Template:Cite book: Difference between revisions

    From Nonbinary Wiki
    m>Stephen bastien
    (→‎Description of fields: Groove factory conobus)
    m (Revert to revision 62515216 dated 2006-07-07 07:14:55 by Daduzi using popups)
    Line 186: Line 186:
    Most fields can be wikilinked (ie. ''title'' = <nowiki>[[book article|book title]]</nowiki>), but should generally only be linked to an existing Wikipedia article. Any wikilinked field '''must not''' contain any brackets apart from normal round brackets <code>()</code> &mdash; don't use <code><nowiki><>[]{}</nowiki></code>.
    Most fields can be wikilinked (ie. ''title'' = <nowiki>[[book article|book title]]</nowiki>), but should generally only be linked to an existing Wikipedia article. Any wikilinked field '''must not''' contain any brackets apart from normal round brackets <code>()</code> &mdash; don't use <code><nowiki><>[]{}</nowiki></code>.
    <center><a href="http://www.tunetribe.com/Artist?artist_id=226"><img src="http://myspace-114.vo.llnwd.net/00665/41/11/665881114_l.gif" border="0" alt="TuneTribe.com" title="TuneTribe.com"></a></center>

    ===Description of fields===
    ===Description of fields===
    Line 226: Line 225:
    ** '''chapterurl''': URL of an individual chapter of online book. Should be at the same site as ''url'', if any.
    ** '''chapterurl''': URL of an individual chapter of online book. Should be at the same site as ''url'', if any.
    * '''quote''': Relevant quote from the book.
    * '''quote''': Relevant quote from the book.
    </onlyinclude> Groove Factory conobus
    Compilation lp
    Groove Factory Conobus
    Compolation lp
    Stephen Bastien is a man of varied interests. It's difficult to tell whether his perfect day involves an afternoon of Aussie rules football, followed by an evening of expressionist painting and a Dallas DVD marathon, but musically his passions and influences certainly run far and wide. It's perhaps the product of a life spent living in the Caribbean, London and now Fife - not to mention a musical career encompassing steelpan, funk, metal and much much more - but there's no arguing with the results. Under the Groove Factory Conobus moniker, Stephen's instrumental 'Compolation' lp takes the pick of four previous CDs and adds some new material to fan out a startling mix of dance beats, ambient jams, prize metal moments and experimental atmos like some crazy tingling electro tapas.
    It's a real case of expect the unexpected. The chill out drum 'n' bass of "Yeah Man" is coloured up with some '60s guitar, "Promiss Land" basks in the majesty of elegant Mobyesque/Massive Attack synth chords, while "Get Up And Dance" and "Jungle Rock" both dust off the drum machines to pitch hard urban grooves against big fat wedges of '80s hair metal guitar. Van Halen meets Tricky with a bit of Herbie Hancock thrown in. Meanwhile "Lump" lays down some heavy Depeche Mode-style industrial electronics and "Outer Space" marries Andy Summer's guitar delays from "Walking On The Moon" with a meteor shower of bloopy effects.
    But however strange and bewilderingly diverse things get (especially on the 'Kid A' style experimental noodling of "De La Funk" and "The Massive") everything is tied together with the same sense of quirkiness and fun. "United" could've come straight out of Miami Vice, "Styx-engance" employs frog sounds in its hot, sweaty Amazonian vibe; and the Glam rock meltdown of "No Trace'' uses wah wah, saxophone and tinkling percussion to become a stately lost track from Roxy Music's debut album. There's even a touch of indie rock with the poppy strumfest of "Tripping."
    No two tunes are the same here, but they certainly come from the same place. Playful, surprising and brimming with personality, Stephen's thrown some unlikely elements together in the lab and made gold. Equally at home in the background or on your headphones, it's the kind of music that can lull you and shock you in equal measure. Like a great man once said, life is like a box of chocolates... 
    by overplay
    Visit Groove Factory conobus page

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    [[pms:Template:Cité un lìber]]
    [[pms:Template:Cité un lìber]]

    <center><a href="http://www.tunetribe.com/Artist?artist_id=226"><img src="http://myspace-114.vo.llnwd.net/00665/41/11/665881114_l.gif" border="0" alt="TuneTribe.com" title="TuneTribe.com"></a></center>

    Revision as of 10:20, 7 July 2006


    This template is used to cite sources in Wikipedia. It is specifically for books. This template replaces the deprecated {{book reference}}.


    All fields must be lowercase. Copy a blank version to use:

    Full version Brief Instructions   Most common fields
    {{cite book
     | last = 
     | first = 
     | authorlink = 
     | coauthors = 
     | editor = 
     | others = 
     | title = 
     | origdate = 
     | origyear = 
     | origmonth = 
     | url = 
     | format = 
     | accessdate = 
     | accessyear = 
     | accessmonth = 
     | edition = 
     | date = 
     | year = 
     | month = 
     | publisher = 
     | location = 
     | language = 
     | id = 
     | doi =
     | pages = 
     | chapter = 
     | chapterurl = 
     | quote =
    (no wikilink)
    last(no wikilink)
    † preferred(no wikilink)
     alt to origdate
     alt to origdate
    url †preferred(no wikilink)
         alt to accessdate
         alt to accessdate
    † preferred(no wikilink)
     alt to date
     alt to date
    (no wikilink)‡
    {{cite book
     | last = 
     | first = 
     | authorlink = 
     | coauthors = 
     | year = 
     | title = 
     | publisher = 
     | location = 
     | id = 
    ∗ The field listed below is a prerequisite for the field to the left. For example last is a prerequisite to first meaning first will NOT be displayed even if it has a value unless last also has a value.
    ∗∗ Wikilinks MUST link to existing article, and can not be used if url is used below.
    † This is the preferred field with its alternates listed
    ‡ If chapterurl is provided then chapter can not have wikilinks.



    Most fields can be wikilinked (ie. title = [[book article|book title]]), but should generally only be linked to an existing Wikipedia article. Any wikilinked field must not contain any brackets apart from normal round brackets () — don't use <>[]{}.

    Description of fields

    Syntax (for the technical-minded)

    Nested fields either rely on their parent fields, or replace them:

    • parent
      • child — may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)
      • OR: child2 — may be used instead of parent (and is ignored if parent is used)


    • last: Surname of author. Don't wikilink (use authorlink instead).
      • first: First name(s) of author, including title(s) (eg. Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Snr.). Don't wikilink (use authorlink instead).
        • The `last' and `first' fields are poorly named for the case of an author whose surname is usually written first (e.g. as in Chinese). They also have the problem of only communicating which is the surname, not communicating where the surname is usually written. Consider deprecating first,last fields, and reinstating author field, using the notation "Smith, John" or "Hu Ke Jie" as appropriate (i.e. always writing surname first, and using comma or not depending on whether the name is usually written surname last or first).
      • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author. Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with "author" or "first" and "last".
      • coauthors: Full name of additional author or authors, surname last, separated by ", " (eg. Joe Bloggs, John F. Kennedy, H. R. Dent).
        • Someone please confirm that surname is to go last even for people whose name is usually written surname first. Consider rethinking this field, e.g. using Bloggs, Joe and Kennedy, John F. and Dent, H. R. and Hu Ke Jie.
      • OR: author: Full name of author, preferably surname first.
    • editor: Name of the editor/editors. No text is added, so labels such as "(ed.)" have to be supplied by the user.
    • others: For uses such as "illustrated by Smith" or "trans. Smith".
    • title: Title of book. This is the only required parameter. Can be wikilinked only to an existing Wikipedia article.
    • url: URL of an online book. Cannot be used if you wikilinked title.
      • format: Format, i.e. PDF. HTTP implied if not specified.
      • accessdate: Full date when item was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. Required when url field is used. Must not be wikilinked.
        • OR: accessyear: Year when item was accessed, and accessmonth: Month when item was accessed. If you also have the day, use accessdate instead. Must not be wikilinked.
    • edition: When the book has more than one edition. eg: "2nd edition".
    • origdate: Full date of publication of original edition, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2004-06-27. Must not be wikilinked.
      • OR: origyear: Year of publication of original edition, and origmonth: Month of publication of original edition. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
    • date: Full date of publication, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, eg. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked.
      • OR: year: Year of publication, and month: Name of the month of publication. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
    • publisher: Publisher should not include corporate designation such is "Ltd" or "Inc".
      • location: Place of publication.
    • language: The language the book is written in, if it is not English.
    • id: Identifier such as ISBN 1-111-22222-9 or {{LCC|Z253.U69}}. Remember, you must specify the kind of identifier, not just give a number.
    • doi: digital object identifier. See also {{doi}}
    • pages: 5–7: first page and optional last page. This is for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the book.
    • chapter: The chapter of the book, written in full. Punctuation other than quotes should be included in the value passed to the parameter, eg. chapter = Meet Dick and Jane. produces "Meet Dick and Jane." ahead of title.
      • chapterurl: URL of an individual chapter of online book. Should be at the same site as url, if any.
    • quote: Relevant quote from the book.


    Just a title
    * {{cite book | title=Mysterious book }}
    • Mysterious book.
    Year and title
    * {{cite book | title=Mysterious book | year=1901 }}
    • (1901) Mysterious book.
    Basic usage
    * {{cite book | first=Joe | last=Bloggs | authorlink=Joe Bloggs | year=1974 | title=Book of Bloggs }}
    Basic usage with url
    * {{cite book | last=Bloggs | first=Joe | authorlink=Joe Bloggs | year=1974 | title=Book of Bloggs | edition=1st Edition | url=http://en.wikipedia.org/ | accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
    Three authors, title with a piped wikilink, edition
    * {{cite book | last=Bloggs | first=Joe | authorlink=Joe Bloggs | coauthors=John Smith, Jim Smythe | title=[[A Thousand Acres|1000 Acres]] | edition=2nd Edition }}
    Date without day, wikilinked title and publisher, id
    * {{cite book | last=Cordell | first=Bruce R. | coauthors=Jeff Grubb, David Noonan | year=2001 | month=September | title=[[Manual of the Planes]] | publisher=[[Wizards of the Coast]] | id=ISBN 0-7869-1850-8 }}
    Date of first edition, other language, illustrator
    * {{cite book | last=Bloggs | first=Joe | origyear=1463 | year=1974 | title=Book of Bloggs | edition=1st Edition | others=illustrated by Smith | language=German | url=http://en.wikipedia.org/ | accessdate=2006-02-17 }}
    Using a doi
    *{{cite book | last=Mumford | first=David | authorlink=David Mumford | year=1999 | title=The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes: Includes the Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and Their Jacobians | edition=2nd ed. | publisher=[[Springer-Verlag]] | doi=10.1007/b62130 | id=ISBN 354063293X }}


    See Template:cite book/regression tests.


    Note the extra full-stop when the last author ends with an initial, and there is no date:

    • Invisible, M.. Mysterious book.

    We don't know of a practical solution to this — unless there is a way to test the characters of a field?

    Citation styles

    Established citation styles for coauthors:

    MLA style
    Last, First and First Last. "If there are more than three authors, you may list only the first author followed by the phrase et al."
    APA style
    Last, F. & Last, F.
    Chicago Manual of Style
    Last, First, and First Last.
    same as Chicago Reference List, above.
    Last, F., Last, F. & Last, F.

    See also

    cs:Šablona:Citace knihy es:Plantilla:Ref-libro fr:Modèle:Citation livre ja:Template:Cite book it:Template:Cita libro mk:Шаблон:Книга no:mal:Kilde bok ro:Format:Cite_book ru:Шаблон:Книга sk:Šablóna:Cite book sl:Predloga:Cite book vi:Tiêu bản:Chú thích sách zh:Template:Cite book pms:Template:Cité un lìber