Translations:Gender neutral language in Swedish/37/en
- Vuxen. Neutral, standard. Means adult.
- Gamling. Neutral, standard. Means elderly.
- Hemmapartner, hemmaförälder. Neutral, standard. Means housepartner/housespouse and stay-at-home parent.
- Änkeperson. Neutral, standard. Means widowed person.
- Tronföljare. Neutral, standard. Means crown-successor.
- Prin, kronprin. Neutral, nonstandard. Means princess/prince and crownprincess/crownprince.
- Regent/Monark. Neutral, standard. Mean regnant, monarch, queen/king.
- Ni!/Hörrni!/Folk!. Neutral, standard. Means “you” and “folk(s)”, can be used when calling multiple people instead of saying girls and/or guys.
- Ärade/kära publik/gäster/vänner/folk. Neutral, standard. Gender-inclusive way of saying “ladies & gentlemen”.