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X-gender (Xジェンダー x-jendā, or エックスジェンダー ekkusu-jendā) is a common transgender identity that isn't female or male.[1] The word X-gender is used in Japan in the same way that genderqueer and nonbinary are used in English.


The "X" in X-gender has several meanings.

X-gender is said as "X gender," as in the unknown X in mathematics, not "cross gender" as in an intersection.

X-gender is also related to the use in some countries of “x gender” on paperwork for a gender other than man or woman.

The term "X-gender" is also related to other jargon used throughout the transgender community. There is a widespread practice of trans women and people on the trans-feminine spectrum abbreviating their transition direction, "male-to-female," as "MtF." Meanwhile, trans men and people on the trans-masculine spectrum abbreviating "female-to-male" as "FtM." Following this, trans people who don't identify as male or female substitute an X for their transition direction. X-gender and other nonbinary people have described their transition direction as "male-to-X" as "MtX," and "female-to-X." The term "XtX" is also used by people who were born with an intersex condition and have a gender identity that is neither male nor female.[2]


The term "X-gender" began to be used in Osaka in the latter half of the 1990s.[3]


There are also several categories of gender in X-gender. Chiefly, there are thought to be four: neutral (中性), which is between male and female; bigender (両性), which is somewhat both; genderfluid (不定性), which changes between genders in different situations; and agender (無性), which have no gender of their own.[4] There is no need to be bound by these four categories.

In addition to the above, it is thought that there are various gender identities. In addition, male gender identity is dominant in neutral or bigender X-gender as male X-gender, whereas when female gender identity is dominant, it is sometimes referred to as female X-gender. Furthermore, there can be differences in the proportion of the male and female they feel, and since there are also X-gender and others with neutral or bigender identities other than the concept of men and women, even among those belonging to either one, it is said that there are no two people with the same gender identity in X gender.

X-gender is a gender identity, not a romantic or sexual orientation. X-gender people may feel attraction to men, women, both, and/or other X-gender people, or they may be asexual.

Online communities


  • Factor, R., & Rothblum, E. (2008). Exploring gender identity and community among three groups of transgender individuals in the United States: MTFs, FTMs, and genderqueers. Health Sociology Review, 17(3), pp.235-253.
  • Katsumi Nishima (針間克己) (2011). Actual psychiatry of medical examination of gender identity in mental clinic (メンタルクリニックにおける性同一性障害診療の実際 精神医学) 53(8), pp.749-753
  • Ishida Hitoshi (石田 仁) (2008). Ishida Hitoshi (ed) Gender identity disorder - gender / medical treatment / special law Ochanomizu Shobo (石田 仁(編) 性同一性障害―ジェンダー・医療・特例法 御茶の水書房)
  • Kuper, L. E., Nussbaum, R. & Mustanski, B. (2012). Exploring the Diversity of Gender and Sexual Orientation Identities in an Online Sample of Transgender Individuals. Journal of sex research49(2-3), pp.244-254.
  • Shogo Matsushima (松嶋淑恵) "Survey on the actual situation of people with gender disparity: economic situation, human relations, psychological problems" Human Science Research Vol. 34 (「性別違和をもつ人々の実態調査 : 経済状況、人間関係、精神的問題について」人間科学研究 34巻), P.185-208 (2013-03) Bunkyo University Human Sciences Division (文教大学人間科学部)
  • 大田黒花 (2009). A Study on "X Gender" Shizuoka University Informatics Department Siebara Megumi Laboratory (「X ジェンダー」についての一考察 静岡大学情報学部 笹原恵研究室)
  • 佐々木掌子 (2010). 規定されないものとしてのジェンダー・アイデンティティ-MTXとFTXの質的分類- GID(性同一性障害)学会雑誌, 3(1), pp.44-45.
  • Rei Tanaka (田中玲) (2006). Transgender · Feminism Impact Publications (トランスジェンダー・フェミニズム インパクト出版会)
  • Doaguchi Yoshiya (戸口太功耶) (2012). Phenomenological psychology of X gender - the meaning of identity that is not "male / female" - Naruto University of Education Graduate School of Education Graduate School of Education - master thesis (Xジェンダーの現象学的心理学―「男/女」いずれかではないアイデンティティを名乗ることの意味― 鳴門教育大学大学院学校教育研究科修士論文)
  • Yoshinaga Michiko (吉永みち子) (2000). Gender identity disorder - Morning Shueisha of sex change (性同一性障害-性転換の朝 集英社)
  • Label X ed., (Label X編)、"What is X gender?" - Diversity of sex in Japan. (『Xジェンダーって何?-日本における多様な性のあり方-』) "Green Wind Publication (緑風出版) October 20, 2016. ISBN 978-4-8461-1615-6

See also

External links


  1. Marilyn Roxie. "Selected links on nonbinary gender in Japan." March 28, 2013. http://genderqueerid.com/post/46526429887/selected-links-on-non-binary-gender-in-japan
  2. http://intersections.anu.edu.au/issue31/dale.htm#n12
  3. http://rainbowaction.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-122.html
  4. Gender identity as unspecified - Qualitative classification of MTX and FTX - Journal of the GID (Gender Equality Disorder) Society, 3 (1), pp. 44 - 45. (佐々木掌子 (2010). 規定されないものとしてのジェンダー・アイデンティティ-MTXとFTXの質的分類- GID(性同一性障害)学会雑誌, 3(1), pp.44-45.)
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