Translations:Gender neutral language in Swedish/83/en
- Gudom/Gud. Neutral, standard. Means deity/god and can be used as gender-neutral terms instead of separating gud (god) and gudinna (godess).
- Huskost/Hushållskost. Neutral, will be understood. Means house/household-diet/cuisine (traditional home cooked food) and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "husmanskost" (house-man's-diet/cuisine).
- Härskarvälde. Neutral, standard. Means reign/rulerreign/rulership and can be use as a non-male-centric alternative to "herravälde" ("male-"lordreign).
- Karaktär. Neutral, standard. Means character/game-character and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "spelgubbe/gubbe" (game-man/man).
- LEGO-figur/LEGO-minifigur. Neutral, standard. Means LEGO-figure/LEGO-minifigure and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "LEGO-gubbe" (LEGO-man).
- Parentonym. Neutral, nonstandard. This can be used as a hypernym of matronym and patronym, but also to refer to such names in a gender-neutral sense.
- Parriarkat. Neutral, nonstandard. This refers to matriarchal and/or patriarchal social systems. See the English parriarch with the prefix parr- (kin).
- Polttare. Neutral, semi-standard loanword from Finnish. Means bach party and can be used as a gender-neutral alternative to möhippa (bachelorette party) and svensexa (bachelor party).
- Rojal. Neutral, will be understood. Means royal and can be used as a non-male-generalizing alternative for "kunglig" (meaning royal but is formed like "kingly").
- Snöfigur/Snövän/Snöperson. Neutral, will be understood. Means snowfigure/snowfriend/snowperson and can be used as non-male-generalizing alternatives for "snögubbe" (snowman).
- Starkast på täppan, högst på täppan. Neutral, will be understood. Means Strongest/Highest on the Hill and can be used as gender-inclusive alternatives to refer to the game commonly called "Herren på Täppan/Herreman på Täppan" (Lord/Lordman on the Hill).