List of uncommon nonbinary identities: Difference between revisions

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* '''boggender or swampgender:''' A gender that feels like, or can be compared to a bog, swamp, marsh or similar.<ref></ref> (Coined by anonymous).
* '''boggender or swampgender:''' A gender that feels like, or can be compared to a bog, swamp, marsh or similar.<ref></ref> (Coined by anonymous).
* '''bordergender or borderfluid''' (coined by izayaorihahaha<ref></ref>) is defined as a fluctuating gender experienced exclusively by people with BPD. A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on ones identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity. Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender we keep questioning because we keep second guessing our sense of selves and, consequentially, our sense of gender. A type of neurogender.
* '''bordergender or borderfluid''' (coined by izayaorihahaha<ref></ref>) is defined as a fluctuating gender experienced exclusively by people with BPD. A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on ones identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity. Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender we keep questioning because we keep second guessing our sense of selves and, consequentially, our sense of gender. A type of neurogender.
* '''bookgender''' (coined by Book in 2016.) The feeling of being completely lost in the real world and the only way you can fond a sense of happiness by reading books to the point where you strongly identify as a book because that is the only place they feel comfortable. Being lost in the atmosphere of books traps them in a fantasy where they feel complete. Pronouns may vary depending on the person and how masculine or feminine they feel about the book choices they are reading.   
* '''bookgender''' (coined by Book in 2016.) The feeling of being completely lost in the real world and the only way you can find a sense of happiness by reading books to the point where you strongly identify as a book because that is the only place they feel comfortable. Being lost in the atmosphere of books traps them in a fantasy where they feel complete. Pronouns may vary depending on the person and how masculine or feminine they feel about the book choices they are reading.   
* '''brevigender.''' Coined by curiosityismysin. "A gender experience that is brief or short."<ref></ref>
* '''brevigender.''' Coined by curiosityismysin. "A gender experience that is brief or short."<ref></ref>

Anonymous user