Gender neutral language in Swedish: Difference between revisions

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==<translate><!--T:157--> Common nouns</translate>==
==<translate><!--T:157--> Common nouns</translate>==
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!Type of common noun
!<translate><!--T:158--> Type of common noun </translate>
! Gender inclusive
!<translate><!--T:159--> Gender inclusive </translate>
!<translate><!--T:160--> Feminine </translate>
!<translate><!--T:161--> Masculine </translate>
!<translate><!--T:162--> Nonbinary/*Intersex </translate>
| Young person
|<translate><!--T:163--> Young person </translate>
|Barn, bebis, unge, tonåring, ungdom
|<translate><!--T:164--> Barn, bebis, unge, tonåring, ungdom </translate>
|Flicka, tjej, jänta, tös
|<translate><!--T:165--> Flicka, tjej, jänta, tös </translate>
| Pojke, kille, grabb, gosse
|<translate><!--T:166--> Pojke, kille, grabb, gosse </translate>
|<translate><!--T:167--> Enby </translate>
|Adult person
|<translate><!--T:168--> Adult person </translate>
| Vuxen
|<translate><!--T:169--> Vuxen </translate>
|Kvinna, tjej, dam, brud
|<translate><!--T:170--> Kvinna, tjej, dam, brud </translate>
|Man, kille, karl, herre, snubbe
|<translate><!--T:171--> Man, kille, karl, herre, snubbe </translate>
|Enby, enban
|<translate><!--T:172--> Enby, enban </translate>
|Old person
|<translate><!--T:173--> Old person </translate>
|Gamling, senior, äldre, pensionär
|<translate><!--T:174--> Gamling, senior, äldre, pensionär </translate>
|Gumma, tant
|<translate><!--T:175--> Gumma, tant </translate>
|Gubbe, farbror
|<translate><!--T:176--> Gubbe, farbror </translate>
|Enby, enban
|<translate><!--T:177--> Enby, enban </translate>
|Person of any age
|<translate><!--T:178--> Person of any age </translate>
|Människa, individ, person, någon
|<translate><!--T:179--> Människa, individ, person, någon </translate>
|Kvinna, kvinnlig person
|<translate><!--T:180--> Kvinna, kvinnlig person </translate>
|Man, manlig person
|<translate><!--T:181--> Man, manlig person </translate>
|Icke-binär person, intersexperson, enby, enban
|<translate><!--T:182--> Icke-binär person, intersexperson, enby, enban </translate>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The words "enby" and "enban" were made for nonbinary people specifically, but could be used by nonbinary intersex people who identify with it. They can also be used by parents for their intersex children as to recognize them being intersex (them not being binary) and as to not force them to be a "girl" or a "boy", while also giving them nouns to use for themselves the same way girls and boys get to.
<translate><!--T:183--> <nowiki>*</nowiki>The words "enby" and "enban" were made for nonbinary people specifically, but could be used by nonbinary intersex people who identify with it. They can also be used by parents for their intersex children as to recognize them being intersex (them not being binary) and as to not force them to be a "girl" or a "boy", while also giving them nouns to use for themselves the same way girls and boys get to.</translate>

'''Note 1:''' "Enby", and by extension "enban", stem from the abbreviation of nonbinary – "NB" (/en-bee/). Enby is the nonbinary equivalent of the words "girl" and "boy", and enban is the nonbinary equivalent of the words "woman" and "man". Many nonbinary adults do however call themselves "enbies".
<translate><!--T:184--> '''Note 1:''' "Enby", and by extension "enban", stem from the abbreviation of nonbinary – "NB" (/en-bee/). Enby is the nonbinary equivalent of the words "girl" and "boy", and enban is the nonbinary equivalent of the words "woman" and "man". Many nonbinary adults do however call themselves "enbies".</translate>

'''Note 2:''' "Enby" and "enban" are not standardized words in Swedish, but are mere loanwords from English to fill the gap of nonbinary inclusive language.
<translate><!--T:185--> '''Note 2:''' "Enby" and "enban" are not standardized words in Swedish, but are mere loanwords from English to fill the gap of nonbinary inclusive language.</translate>

'''Note 3:''' Some nonbinary people dislike "enby" and feel it is infantilizing.
<translate><!--T:186--> '''Note 3:''' Some nonbinary people dislike "enby" and feel it is infantilizing.</translate>

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