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Exclamation mark white icon.svg This page is about a gender identity that is not widely used among gender-variant people. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that very few people are known to use this term.
More information on uncommon identities...

Drone is an uncommon gender identity based on the queer fetish of the same name, as well as the idea that members of swarms found in nature (such as animals like bees) don't have a binary understanding of gender. In the 2023 Gender Census, less than 0.1 % of 40,375 respondents identified as such.[1]

Queer Understanding

All understandings of the hivemind and the drone are inherently nonbinary. The conception of gender held by an ant or a bee is not a man/woman dichotomy of male homeowner and female childbearer, bees have three genders.[2] For bees, female workers manage all the non-reproductive tasks of the hive and are sterile.[3] Star Trek's Borg drones are queer[4], and the minions of the Zerg have no use for gender.[5] The drones of a simulated swarm, like virtually all computer programs, have no gender. Trans people choosing to give up gender in favour of dronification relive their transgender experiences in a safe environment.[6] The nature of the drone is, in all explored cases, queer.[citation needed]

This has lead to some people taking on nonbinary identities specifically as a drone. In the 2023 Gender Census, less than 0.1 % of 40,375 respondents identified as such.[1]

Dronification Fetish

The goal of the dronification fetish is to remove the feeling of personhood from the submissive. The creator of Hexcorp is transgender, and dronification is said to appeal to trans people due to freedom from societal constraints regarding name, body, disability, and personhood itself.[6] A very prominent dronification influencer is HexCorp.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Gender Census 2023: Worldwide Report". Gender Census. June 6, 2023.
  2. https://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2013/04/10/3733766.htm
  3. https://www.mdbka.com/bee-information/
  4. https://www.startrek.com/en-un/news/seven-of-nine-was-always-queer
  5. https://www.starcraftforum.com/threads/zerg-protoss-genders.117/
  6. 6.0 6.1 https://cashmeremag.com/dronification-kink-849537/
  7. https://www.hexcorp.net/