Glossary of Chinese gender and sex terminology

Revision as of 17:20, 19 May 2018 by Ondo (talk | contribs)

This page lists Chinese terms related to gender and sex. They are sorted according to the Pinyin transcription in alphabetical order, as well as according to the root order of both Simplified and Traditional Chinese. You can change the sort key by clicking the small arrow next to the desired column heading.

Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Pinyin transcription English translation or explanation
扮装皇后 扮裝皇后 bànzhuāng huánghòu drag queen
变性人 變性人 biànxìng rén transgender people
变性者 變性者 biànxìng zhě transgender person
不男不女的 不男不女的 bù nán bù nǚ de androgynous
不男不女的人 不男不女的人 bù nán bù nǚ de rén androgynous person
雌雄同体 雌雄同體 cíxióngtóngtǐ androgyny
雌雄间性 雌雄間性 cíxióngjiānxìng intersex, intersexuality
第三性别 第三性別 dì sān xìngbié third gender
秀者 反串秀者 fǎnchuàn xiù zhě drag
反串者 反串者 fǎnchuàn zhě transvestite
非男非女 非男非女 fēi nán fēi nǚ neither man nor woman
海吉拉 海吉拉 hǎijí lā hijra
宦官 宦官 huànguān eunuch
灰色地带 灰色地帶 huīsè dìdài gray area (can be used in reference to gender, the space between man and woman)
跨性别 跨性別 kuà xìngbié transgender
酷儿 酷兒 kù er queer
酷儿理论 酷兒理論 kù er lǐlùn queer theory
乸型 乸型 nǎxíng sissy man, effeminate man (Hong Kong; Cantonese pronunciation: naa2 jing4)
男人婆 男人婆 nánrén pó tomboy
男性特质 男性特質 nánxìng tèzhì masculinity
娘娘腔 娘娘腔 niángniang qiāng sissy
女性特质 女性特質 nǚxìng tèzhì femininity
人妖 人妖 rényāo gender-bender (literally "human monster" or "human demon", often used as a transphobic term to describe someone who is transgender, transsexual, a transvestite or a "ladyboy")
生理性别 生理性別 shēnglǐ xìngbié biological sex
双灵 雙靈 shuāng líng two-spirit
双性同体 雙性同體 shuāng xìng tóngtǐ androgyny
双性人 雙性人 shuāng xìng rén intersex person; intersexuality
A third-person pronoun which was once inclusive (its character has the compound form of 人, or "person"), but its meaning was corrupted to mean "he" after the introduction of 她 (she, with the character for female: 女) and 它 (it). They all have the same pronunciation, which makes spoken Mandarin pronouns inclusive.
性別不明 性別不明 xìngbié bùmíng gender unknown
性别操演 性別操演 xìngbié cāoyǎn gender performativity
性别光谱 性別光譜 xìngbié guāngpǔ gender spectrum
性别规范 性別規範 xìngbié guīfàn gender norms
性别焦虑症 性別焦慮症 xìngbié jiāolǜ zhèng gender dysphoria
性别角色 性別角色 xìngbié juésè gender role
性别酷儿 性別酷兒 xìngbié kù er genderqueer
性别认同 性別認同 xìngbié rèntóng gender identity
性别认同障碍 性別認同障礙 xìngbié rèntóng zhàng'ài gender identity disorder
性別刻板印象 性別刻板印象 xìngbié kèbǎn yìnxiàng gender stereotypes
性別越界 性別越界 xìngbié yuèjiè gender transgression
易装欲 易裝慾 yì zhuāng yù transvestism
易装癖者 易裝癖者 yì zhuāng pǐ zhě transvestite
阴阳人 陰陽人 yīnyáng rén yin-yang person (androgynous, nonbinary, bisexual; transgender or intersex)
异性 異性 yìxìng the opposite sex
在中间 在中間 zài zhōngjiān in between (can be used in reference to gender)
中性人 中性人 zhōng xìng rén neutral person
自我定义 自我定義 zìwǒ dìngyì self-definition (can be used in reference to gender)

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