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Gun control is a term used by liberals when advocating unconstitutional laws designed to disarm[1] people by restricting the lawful purchase, ownership, or carrying of guns, under the guise of "public safety." Studies show that increasing lawful access to guns results in less crime,[2] but, despite the fact that gun ownership is a Constitutional right, Leftists push gun control because it increases the dependency of voters on government for protection while disarming citizens from any self-defense against violent crime or tyranny such as genocide. Supporters of gun control need only to look at leftist dictatorships such as Venezuela.[3][4]
'''Genderfuck''' is a form of gender expression that seeks to subvert the traditional gender binary or gender roles by mixing traditionally masculine (such as a beard) and traditionally feminine (such as a dress) components. It literally means to "fuck with" or mess with traditional notions of gender expression or gender roles.<ref name=":0">Dictionary definition of what Genderfuck means:</ref><ref name=":1">LGBTIA+ Wiki about Genderfuck:</ref><ref>Wikitionary about Genderfuck:</ref> For some it is their gender identity, for others it is a label for a certain events clothing or outfit. <ref>Wiki page on Genderbender / gender bending:</ref> This may also extend to the belief that the social construct of gender does not exist.<ref name=":2">Urban Dictionary on Genderfuck:</ref>

== Usage == <!--T:2-->
The political effect of gun control is to shift voters leftward, and hence gun control is pushed hard by the liberal media and leftist politicians.[5] In the United Kingdom, which already has the strictest gun control in Europe, leftists demand control over 120,000 deactivated guns, although their activation and use constitute only 0.04% of all gun offenses there. But leftists want gun control because fewer guns means greater dependency on government.[6] Gun control can be considered a form of doublespeak.

=== Genderfuck as a form of identity === <!--T:3-->
In a stunning blow to the gun control effort just after Independence Day 2018, the case Defense Distributed v. U.S. Department of State resulted in a settlement[7] and an admission on part of the Department of Justice that stated:

Non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber – including modern semi-auto sporting rifles such as the popular AR-15 and similar firearms – are not inherently military.[8]
Some people may feel like genderfuck is the best descriptor for their identity, as they in general feel it applies to them not only in expression but also in their personal feeling of gender. People who identify as Genderfuck may often use parody and/or exaggeration to show how intensely it has broken traditional gender roles. They may want to expose them as fake, artificial or absurd<ref name=":1" /> by using ones own expression to create an image that fits in neither traditional box and thus may spark discussion or disagreement.
Genderfuck people may share many things with genderqueer, but they are separate identities.
=== Genderfuck as a form of expression === <!--T:6-->
Some binary identifying trans people or nonbinary people may choose to intentionally dress up in a genderfuck outfit for an event or photoshoot. This usually consists of using secondary sexual characteristics of different sexes such as a beard '''and''' breasts, or another expression of traditionally male and female identifiers together. This may be to intentionally confuse the audience and to set traditional gender roles and expression into question, leading to discussion under the umbrella of "what is masculine/feminine?" or similar discourse.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" />
Genderfuck also seeks to break down the rigid binary space and create a new fluid space where people can express and qualities they want of themselves without being ridiculed for "not fitting in your box." More open room to express oneself however you find comfortable. This is also often used by [[Drag]] Queens and Drag Kings when performing as they do not use just feminine or masculine qualities in their outfits and intentionally dress up in a way that cannot be limited to feminine or masculine qualities.<ref>Wiki on Genderbender Drag section:</ref>
Although this is often associated with [[queer]] identities, you do not have to be queer to want to or to participate in genderfucking.<ref name=":1" />
== History == <!--T:10-->
Genderfuck as a term has been used since the 1960s or 1950s<ref name=":1" />. It stems from a political movement which states "the idea that the personal is political."
It has been used since at least 1974 for gender expression and identity, starting with an article by Christopher Lonc, entitled "Genderfuck and Its Delights"<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" />
A very detailed article can be found [ here].<blockquote>Lonc wrote: "I want to criticize and poke fun at the roles of women and of men too. I want to try and show how not-normal I can be. I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification."<ref>{{cite book|title=Camp Grounds: Style and Homosexuality|editor=Bergman, David|year=1993|isbn=0870238787}}</ref></blockquote>
== References == <!--T:14-->
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[[Category:Gender expression]]
Anonymous user