Day Magee

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    From Nonbinary Wiki
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    Day Magee
    Nationality Irish
    Pronouns they/them[1]
    Gender identity genderqueer[2]
    Occupation visual artist, performance artist, and singer-songwriter

    Day Magee is an Irish visual artist, performance artist, and singer-songwriter.

    Music releases[edit | edit source]

    • Cure (EP, December 2020)[2]

    Links[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. Archived on 17 July 2023
    2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Donohoe, Katie (29 October 2020). "Premiere: Day Magee unleashes a genderqueer dark anthem for Halloween with track Oakdene Avenue". GCN. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 7 November 2020.



    [[Category: Genderqueer people]]

    [[Category: Performers]]

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