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Transyada is an online community and discussion forum for users interested in "messing around with gender" which became active in 2010.   
Transyada is an online community and discussion forum for users interested in "messing around with gender" which became active in 2010.   

== Origins ==
== TransWhatevers of AVEN ==
The forum was a spinoff of the "TransWhatevers of AVEN" thread, hosted on the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network forum. User Teagan KGB created the thread for trans people who desired an alternative to previously existing threads for trans men and trans women.<ref>Teagan KGB. "TransWhatevers of AVEN". The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network. July 21 2010. <nowiki></nowiki></ref>  
The forum was a spinoff of the "TransWhatevers of AVEN" thread, hosted on the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network forum. User Teagan KGB created the thread for trans people who desired an alternative to previously existing threads for trans men and trans women.<ref>Teagan KGB. "TransWhatevers of AVEN". The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network. July 21 2010. <nowiki></nowiki></ref>  

=== Origin of "Demiguy" ===
In this thread, user Bad Patient coined the term "[[Demigender|demiguy]]", modeled on "demiromantic". He wroteː<blockquote>I've been thinking. (It's a thing I do. Pretty much all I do, really.) Last night I was lying in bed and thinking about the kind of stuff everyone else thinks about before they fall asleep: my weird sexual and gender identity. At one point I remembered my fondness of the term "demiromantic" and, chuckling, I said to myself that I can any word relate to me if I just stick a "demi-" in front of it. And then I realised that it might actually help me find a word for my gender identity. I've felt for some time that I may have too much of the masculine element in me to call myself [[agender]] and feel good about it — so maybe it would be a nice idea to call myself a demiguy. Demidude. Demibloke. Just not demiman, tyvm, because I only accept being called a man when you're talking about my body and not mind, and even then I prefer adjectives like "masculine" or "male" to that dreaded noun. Now, I'm not being entirely serious here, as I'm not going to go around calling myself a demibloke and I don't think I'll ever find a term that fully describes me anyway — and if I do, my identity will probably change just to spite me — but I kind of like those words and feel that they may actually describe me quite well. I'm not sure. But then again, I'm never sure of anything related to myself.
Bad Patient the Demiyada
PS The elitist douche in me likes describing himself with terms that are likely used by no-one else.<ref>Bad Patient. "TransWhatevers of AVEN". August 12 2010.</ref></blockquote>
=== Origin of "Yada" ===
The term "yada" originated on the first page of this thread in an exchange between users Pugnacioun, Percy McKean and P is For...<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name=":0">"Transyada." Yada Wiki. Archived from the original. <nowiki></nowiki></ref> The Yada Wiki describes yadas as "...originally brought together under the pretense of... slip[ping] between the cracks of the binary, identifying as something neither wholly male nor wholly female - perhaps both, perhaps neither, perhaps either on alternating days or one only when it rains, but certainly not how they were born."<ref name=":0" /> Definitions of "transyada", a related term, also appear in an AVEN thread from November 2010.<ref>"What's a transyada?". </ref>  
The term "yada" originated on the first page of this thread in an exchange between users Pugnacioun, Percy McKean and P is For...<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref name=":0">"Transyada." Yada Wiki. Archived from the original. <nowiki></nowiki></ref> The Yada Wiki describes yadas as "...originally brought together under the pretense of... slip[ping] between the cracks of the binary, identifying as something neither wholly male nor wholly female - perhaps both, perhaps neither, perhaps either on alternating days or one only when it rains, but certainly not how they were born."<ref name=":0" /> Definitions of "transyada", a related term, also appear in an AVEN thread from November 2010.<ref>"What's a transyada?". </ref>  

