Gender binary: Difference between revisions

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    (Added a section on the binary genders.)
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    {{see also|Binary genders}}
    The '''gender binary''' is a model of gender that classifies all people into one of two genders. Under the binary model, gender is seen as a rigid binary option, like one or zero. The gender binary says there can be no more than two genders, with no "shades of grey" between the two. According to gender binary, person can only be one or or the other, not [[Bigender|both]], [[Aporagender|something outside the two]], [[Demigender|something between the two]], or [[Agender|nothing]]. The gender binary, as described, is largely a part of Western culture and thought. Many [[ethnicity and culture|cultures]] give recognition to a slightly or significantly different system of genders. They can have [[gender-variant identities worldwide|more (nonbinary) gender roles]], and flexibility for individuals who don't fit into one role. Western colonialism puts pressure on other cultures to conform to its own form of the gender binary. This form of [[ethnicity and culture#Racism and cultural discrimination|racist]] and [[sexism|sexist]] discrimination is called [[binarism]]. There are individuals whose gender identity doesn't fit within this gender binary; who don't fit strictly into the "female" box or the "male" box. They might identify as [[nonbinary]]. The gender binary makes problems for nonbinary people, oppressing and discriminating against them in ways such as [[nonbinary erasure]].
    The '''gender binary''' is a model of gender that classifies all people into one of two genders. Under the binary model, gender is seen as a rigid binary option, like one or zero. The gender binary says there can be no more than two genders, with no "shades of grey" between the two. According to gender binary, person can only be one or or the other, not [[Bigender|both]], [[Aporagender|something outside the two]], [[Demigender|something between the two]], or [[Agender|nothing]]. The gender binary, as described, is largely a part of Western culture and thought. Many [[ethnicity and culture|cultures]] give recognition to a slightly or significantly different system of genders. They can have [[gender-variant identities worldwide|more (nonbinary) gender roles]], and flexibility for individuals who don't fit into one role. Western colonialism puts pressure on other cultures to conform to its own form of the gender binary. This form of [[ethnicity and culture#Racism and cultural discrimination|racist]] and [[sexism|sexist]] discrimination is called [[binarism]]. There are individuals whose gender identity doesn't fit within this gender binary; who don't fit strictly into the "female" box or the "male" box. They might identify as [[nonbinary]]. The gender binary makes problems for nonbinary people, oppressing and discriminating against them in ways such as [[nonbinary erasure]].

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    ==Supporting Arguments and their Counter-Arguments==
    ==Supporting Arguments and their Counter-Arguments==
    One of the main arguments for the gender binary is the fact that someone who fits inside the binary system can have a gender expression or personality which differs from the Western<ref>European and North American</ref> binary system.<ref>A somewhat misinformed argument arguing this:</ref> This argument is misinformed, since it is based on the single-cultural assumption that gender identity is the same thing as personality. For example, if two people identifying with the same [[binary gender]] who both lived in cultures with gender stereotypes completely alien from each other met, they would both still want to be known as their real [[Gender identity|gender identities]], not something culturally assumed from behaviour and expression.
    One of the main arguments for the gender binary is the fact that someone who fits inside the binary system can have a gender expression or personality which differs from the Western<ref>European and North American</ref> binary system.<ref>A somewhat misinformed argument arguing this:</ref> This argument is misinformed, since it is based on the single-cultural assumption that gender identity is the same thing as personality. For example, if two people identifying with the same [[binary gender]] who both lived in cultures with gender stereotypes completely alien from each other met, they would both still want to be known as their real [[Gender identity|gender identities]], not something culturally assumed from behaviour and expression.
    ==Binary genders==
    The [[binary genders]] are the two options for [[gender]] given in [[ethnicity and culture|cultures]] (chiefly Western cultures) that use the [[gender binary]] system of putting all people into gender categories. The binary genders are [[woman|female (woman, girl)]] and [[man|male (man, boy)]]. For [[gender expression]], the two options are [[gender expression#feminine|feminine]] and [[gender expression#masculine|masculine]]. [[Nonbinary]] genders are those that don't fit into the gender [[Gender Binary|binary system]], and don't entirely match one of the binary genders. That said, some nonbinary people identify with one or both of the binary genders, at least in part. Although the gender binary system is coercive and limiting, the binary genders themselves are valid identities. The existence of nonbinary genders doesn't make the binary genders less valid.

    ==See also==
    ==See also==