Gender neutral language in Swedish

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==<translate><!--T:47--> Other terms</translate>==



*'''Allesrätt.''' Neutral, nonstandard, little use. Neutral non-male-generalizing alternative for "allemansrätt" ("all-man's-right", only removing "mans", right of public access).

*'''Amningsmjölk, amningsmjölksersättning.''' Neutral. Means breast-/chestfeeding milk and breast-/chestfeeding formula, can be used as an alternative to "bröstmjölk"/"modersmjölk" (breast milk/mother's milk) and "bröstmjölksersättning"/modersmjölksersättning" (breast-/mother's milk substitute/formula).

*'''Arbetsstyrka/arbetskraft, teamstyrka/lagstyrka, personalstyrka.''' Means workforce, team/staff/crew strength/force/power and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "manstyrka" (man power).

*'''Besatt/med personal, obesatt/utan personal.''' Means occupied/with staff and unoccupied/without staff, these alternatives can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives to "bemannad" (manned) and "obemannad" (unmanned).

*'''Besegra, överväldiga/överrumpla, övertrumfa, övervinna.''' Non-male-generalizing alternatives to "övermanna" ("overman"/overpower), means "defeat", "overwhelm", "outdo" and "overcome".

*'''Besättning/personal/rekrytering, personalbesättning.''' Neutral, standard-nonstandard. Means staff/crew/recuitment and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for bemanning ("manning").

*'''B’nai mitzva (plural neutral/plural masculine, standard), b'nei mitzva (neutral, “child of God's commandments”, less use), b mitzva (neutral, informal shorthand, less use).''' Gender-neutral alternatives to bat mitzvah and bar mitzvah.

*'''Cowhand.''' Neutral English loanword as alternative for cowboy and cowgirl.

*'''Du, hörru, sörru, ni, hörrni, sörruni, folk, vännen, vän(ner), kamrat, älskling (sarcastic), homie, bestie, kiddo, yo, ey, sib, comrade, baby (sarcastic), human, person, fam, chat, peeps, y'all.''' Gender-neutral alternatives for informal/playful words and phrases like bror (bro), mannen (the man), girl(s), gal(s), sis, miss, man, dude(s), lad(s), pal(s), mate(s), bro(s), guy(s)/my guy(s).

*'''Ehm, this is a Wendy's.''' Neutral English loanphrase as alternative phrase that replaces sir and ma'am in "Sir/Ma'am, this is a Wendy's." by removing the gendered honorifics.

*'''Elvaspelsplan.''' Neutral, standard. Means eleven-payers-field and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "elvamannaplan" (eleven-man's-field).


*'''Enpersonsbil.''' Neutral, means one-person-car and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "enmansbil" (one-man's-car).

*'''Enpersonsjobb.''' Neutral, means one-person's-job and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "enmansjobb" (one-man's-job).

*'''Enpersonsshow/enpersonsföreställning, tvåpersonsshow/tvåpersonsföreställning.''' Neutral alternative to "enmansshow" and "tvåmansshow".

*'''E-person, e-kid.''' Neutral English loanwords as alternatives for e-girl and e-boy.

*'''Fankid.''' Neutral English loanword as alternative to fanboy or fangirl.

*'''Fosterland, ancestralt land.''' Neutral, standard. Means lative-land and ancestral land, can be used instead of motherland or fatherland.

*'''Fåägarföretag.''' Neutral alternative to "fåmansföretag".

*'''Föreställningsförmåga, artisteri, scennärvaro.''' Neutral non-male-generalizing alternative for the loanword showmanship.

*'''Förtrollare/trollkonstnär/förhäxare/häxkonstnär/magiker.''' Neutral. Means enchanter/enchantment artist/bewitcher/witchcrafter/witchcraft artist/magician and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "trollkarl" (magic/enchanter-man, warlock/wizard). They can also be used to avoid the feminine connotations to "häxa" (witch), even though it can be seen as a gender-neutral word in itself.

*'''Föräldraskap/släktskap, barnbärande föräldraskap.''' Neutral, standard. Means parenthood, kinship and childbearing parenthood, they can be used as a gender-neutral alternatives to motherhood and fatherhood.


* '''Grottbo.''' Neutral word for caveman/cavewoman.

*'''Gudom/gud.''' Neutral, standard. Means deity/god and can be used as gender-neutral terms instead of separating gud (god) and gudinna (godess).

*'''Handyperson, allt i allo, fixare, hantverkare.''' Neutral alternatives to handyman and handykvinna.

*'''Hemspråk, familjespråk, förstaspråk, källspråk, ursprungspråk.''' Neutral alternatives to mother tongue.

*'''Humanoid.''' Neutral alternative to android/gynoid.

*'''Huskost/hushållskost.''' Neutral, will be understood. Means house/household-diet/cuisine (traditional home cooked food) and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "husmanskost" (house-man's-diet/cuisine).

*'''Huvudfarkost/huvudskepp, bärarfarkost/bärarskepp, basfarkost/basskepp, hangarfarkost/hangarskepp.''' Neutral non-standard, little use, alternatives to mothership.

*'''Huvudkort, systemkort.''' Neutral standard alternatives to motherboard.

*'''Härskarvälde.''' Neutral, standard. Means reign/rulerreign/rulership and can be use as a non-male-centric alternative to "herravälde" ("male-"lordreign).

*'''Idrottaranda, sportligt uppförande, ärlighet, renhårighet, rättvist spel, atletisk integritet, rättvisa.''' Neutral alternatives to sportmannaanda/idrottsmannaanda/sportmanship.

*'''Javisst, jajavisst, absolut, naturligtvis, sannerligen, självklart.''' Neutral, standard. "Javisst" means "oh yes"/"sure thing"/"you bet", "absolut" mean "absolutely", "naturligtvis" means "naturally", "sannerligen" means "truly" and "självklart" means "of course". These can be used instead of the phrases "jajamän" and "jajemänsan" that means the same as "javisst" but its origin meaning is "yes holy man/men". Directly dividing and translating the word "jajamän" gives the phrase "yes-yes men". "Jajavisst" is an innovative phrase that means the same as "javisst", but it is more adapted to be used instead of "jajamän"/"jajamänsan".

* '''J. Doe, Jay Doe.''' Gender-neutral alternative to Jane Doe and John Doe.

*'''Karaktär.''' Neutral, standard. Means character/game-character and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "spelgubbe/gubbe" (game-man/man).

*'''Kronarvtagare/tronföljare/arvinge.''' Neutral, standard. Means crown-successor/heir and can be used instead of "kronprinsessa" (crown princess) and "kronprins" (crown prince).

*'''Latinamerikan/latine/latinx.''' Neutralt alternative to latina and latino. Latinamerikan means latinamerican. Latine is more in line with the grammar in Spanish and Portugese, but latinx is used much more frequently.

*'''LEGO-figur/LEGO-minifigur.''' Neutral, standard. Means LEGO-figure/LEGO-minifigure and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "LEGO-gubbe" (LEGO-man).

*'''Oligarki, fåvälde.''' Neutral alternatives to "fåmannavälde".

*'''Parentonym.''' Neutral, nonstandard. This can be used as a hypernym of matronym and patronym, but also to refer to such names in a gender-neutral sense.

*'''Parriarkat.''' Neutral, nonstandard. This refers to matriarchal and/or patriarchal social systems. See the English parriarch with the prefix parr- (kin).

*'''Partyperson, festare, partajare, partydjur.''' Neutral alternatives for the loanwords partygirl and partyboy.

*'''Placenta.''' Neutral alternative to "moderkaka" which translates to "mother-cookie".

*'''Politisk skicklighet, diplomati, diplomatisk skicklighet, förvaltningsexpertis.''' Neutral alternatives to statsmannaskap (statesmanship).

*'''Polttare, föräktenskapsfest.''' Neutral, semi-standard loanword from Finnish and a descriptive phrase. Means "bach party" and "pre-marriage party" and can be used as a gender-neutral alternative to möhippa (bachelorette party) and svensexa (bachelor party).

*'''Prin/prinx, pringemål/prinxgemål, kronprin/kronprinx.''' Neutral, nonstandard, little use. Prin/prinx are by only using the beginning of each word, or by adding a neutral -x, gender-neutral alternatives to "prinsessa" (princess) and "prins" (prince) . They can be used to refer to a royal person's child or consort/spouse gender-neutrally. The married spouse of a prin/prinx is called pringemål/prinxgemål. Kronprin/kronprinx is used to refer to a royal crown-heir gender-neutrally.

*'''Psykning, bedrägeri.''' Neutral alternatives to gamesmanship.

*'''Quing'''. Neologistic gender-neutral term for a monarch combining the English words "king" and "queen".

*'''Regent/monark/majestät.''' Neutral, standard. Means regnant, monarch, majesty, queen/king.

*'''Regentgemål.''' Neutral, standard. Means regnant consort.

*'''Rike/kronland/monarki.''' Neutral. Means realm/crownland/monarchy, can be used as a gender-neutral alternative to "kungarike" (kingdom) or "drottningrike" (queendom).

* '''Rojal.''' Neutral, will be understood. Means royal and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "kunglig" (meaning royal but is formed like "kingly").

*'''(ingift) rojal gemål, monarkgemål/monarkigemål.''' Neutral. Means ("married/in-law") royal consort/spouse and monarch-consort/monarchy-consort/spouse and can be used instead of princess/prince.

*'''Rojalt barn, monarkbarn/monarkibarn.''' Neutral. Means royal child and monarch-child(ren)/monarchy-child(ren) and can be used instead of princess/prince.

*'''Showperson, artist, underhållare.''' Neutral alternatives to showman.

*'''Sib from another crib.''' Neutral English loanphrase as alternative phrase for "sister from another mister"/"sis from another Ms." and "brother from another mother"/"chad from a different dad"/"Tom from a different mom".

*'''Sjövett.''' Neutral alternative to sjömanskap (seamanship).

*'''Skolbarn, elev, student.''' Neutral options for schoolgirl and schoolboy.

* '''Snöfigur/snövän/snöperson.''' Neutral, will be understood. Means snowfigure/snowfriend/snowperson and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "snögubbe" (snowman).

*'''Starkast på täppan, högst på täppan.''' Neutral, will be understood. Means Strongest/Highest on the Hill and can be used as gender-inclusive alternatives to refer to the game commonly called "Herren på Täppan/Herreman på Täppan" (Lord/Lordman on the Hill).

*'''Strukhuvudsknöl/larynxknöl'''. Neutral alternative to "Adam's apple".

*'''Surrogatskap/surrogatföräldraskap.''' Neutral, will be understood. Means surrogacy/surrogate parenthood, works as gender-neutral alternatives to the standard "surrogatmödraskap" (surrogate motherhood).


*'''Syskonskap/kamratskap/gemenskap/samfund.''' Neutral, standard. Means siblinghood/camaraderie/community and can be used as a gender-neutral alternative to brotherhood and sisterhood.

*'''Uppträdningsförmåga, scennärvaro, teater, artisteri.''' Neutral alternatives to showmanship.

*'''Uterus, kved.''' Neutral alternatives to "livmoder" (womb/uterus) which translates to "life-mother".

*'''Vattumänniska, vattufolk.''' Neutral alternatives to "sjöjungfru/vattukvinna" (mermaid) and "sjöman/vattuman" (merman), means merperson and merfolk.

*'''Vuxendom/vuxenskap/vuxenliv, ålderdom/ålderskap.''' Neutral, standard. Means adulthood/adult-life and elderhood, they can be used as gender-neutral alternatives to womandhood and manhood.

*'''Winger, wingfriend.''' Neutral English loanwords as alternative to wingman.

* '''Ättlingspråk, anspråk.''' Neutral alternatives to daughter language and mother language regarding language history.

*'''160x200 säng.''' Neutral alternative to "Queen-size bed" using the standard Swedish sizes for this type of bed.

*'''180x200 säng.''' Neutral alternative to "King-size bed" using the standard Swedish sizes for this type of bed.
