List of uncommon nonbinary identities: Difference between revisions

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* '''[ Gallus] (pl. Galli, also Gallae)'''. In ancient Rome (c. 204 BCE), many of the ancient priest(esse)s of the goddess Cybele were Gallae, voluntary eunuchs who were analogous to either [[transgender women]], or to a nonbinary gender role. The tradition has been revived today: some worshipers of Cybele-- and some trans and nonbinary individuals-- call themselves Gallae. One of their temples is [ in New York]. '''Why this is considered poorly-attested: Need demographics. Need evidence that this is nonbinary, rather than another gender role.'''
* '''[ Gallus] (pl. Galli, also Gallae)'''. In ancient Rome (c. 204 BCE), many of the ancient priest(esse)s of the goddess Cybele were Gallae, voluntary eunuchs who were analogous to either [[transgender women]], or to a nonbinary gender role. The tradition has been revived today: some worshipers of Cybele-- and some trans and nonbinary individuals-- call themselves Gallae. One of their temples is [ in New York]. '''Why this is considered poorly-attested: Need demographics. Need evidence that this is nonbinary, rather than another gender role.'''
* '''gemelgender.''' Coined in 2014, from "Old French - related to 'twin', 'two connected', 'one made to be two'. Having two genders which are equally primary or having a fluid gender which was once one but is currently two, split, separated, or twain." <ref></ref> Similar: bigender. Keywords: genderfluid.
* '''gemigender.''' Coined by genderarchive in 2014. "A gender derived from the zodiac sign gemini. feeling that you identify with multiple genders that are opposite to each other but yet work in flux with each other." <ref></ref> Keywords: genderfluid.
* '''gendercluster.''' coined by: aetherkinbirb "a gender that is a cluster of multiple sub genders which may overlap sometimes" <ref></ref>.
* '''gender-blank'''. Having no gender.<ref>[]</ref><ref></ref>. Syn. agender.
* '''genderblur.''' Coined by sleepylehane in 2014. "Where your gender changes constantly but fades away into something else rather than making a hard or abrupt transition. (ex. feeling like a boy, then slowly feeling more stargender than boy, then feeling only stargender, etc.)." <ref></ref> Syn. genderfade. Keywords: genderfluid.
* '''genderdormant.''' Coined by someheckingnerd in 2014. "A gender which is inaccessible for stretches of time, then rises to the surface with varying levels of intensity." <ref></ref> Keywords: genderfluid, genderflux.
* '''genderfae.''' Coined by anonymous in 2014. "An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine." <ref></ref> Similar: femmefluid, antigender. Keywords: feminine, neutral.
* '''genderfae.''' Coined by anonymous in 2014. "An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine." <ref></ref> Similar: femmefluid, antigender. Keywords: feminine, neutral.
* '''genderflora.''' Coined by softsaionji in 2014. "A gender that blooms and evolves based on weather and atmosphere; similar to genderfluid but more plant-like."<ref></ref>
* '''gender-free, or genderfree'''. Having no gender identity.<ref>Cottle, "By the end of this post, 'gender' may not look like a real word anymore." []</ref> Syn. [[agender]].
* '''genderfuzz.''' Coined by lolzmelmel in 2014. "having multiple genders that are fuzzy and blurred together, making it impossible to identify each one individually or separate one from the rest. alternative names: blurgender (not to be confused with genderblur)"<ref></ref>
* '''genderglitch.''' Coined by queercodedkid in 2014. "Genderglitch is similar to genderfluidity, however while genderfluidity is normally described as your genders changing smoothly, genderglitch is more sudden and confusing. note: created by a techkin [technology otherkin] with kin [otherkin] in mind, but available to use by nonkin [people who don't identify as otherkin]." <ref></ref> Keywords: otherkin, technology. Not to be confused with glitchgender.
*'''gendergoliath'''. Coined by omegaleveltelepathsdoitbetter. "Gender is almost larger than life, like it’s spilling out of your body. It takes up a lot of space and is just awe inspiring."<ref></ref> Keywords: size, shape, space
* '''[[genderliminal]]'''.  Coined on August 16th, 2018 by tumblr user genderless-gibberish. It's a gender on the edge of existing and not existing (between gender and agender), or one that dances between the two.
* '''gendermeh.''' Coined by branacle in 2014 as "where youre kinda cool w being called any gender, like whatever. you might not be that gender, you might not know your gender, but meh."<ref></ref>
* '''gender-null.''' Having no gender identity. Syn. [[agender]].
*'''genderopaque'''. Coined by curiosityismysin. "A gender experience that is neither transparent or translucent."<ref></ref> Keywords: shape, synaesthesia, texture
* '''genderpotion.''' Coined by autisticfluttershy in 2014. "a gender that is the result of a mix of many other, different genders."<ref></ref> Keywords: multigender.
*'''gendersea'''. Coined by anonymous. "Like gendervoid [see below], but related to the ocean. your gender is a vast sea of caverns and depths yet to be discovered. free for all to use but made with otherkin related to the ocean or sea creatures in mind."<ref></ref> Keywords: animals, elements, nature, water
* '''gender shuffler.''' Coined by muddiewaters in 2014. "mixing and matching two or more genders. Can also change the number of genders at one time." <ref></ref>
* '''genderspiral.''' Coined by anonymous. "a gender that seems to spiral downward into more genders when you try to figure it out." Syn. genderswirl, genderfractal <ref></ref>
* '''genderwhat.''' 1. Coined by daedric-cisphobe in 2014. "A gender characterized by both confusion and apathy with regards to either a fluid or stable gender identity."<ref> Retrieved 2014.</ref> 2. Being unable to understand the concept of gender or of having a gender due to neurodivergence.
* '''glitchgender'''. Coined by wrinkledough in 2014. "You may or may not have a gender, but either way it’s glitched and confusing. note: ideal for glitchkin/techkin/etc but nonkin can use it too!" Not to be confused with genderglitch.<ref></ref> Keywords: [[genderless]], monogender, technology, questioning
* '''gyaragender'''. Coined by bigender-why-gender in 2014. "having multiple genders but not understanding any of them. Gyaragirl/Gyarafeminine - having multiple genders with feminine qualities that you don’t understand. Gyaraboy/Gyaramasculine - having multiple genders with masculine qualities that you don’t understand."<ref></ref>

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