
    From Nonbinary Wiki
    Revision as of 22:48, 2 March 2025 by Zopilote (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Transyada is an online community and discussion forum for users interested in "messing around with gender" which became active in 2010. The forum was a spinoff of the "TransWhatevers of AVEN" thread, hosted on the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network forum. User Teagan KGB created the thread for trans people who desired an alternative to previously existing threads for trans men and trans women.<ref>Teagan KGB. "TransWhatevers of AVEN". The Asexuality Visibility a...")
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    Transyada is an online community and discussion forum for users interested in "messing around with gender" which became active in 2010. The forum was a spinoff of the "TransWhatevers of AVEN" thread, hosted on the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network forum. User Teagan KGB created the thread for trans people who desired an alternative to previously existing threads for trans men and trans women.[1]

    Threads from the gender subforum include "What the gender are you thinking?![2]" (miscellaneous thoughts about gender), "Genderwatch" (relevant news articles), and "Rantfest Thread-- Gender Version" (venting related to gender).[3]

    1. Teagan KGB. "TransWhatevers of AVEN". The Asexuality Visibility and Education Network. July 21 2010.
    2. "What the gender are you thinking?!".
    3. "Rantfest Thread—Gender Version."