Gender neutral language in Swedish
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===<translate><!--T:37--> Siblings and related family</translate>===
*'''Syskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means sibling(s).
*'''Sysk, sysse, sib/sibb'''. Neutral, nonstandard. Abbreviated slang forms of syskon/sibling that can be used as alternatives to "brorsa" (bro) and "syrra" (sis).
*'''Tvilling, trilling, fyrling, femling.''' Neutral, standard. Means twin, triplet, quadruplet, quintuplet.
*'''Lillasyskon/mellansyskon/storasyskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means little sibling(s)/middle sibling(s)/big sibling(s).
*'''Yngre syskon/äldre syskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means younger sibling(s)/older sibling(s).
*'''Föräldrasyskon/försyskon.''' Neutral, nonstandard, föräldrasyskon will be understood, försyskon has little use. Means pibling(s)/parent’s sibling(s). Föräldrasyskon and försyskon can be used both as a collective word for one's parents' sibling(s) and to refer to a parent's sibling(s) gender-neutrally. Försyskon is an alternative that fits well together in the pattern of moster (maternal sister, standard), faster (paternal sister, standard), morbror (maternal brother, standard) and farbror (paternal brother, standard).[][][]
*'''Morssyskon.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard but will be understood. Means mother’s sibling(s).[][]
*'''Farssyskon.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard but will be understood. Means father’s sibling(s).[][]
*'''Föster/försyster.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard, little use. Means aunt/parent’s sister.[][][]
*'''Förbror.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard, little use. Means uncle/parent’s brother.[][]
*'''Syskonbarn.''' Neutral, standard. Means nibling/niece/nephew.
*'''Systerbarn.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means sister’s child(ren).
*'''Brorsbarn.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means brother’s child(ren).
*'''Syskondotter.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means niece/sibling’s daughter.
*'''Syskonson.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means nephew/sibling’s son.
*'''Kusin.''' Neutral, standard. Means cousin.
*'''Föräldrakusin/förkusin.''' Neutral, nonstandard, föräldrakusin will be understood, förkusin has little use. Means parent's cousin.[][]
*'''Syssling.''' Neutral, standard but “tremänning” is more common. Means second-cousin.
*'''Brylling.''' Neutral, standard but “fyrmänning” is more common. Means third-cousin.
*'''Pyssling.''' Neutral, standard but “femmänning” is more common. Means fourth-cousin.
===<translate><!--T:37--> Siblings and related family</translate>===
*'''Syskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means sibling(s).
*'''Sysk, sysse, sib/sibb'''. Neutral, nonstandard. Abbreviated slang forms of syskon/sibling that can be used as alternatives to "brorsa" (bro) and "syrra" (sis).
*'''Tvilling, trilling, fyrling, femling.''' Neutral, standard. Means twin, triplet, quadruplet, quintuplet.
*'''Lillasyskon/mellansyskon/storasyskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means little sibling(s)/middle sibling(s)/big sibling(s).
*'''Yngre syskon/äldre syskon.''' Neutral, standard. Means younger sibling(s)/older sibling(s).
*'''Föräldrasyskon/försyskon.''' Neutral, nonstandard, föräldrasyskon will be understood, försyskon has little use. Means pibling(s)/parent’s sibling(s). Föräldrasyskon and försyskon can be used both as a collective word for one's parents' sibling(s) and to refer to a parent's sibling(s) gender-neutrally. Försyskon is an alternative that fits well together in the pattern of moster (maternal sister, standard), faster (paternal sister, standard), morbror (maternal brother, standard) and farbror (paternal brother, standard).[][][]
*'''Morssyskon.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard but will be understood. Means mother’s sibling(s).[][]
*'''Farssyskon.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard but will be understood. Means father’s sibling(s).[][]
*'''Föster/försyster.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard, little use. Means aunt/parent’s sister.[][][]
*'''Förbror.''' Partially neutral, nonstandard, little use. Means uncle/parent’s brother.[][]
*'''Syskonbarn.''' Neutral, standard. Means nibling/niece/nephew.
*'''Systerbarn.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means sister’s child(ren).
*'''Brorsbarn.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means brother’s child(ren).
*'''Syskondotter.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means niece/sibling’s daughter.
*'''Syskonson.''' Partially neutral, standard. Means nephew/sibling’s son.
*'''Kusin.''' Neutral, standard. Means cousin.
*'''Föräldrakusin/förkusin.''' Neutral, nonstandard, föräldrakusin will be understood, förkusin has little use. Means parent's cousin.[][]
*'''Syssling.''' Neutral, standard but “tremänning” is more common. Means second-cousin.
*'''Brylling.''' Neutral, standard but “fyrmänning” is more common. Means third-cousin.
*'''Pyssling.''' Neutral, standard but “femmänning” is more common. Means fourth-cousin.