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    Gun control is a term used by liberals when advocating unconstitutional laws designed to disarm[1] people by restricting the lawful purchase, ownership, or carrying of guns, under the guise of "public safety." Studies show that increasing lawful access to guns results in less crime,[2] but, despite the fact that gun ownership is a Constitutional right, Leftists push gun control because it increases the dependency of voters on government for protection while disarming citizens from any self-defense against violent crime or tyranny such as genocide. Supporters of gun control need only to look at leftist dictatorships such as Venezuela.[3][4]

    The political effect of gun control is to shift voters leftward, and hence gun control is pushed hard by the liberal media and leftist politicians.[5] In the United Kingdom, which already has the strictest gun control in Europe, leftists demand control over 120,000 deactivated guns, although their activation and use constitute only 0.04% of all gun offenses there. But leftists want gun control because fewer guns means greater dependency on government.[6] Gun control can be considered a form of doublespeak.

    In a stunning blow to the gun control effort just after Independence Day 2018, the case Defense Distributed v. U.S. Department of State resulted in a settlement[7] and an admission on part of the Department of Justice that stated:

    Non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber – including modern semi-auto sporting rifles such as the popular AR-15 and similar firearms – are not inherently military.[8]