

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? No
  • Do they allow no title? No
  • Evidence:
    • Probably best avoided, on attempting to open a bank account over the phone (December 2012) they responded "But Alice is a girl's name, and you sound like a boy, so you're obviously trying to commit fraud"

Lloyds TSB

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Yes (on cards and written correspondence, but not on electronic records or internet banking).
  • Do they allow no title? Yes (on cards and written correspondence, but not on electronic records or internet banking).
  • Evidence:
  • In branch conversation and subsequent Financial Ombudsman case. They were unhelpful and whilst I was eventually issued with a card and chequebook in the correct title, for my main electronic record I was only allowed a very limited choice of titles from the gender they perceived me to be and internet banking and letters were still addressed to the incorrect title.
  • Notes:
  • Reddit post from a trans person saying that Lloyds require deed poll documents to be signed by a solicitor, which is both unnecessary and costly. (Sept 2014)

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Nationwide Building Society

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Norwich and Peterborough Building Society

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? No.
  • Do they allow no title? No.
  • Evidence:
    • Telephone conversation, September 2012.


  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Partially; Mx.
  • Do they allow no title? Unknown.
  • Evidence:
    • Letter from NS&I addressed with gender-neutral pronoun "explaining" that they are unable to record it but will use it (could not be recovered).

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Royal Bank of Scotland

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Yes; Mx (though not on initial application).
  • Do they allow no title? Yes (chequebooks and cards only).
  • Evidence:
  • Notes: RBS do not allow 'Mx' on initial application, however as an existing customer I was able to apply as 'Mx' for a savings account online by clicking to change details at the bottom of the form.

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  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Partially; Mx.
  • Do they allow no title? Unknown (assume no).
  • Evidence:
    • Letter from Triodos addressed with gender-neutral pronoun. (lost)
    • Letter stating they can use gender neutral title on correspondence only. (lost)

Virgin Atlantic (credit card)

  • Do they allow any gender neutral titles? Unknown; not on online signup.
  • Do they allow no title? Unknown.

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