Topic on Talk:Research

Clarke, J. A. (2019). They, Them, and Theirs. Harvard Law Review, 132(3), 895–991.

Goldberg, A. E., & Kuvalanka, K. A. (2018). Navigating identity development and community belonging when “there are only two boxes to check”: An exploratory study of nonbinary trans college students. Journal of LGBT Youth, 15(2), 106–131.

Liszewski, W., Peebles, J. K., Howa Yeung, Arron, S., & Yeung, H. (2018). Persons of Nonbinary Gender - Awareness, Visibility, and Health Disparities. New England Journal of Medicine, 379(25), 2391–2393.

Reisner, S. L., & Hughto, J. (2019). Comparing the health of non-binary and binary transgender adults in a statewide non-probability sample. PloS one, 14(8), e0221583.

Goldhammer, H., Malina, S., & Keuroghlian, A. S. (2018). Communicating With Patients Who Have Nonbinary Gender Identities. Annals of family medicine, 16(6), 559–562.

Allen, B. J., Andert, B., Botsford, J., Budge, S. L., & Rehm, J. L. (2020). At the Margins: Comparing School Experiences of Nonbinary and Binary-Identified Transgender Youth. The Journal of school health, 90(5), 358–367.

Lykens, J. E., LeBlanc, A. J., & Bockting, W. O. (2018). Healthcare Experiences Among Young Adults Who Identify as Genderqueer or Nonbinary. LGBT health, 5(3), 191–196.

Peng, K., Zhu, X., Gillespie, A., Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Xin, Y., Qi, J., Ou, J., Zhong, S., Zhao, L., Liu, J., Wang, C., & Chen, R. (2019). Self-reported Rates of Abuse, Neglect, and Bullying Experienced by Transgender and Gender-Nonbinary Adolescents in China. JAMA network open, 2(9), e1911058.