Gender neutral language in French: Difference between revisions

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    == Non neologisms ==
    == Non neologisms ==
    * '''Refeminization''':<ref name=":0">Divergenres (2021): ''Guide de grammaire neutre et inclusive''. Québec. Online at:, p. 3.</ref> Before the 17th century, French had — as Italian, Spanish, and other romance languages still have today — a feminine inflection for female professionals. However, for several reasons (both societal<ref name=":1">Becquelin, Hélène: ''Langage en tout genre. Argument historique''. Université de Neuchâtel. Online at: (12.12.2023).</ref> and linguistic<ref name=":2">MOREAU, Marie-Louise. ''L’accord de proximité dans l’écriture inclusive. Peut-on utiliser n’importe quel argument ?'' In : ''Les discours de référence sur la langue française'' [en ligne]. Bruxelles : Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2019 (généré le 12 décembre 2023). Disponible sur Internet : <<nowiki></nowiki>>. ISBN : 9782802802457. DOI : <nowiki></nowiki>.</ref>, as the French language was being standardized and dialect speakers had to learn French), grammarians made sure that the feminine denominations vanished from the language.<ref name=":1" /> Today, a lot of people talk of "feminization", because they feel like these occupational titles are neologisms. However, they actually aren't, since they are being recovered from an older version of the French language, which is why "refeminization" is more accurate. Even though it sounds counter-intuitive, refeminization is part of a process to degenderize the French language, since studies from different languages have shown that the generic masculine is cognitively not neutral,<ref>Tibblin, J., Weijer, J. van de, Granfeldt, J., & Gygax, P. (2023). There are more women in joggeur·euses than in joggeurs : On the effects of gender-fair forms on perceived gender ratios in French role nouns. ''Journal of French Language Studies, 33'', 28‑51.</ref><ref>Heise, E. (2003). Auch einfühlsame Studenten sind Männer: Das generische Maskulinum und die mentale Repräsentation von Personen [Even empathic students are men: The generic masculine and the mental representation of persons]. ''Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, 35''(2), 285–291.</ref> even though the French prescriptive grammar considers it as such.<ref name=":3">Alchimy (2017): « Le masculin l’emporte sur le féminin » : Bien plus qu’une règle de grammaire. ''Usbek&Rica'': "Selon Le Bon Usage de Maurice Grevisse, l'adjectif se met donc au 'genre indifférencié, c'est-à-dire au masculin'."</ref> By mentioning also the feminine form of a word, speakers visualize people of more genders than just one.
    * '''Refeminization''':<ref name=":0">Divergenres (2021): ''Guide de grammaire neutre et inclusive''. Québec. Online at:</ref> Before the 17th century, French had — as Italian, Spanish, and other romance languages still have today — a feminine inflection for female professionals. However, for several reasons (both societal<ref name=":1">Becquelin, Hélène: ''Langage en tout genre. Argument historique''. Université de Neuchâtel. Online at: (12.12.2023).</ref> and linguistic<ref name=":2">MOREAU, Marie-Louise. ''L’accord de proximité dans l’écriture inclusive. Peut-on utiliser n’importe quel argument ?'' In : ''Les discours de référence sur la langue française'' [en ligne]. Bruxelles : Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis, 2019 (généré le 12 décembre 2023). Disponible sur Internet : <<nowiki></nowiki>>. ISBN : 9782802802457. DOI : <nowiki></nowiki>.</ref>, as the French language was being standardized and dialect speakers had to learn French), grammarians made sure that the feminine denominations vanished from the language.<ref name=":1" /> Today, a lot of people talk of "feminization", because they feel like these occupational titles are neologisms. However, they actually aren't, since they are being recovered from an older version of the French language, which is why "refeminization" is more accurate. Even though it sounds counter-intuitive, refeminization is part of a process to degenderize the French language, since studies from different languages have shown that the generic masculine is cognitively not neutral,<ref>Tibblin, J., Weijer, J. van de, Granfeldt, J., & Gygax, P. (2023). There are more women in joggeur·euses than in joggeurs : On the effects of gender-fair forms on perceived gender ratios in French role nouns. ''Journal of French Language Studies, 33'', 28‑51.</ref><ref>Heise, E. (2003). Auch einfühlsame Studenten sind Männer: Das generische Maskulinum und die mentale Repräsentation von Personen [Even empathic students are men: The generic masculine and the mental representation of persons]. ''Verhaltenstherapie & Psychosoziale Praxis, 35''(2), 285–291.</ref> even though the French prescriptive grammar considers it as such.<ref name=":3">Alchimy (2017): « Le masculin l’emporte sur le féminin » : Bien plus qu’une règle de grammaire. ''Usbek&Rica'': "Selon Le Bon Usage de Maurice Grevisse, l'adjectif se met donc au 'genre indifférencié, c'est-à-dire au masculin'."</ref> By mentioning also the feminine form of a word, speakers visualize people of more genders than just one.

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    *'''Epicene person descriptions:'''<ref name=":5">Divergenres (2021): ''Guide de grammaire neutre et inclusive''. Québec. Online at:, p. 4.</ref> For example, « <u>Les élèves</u> apprennent leur leçon. »; « <u>L'enfant</u> regarde la télévision. »; « <u>Les juges</u> ont pris leur décision. ». Since singular articles mark gender ("la" and "le"), this functions best with plural forms. It works with singular forms if the noun starts with a vowel, because the article automatically turns into "l'...", which doesn't mark gender. A downside is that there aren't epicene occupational titles for all professions or functions.
    *'''Epicene person descriptions:'''<ref name=":0" /> For example, « <u>Les élèves</u> apprennent leur leçon. »; « <u>L'enfant</u> regarde la télévision. »; « <u>Les juges</u> ont pris leur décision. ». Since singular articles mark gender ("la" and "le"), this functions best with plural forms. It works with singular forms if the noun starts with a vowel, because the article automatically turns into "l'...", which doesn't mark gender. A downside is that there aren't epicene occupational titles for all professions or functions.

    *'''Grammatically fixed gender nouns and impersonal formulations:'''<ref name=":5" /> The table below shows gendered language on the left and neutral (i.e. grammatical gender that has nothing to do with biological sex or social identity) inclusive language on the right.
    *'''Grammatically fixed gender nouns and impersonal formulations:'''<ref name=":0" /> The table below shows gendered language on the left and neutral (i.e. grammatical gender that has nothing to do with biological sex or social identity) inclusive language on the right.

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    * '''Subject pronouns:''' French only marks gender on the third person singular ("elle" and "il"). Up to the 12th century, French knew the neutral subject pronoun "el"/"al".<ref>Marchello-Nizia Christiane. Le neutre et l'impersonnel. In: ''Linx'', n°21, 1989. Genre et langage. Actes du colloque tenu à Paris X-Nanterre les 14-15-16 décembre 1988, sous la direction de Eliane Koskas et Danielle Leeman. 173-179. DOI : Online at:</ref> Today, "el" cannot be recuperated from ancient French as it would be pronounced the same as "elle", the current feminin subject pronoun. In Laurentian French (Canada), "al" sounds like "elle" in spoken language.<ref>Florence Ashley (2019): Les personnes non-binaires en français : une perspective concernée et militante. In: ''H-France Salon'' 11(14), p. 6.</ref> It could, however, be an interesting candidate for the rest of the francophone community.<ref>Alpheratz (2018): Genre neutre.TABLEAUX RÉCAPITULATIFS de mots de genre neutre (extraits). Online at:</ref> Nevertheless, today, according to the ''Guide de rédaction inclusive'' (2021:14) from the Laval University,<ref>Université Laval (2021): Guide de rédaction inclusive. Online at:</ref> the ''Guide de grammaire neutre et inclusive'' (2021:5) from Divergenres,<ref name=":0" /> the ''Petit dico de français neutre/inclusif'' (2018) from La vie en Queer,<ref>La vie en Queer (2018): Petit dico de français neutre/inclusif. Online at:</ref>  and Wiki Trans (2019),<ref>Wiki Trans (2019): Comment parler d'une personne non binaire ? Online at:</ref> the most widespread subject (neo)pronoun is "iel". It was added 2021 to the grand dictionary Le Robert.<ref>Radio Télévision Suisse (2021): L'entrée du pronom "iel" dans Le Robert provoque des remous. Online at:</ref>  
    * '''Subject pronouns:''' French only marks gender on the third person singular ("elle" and "il"). Up to the 12th century, French knew the neutral subject pronoun "el"/"al".<ref>Marchello-Nizia Christiane. Le neutre et l'impersonnel. In: ''Linx'', n°21, 1989. Genre et langage. Actes du colloque tenu à Paris X-Nanterre les 14-15-16 décembre 1988, sous la direction de Eliane Koskas et Danielle Leeman. 173-179. DOI : Online at:</ref> Today, "el" cannot be recuperated from ancient French as it would be pronounced the same as "elle", the current feminin subject pronoun. In Laurentian French (Canada), "al" sounds like "elle" in spoken language.<ref name=":5">Florence Ashley (2019): Les personnes non-binaires en français : une perspective concernée et militante. In: ''H-France Salon'' 11(14), p. 6.</ref> It could, however, be an interesting candidate for the rest of the francophone community.<ref>Alpheratz (2018): Genre neutre.TABLEAUX RÉCAPITULATIFS de mots de genre neutre (extraits). Online at:</ref> Nevertheless, today, according to the ''Guide de rédaction inclusive'' (2021:14) from the Laval University,<ref>Université Laval (2021): Guide de rédaction inclusive. Online at:</ref> the ''Guide de grammaire neutre et inclusive'' (2021:5) from Divergenres,<ref name=":0" /> the ''Petit dico de français neutre/inclusif'' (2018) from La vie en Queer,<ref>La vie en Queer (2018): Petit dico de français neutre/inclusif. Online at:</ref>  and Wiki Trans (2019),<ref>Wiki Trans (2019): Comment parler d'une personne non binaire ? Online at:</ref> the most widespread subject (neo)pronoun is "iel". It was added 2021 to the grand dictionary Le Robert.<ref>Radio Télévision Suisse (2021): L'entrée du pronom "iel" dans Le Robert provoque des remous. Online at:</ref> Next to "iel" Laurentian French also uses "ille".<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":5" /> In metropolitan France, the "al" pronoun suggested by the linguist Alpheratz in their book ''Grammaire du français inclusif'' (2018) has gained some recognition. The following table presents all the gender neutral subject (neo)pronouns found in the French-speaking world.

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    [[Category:Gender neutral language]]
    [[Category:Gender neutral language]]