
    From Nonbinary Wiki
    Revision as of 18:59, 23 March 2017 by imported>Cassolotl

    What this is

    It's a template for generating a pronoun set and example sentence for reference and understanding.

    Copy and paste

    Copy and paste this into your page, and then type in the pronoun form after each =. For example, for the set "he/him", you would write subj=he |obj=him ... etc.

    {{pronounshelp|pronounname= |subj= |obj= |posdet= |pospro= |reflex= |verbs=singular/plural (delete as appropriate) |name= }}

    Please note that singular "they" uses plural verbs, even when talking about one person - so, despite the name singular "they", you would type verbs=plural.


    See also: Wikipedia's page on third-person pronouns.
    Abbreviation Full name Example using "he/him" set
    subj subject (nominative) He is writing
    obj object (oblique) I wrote about him
    posdet possessive determiner That's his notebook
    pospro possessive pronoun That pen is his
    reflex reflexive Sam wrote about himself