Nonbinary/zh-tw: Difference between revisions

Created page with "非二元性別並沒有單一的或所謂「正確」的表達方式。大部分的非二元性別者只是想要感到自在、對自己誠實,而不是追求會跟隨特..."
(Created page with "非二元性別表達與氣質")
(Created page with "非二元性別並沒有單一的或所謂「正確」的表達方式。大部分的非二元性別者只是想要感到自在、對自己誠實,而不是追求會跟隨特...")
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There is no single or 'correct' way to perform a nonbinary gender. Most nonbinary people are primarily motivated by the desire to be comfortable and true to themselves rather than attempting to follow any particular gender role. Nonbinary people may or may not experience [[gender dysphoria]] or may experience only bodily or social dysphoria. Nonbinary is a wide umbrella term covering a large number of gender identities and expressions. Whichever way any particular nonbinary person needs or chooses to present, express or perform their gender is as valid as any other.
非二元性別並沒有單一的或所謂「正確」的表達方式。大部分的非二元性別者只是想要感到自在、對自己誠實,而不是追求會跟隨特定的性別角色。非二元者可能會有性別不安(gender dysphoria),也可能不會有,或是可能只經歷到身體的性別不安、或社會的性別不安的其中一種。非二元是一個很大的傘狀詞,下面有非常多不同的性別認同與性別氣質。不管非二元者選擇用什麼方式表現自己,展現氣質,展演自己的性別,都是應該受到尊崇的。

Not all nonbinary people experience gender dysphoria or follow the '[[transition]]' narrative. Some feel that there is no social role or body to 'transition' to and so simply focus on being themselves.
Not all nonbinary people experience gender dysphoria or follow the '[[transition]]' narrative. Some feel that there is no social role or body to 'transition' to and so simply focus on being themselves.
Anonymous user