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    From Nonbinary Wiki

    This is the documentation page for Module:Icon

    Wikipedia logo This module uses material from the Wikipedia module Module:Icon/doc, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (view authors).

    This module displays an icon depending on the code it is given. It implements Template:Icon.

    Usage[edit source]

    From wikitext[edit source]

    From wikitext this module should be used via Template:Icon. Please see the template page for documentation.

    From Lua[edit source]

    To use this module from another Lua module, first load it:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mIcon = require('Module:Icon') </syntaxhighlight>

    Then you can make icons with the _main function.

    <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mIcon._main(args) </syntaxhighlight>

    The args variable is a table of arguments. This corresponds to the parameters accepted by Template:Icon - please see the template page for parameter documentation.

    Data[edit source]

    The icon data is stored at Module:Icon/data. See the instructions there for how to add and remove icons.

    == Usage ==

    === From wikitext ===

    From wikitext this module should be used via [[Template:Icon]]. Please see the template page for documentation.

    === From Lua ===

    To use this module from another Lua module, first load it:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">

    local mIcon = require('Module:Icon')


    Then you can make icons with the _main function.

    <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">



    The <var>args</var> variable is a table of arguments. This corresponds to the parameters accepted by [[Template:Icon]] - please see the template page for parameter documentation.