
Revision as of 11:33, 4 August 2017 by Ondo (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported: import from nonbinary.wiki)
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Epicene is an adjective (sometimes substantive) that indicates a lack of gender distinction. The Order of the Epicene website includes a definition of epicene that they credit to the Oxford English Dictionary; 'that which exhibits characteristics of both genders, yet is neither'. In linguistics, the adjective "epicene" is used to describe a word that has only one form for both male and female referents. Epicene may also be a non-binary gender identity.

See also

External links

  This page, licensed as CC-BY-SA 4.0, has been imported from the old nonbinary.wiki using the same or a compatible license. It is part of nonbinary.wiki's import of the original Nonbinary Wiki and is licensed under CC BY 3.0.