Gender neutral language in Dutch: Difference between revisions

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* '''Huwelijkspartner.''' Neutral word bride and groom.
* '''Huwelijkspartner.''' Neutral word bride and groom.
* '''Bruidspartner.''' Nonstandard. Neutral word for a spouse-to-be/marrier/nearlywed-person.
* '''Bruidspartner.''' Nonstandard. Neutral word for a spouse-to-be/marrier/nearlywed-person.
* '''Eega.''' Neutral word for wedded spouse. More formal.
* '''Eega.''' Archaic, formal, neutral word for wedded spouse.
* '''Gade.''' Neutral word for wedded spouse. More formal.
* '''Gade.''' Archaic, formal, neutral word for wedded spouse.
* '''Levenspartner.''' Neutral word for wedded partner/life partner. More formal.
* '''Levenspartner.''' Neutral word for wedded partner/life partner. More formal.
* '''Wederhelft.''' Neutral word for wedded partner/"better half"/significant other.
* '''Wederhelft.''' Neutral word for wedded partner/"better half"/significant other.
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* '''Tiener.''' Neutral word for a teenager. (Child of ~10 to ~18 years old.)
* '''Tiener.''' Neutral word for a teenager. (Child of ~10 to ~18 years old.)
* '''Telg/nageslacht, afstammeling.''' Neutral, basically means scion/progeny and descendant, alternatives (that might sound weird) to refer to someone in relation to them being one's child, but not necessarily a young one.
* '''Telg/nageslacht, afstammeling.''' Neutral, basically means scion/progeny and descendant, alternatives (that might sound weird) to refer to someone in relation to them being one's child, but not necessarily a young one.
=== Siblings and related family ===
* '''Sibbeling.''' Nonstandard, low-usage. Dutch does not have a standardized word for sibling, but "sibbeling" has been suggested as a neutral option to zus/broer (sister/brother). [][]
* '''Kleine/jongere/jongste sibbeling, middelste sibbeling, grote/oudere/oudste sibbeling.''' Nonstandard, low-usage, inferred from ”sibbeling”, means little/younger/youngest sibling, middle sibling and big/older/oldest sibling.
'''NOTE:''' There are no neutral alternatives like English's nibling, cousin or pibling for Dutch's nichtje/neef (niece/nephew/cousin) or tante/oom (aunt/uncle). One could instead use descriptive phrases such as "kind van mijn sibbeling" (child of my sibling/nibling), "kind van mijn ouders sibbeling" (child of my parent's sibling/cousin) or "sibbeling van mijn ouder" (sibling of my parent/pibling)

=== Grandparents ===
=== Grandparents ===
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* '''Schoonouder.''' Neutral Dutch word for parent-in-law.
* '''Schoonouder.''' Neutral Dutch word for parent-in-law.
* '''Schoonkind.''' Neutral Dutch word for child-in-law.
* '''Schoonkind.''' Neutral Dutch word for child-in-law.
* '''Schoonsibbeling.''' Nonstandard, low-usage, inferred from "schoon-" (in-law) and ”sibbeling”, means sibling-in-law.
=== Other terms ===
=== Other terms ===
* '''Volwassene.''' Neutral word for an adult. (Person of ~18 to ~65 years old.)
* '''Volwassene.''' Neutral word for an adult. (Person of ~18 to ~65 years old.)
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* '''Troonopvolger.''' Neutral word for crownprincess/crownprince.
* '''Troonopvolger.''' Neutral word for crownprincess/crownprince.
* '''Koninklijke afstammeling.''' Low-usage, means royal descendant. This is a descriptive phrase that can be used instead of the gendered words prinses/prins (princess/prince).
* '''Koninklijke eega/gade (door huwelijk).''' Low-usage, eega/gade are archaic words, means royal spouse (through marriage). This is a descriptive phrase that can be used instead of the gendered words prinses/prins (princess/prince).
* '''Monarch.''' Low usage middle-Dutch word that can be used as a neutral alternative to queen/king, means monarch.
* '''Jullie/Allemaal/Mensen.''' Neutral way of calling multiple people instead of saying girls and/or guys.
* '''Jullie/Allemaal/Mensen.''' Neutral way of calling multiple people instead of saying girls and/or guys.

=== Professions/Roles ===
=== Professions/Roles ===

* '''Barwerker, barpersoon.''' Nonstandard alternatives for barvrouw/barman (barwoman/barman) using the inferred neutral words "-werker" (-worker) and "-persoon" (-person) to make it neutral.
* '''Brandweer/Brandweermens, brandweerlieden/brandweermensen.''' Neutral words for brandweervrouw(en)/brandweerman(nen) (firewoman/fireman and firewomen/fireman).
* '''Brandweer/Brandweermens, brandweerlieden/brandweermensen.''' Neutral words for brandweervrouw(en)/brandweerman(nen) (firewoman/fireman and firewomen/fireman).
* '''Huisbaar/Hospite.''' Neutral words for hospita/hospes (property owner).
* '''Huisbaar/Hospite.''' Neutral words for hospita/hospes (property owner).
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