Nonbinary Wiki:General discussion

    About this board

    This is the place where discussion between Nonbinary Wiki editors happens. Although this page can be very useful to keep track of important decisions, we also have a Discord server with some of our editors (and readers). You can join us!

    Previous discussions are archived in Nonbinary Wiki:General discussion/Archive 1 (2020-04-08).

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    Can a sysop please delete? It's a subcategory of that only had three articles. Additionally, Category:Community was kind of small, and the seperation was unclear (Directory of online communities was only listed in Community, for example).

    I have moved all the Websites articles into Community, but only sysops can delete pages (talkcontribs)

    e (talkcontribs)


    Reply to "Category:Websites"
    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    Any chance we could enable Portals? That would allow easy browing of the wiki, and it would enable editors to focus on areas they're interested/knowledgeable in.
    u9000 (they/them) (talk) 23:17, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

    Ondo (talkcontribs)

    A portal is just a regular page created under a specific Portal: namespace (which is not active on this wiki, but can be easily activated). I'm not sure if it's worth it though. We're a tiny community of editors, so maintaining the portals so they look decent enough would be quite time-consuming. They're also not easily discoverable.

    That said, we currently have two portal-like pages:

    There's also the Pride Gallery and the Nonbinary Wiki:Publications portal.

    I'm open to changing my opinion though! And if you have ideas to improve the pages linked above (or how to make them more discoverable), I'm happy to hear them too.

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    maintaining the portals so they look decent enough would be quite time-consuming

    That's a good point. I forgot about the actual portal pages — I was thinking mostly about the portal information at the bottom of pages.

    That said, we currently have two portal-like pages:

    • Nonbinary Wiki:Dive in! has a list of core articles by topic and a link to Nonbinary Wiki:Get involved!

    I think I can create a template to create portal-like boxes at the bottom of a page based on its categories, but it also might just integrate horribly. I'll mess around on User:U9000/Test:Infobox category for now

    Ondo (talkcontribs)

    Ah, so you mean, for example, a template that you place at the bottom of a gender identity article and it contains all other (or a selection of) identities? That can be done without portals, it's just a template!

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    Yeah! I'll try to make this this week, but I probably won't be able to do much work on it until Saturday. If anyone else wants to take a crack at it too they're more than welcome :)

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    Okay so I implemented one template as a test, and it looks like it'll work excellently. Could you please add the navbox CSS, though? Right now it just looks like a normal page

    Ondo (talkcontribs)

    A quick copy of Wikipedia's navbox module CSS doesn't seem to work, not sure why. Do you know which CSS I should add?

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    I'm not certain. This Mediawiki question says that there also might be some stuff in Common.css.

    Do you have a link to the CSS you added? It could be a class name has changed or something

    Ondo (talkcontribs)

    That's from 12 years ago, things have changed since then. English Wikipedia's Common.css doesn't seem to have any styles for Navbox. I've added the CSS here, which is the same page it's on in Wikipedia: Module:Navbox/styles.css. Might be the wrong place though. Remember that you can test CSS by pasting it in User:U9000/common.css, it will apply to you only (you will need to hard-refresh pages to see changes)

    U9000 (talkcontribs)

    Does the CSS need to be enabled or something?

    I confirmed that the navboxes have a class of navbox, so that's not the issue.

    I also checked the web developer tab to see if the styles were being overridden by something else, but it seems like they're just not be applied at all. So I made a simple test case to verify, and that also isn't being applied. I know this isn't a CSS issue because when I directly put <style>.navbox { background-color: red !important; }</style>]] in the <head> it worked.

    Reply to "Mediawiki Portals"
    Mousey (talkcontribs)

    Please turn on the dark mode option (extension DarkMode is installed). Thank you.

    Ondo (talkcontribs)

    Extension installed and enabled! We missed this one with the recent migration. It looks like it doesn't work with the Vector-2022 skin, which is our default one. You can switch to the old Vector skin in your Preferences.

    Mousey (talkcontribs)

    Brilliant thanks! (talkcontribs)

    discussion pages for articles with the featured article star give an error message that is roughly "page not found" but you can navigate back to the orriginal no problem

    Amazingakita (talkcontribs)

    thanks for raising this! we'll look into this on our side.

    Reply to "Talk pages breaks" (talkcontribs)

    how do I get able to edit and not just get the mediawiki not configured is it something on my end or

    Amazingakita (talkcontribs)

    what page are you trying to edit?

    Reply to "help"

    import article from wikipedia

    Summary by MediaWiki default

    Question about respecting Wikipedia's license when importing articles from there.


    How do I respect the licence CC-BY-SA if I want to import article from wikipedia here? Can I had add them first in french? ANd then we traduct it into english? Regards

    MediaWiki default (talkcontribs)


    You can use {{imported page}} at the end of an article to show that it has been imported from a different platform (the template page explains how it works).

    As for the translation, I would recommend you import it to a personal subpage (like User:EnbyWarrior/sandbox), translate it there, and then move it to the main namespace after it's translated to English. The base for of all pages should be in English.

    Let me know if that makes sense!


    It makes sense, moreover it makes sense8! Thanks for the information and the template.

    Concern about appropriation in gender-neutral names

    Summary by MediaWiki default

    No action has been taken for lack of consensus. (talkcontribs)

    Having a bunch of distinctly Asian names on the neutral names pages encourages people of non-Asian heritage to accidentally engage in race cosplay when choosing a name, which is an issue I've seen come up a lot online (non-Asian, non-POC artists trying to pass off as Asian). I believe the same might happen for a lot of other cultures and their names too. I think it might be good to add in a disclaimer about names of different cultures and what to be aware of when choosing them for yourself, especially as someone not of that heritage.

    What about noun-names? (Also word-names) sometimes, people use noun-names as a bad thing like this:

    p1: my full name is [insert bad joke here]

    p2: hello [that insert] … oh, oh no.

    To fix this:

    P1: my name is [insert bad joke here]

    p2: hi! My pronouns are [insert uno reverse pronouns here]

    p1: oh, so [uno reverse] is…oh, oh no

    p2: what? *smirks*

    Test (talkcontribs)

    This is a strange topic to have here. What if Asian people are looking at the list? :D

    MediaWiki default (talkcontribs)

    The article Names already includes a cultural appropriation warning in the section about choosing a name. Closing this thread as it's very old and there hasn't been progress (the related discussion on the Discord server didn't reach a consensus).

    Hi I'm bored of transphobia on french wikipedia so I'm here. How can I translate articles from english to french? Regards EnbyWarrior (talk) 17:18, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

    Krystyna8080 (talkcontribs)

    Hi thanks you very much!

    Unable to upload images?

    Summary by MediaWiki default

    Issue has been resolved.

    Hi, I want to help by contributing to the wiki, but I'm unable to add images? This is an issue because some flags and symbols are missing and I'm unable to add them (I can only put text and sources). Is there any way to get approved?

    MediaWiki default (talkcontribs)

    Hi, welcome to the wiki! You should be able to upload images. What happens when you click the upload button? Is there some kind of error? The more detail you give me, the quicker I'll be able to help you!

    I just tried uploading a flag, I get the message "Upload error You do not have permission to edit pages in the File namespace."

    MediaWiki default (talkcontribs)

    I see! Looks like I forgot to make files editable by anyone after a troll raid. You should be able to upload files now!

    That makes sense, thank you for letting me contribute!

    can you delete unused pride flags?

    2A02:A312:C742:AF80:51E9:B749:84A3:C183 (talkcontribs)

    can you delete unused pride flags?

    MediaWiki default (talkcontribs)

    We don't have set criteria for deletion, but "unusued" is difficult to define. So I'm going to say "no" for now. As long as we have permission to use the flag, it can stay.