Glossary of Chinese gender and sex terminology: Difference between revisions

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    | 不男不女的
    | 不男不女的
    | bù nán bù nǚ de
    | bù nán bù nǚ de
    | androgynous
    | not feminine and not masculine, derogatory
    | 不男不女的人
    | 不男不女的人
    | bù nán bù nǚ de rén
    | androgynous person
    | 雌雄同体
    | 雌雄同体
    | 雌雄同體  
    | 雌雄同體
    | cíxióngtóngtǐ
    | cíxióngtóngtǐ
    | androgyny
    | androgyny (biologically, for animals or plants), androgynous in presentation (for humans), whether negative or positive tone depends on context
    | 雌雄间性
    | 雌雄间性
    Line 47: Line 42:
    | dì sān xìngbié
    | dì sān xìngbié
    | third gender
    | third gender
    |fēi èr yuán xìng bié
    |nonbinary, nonbinary gender
    | 秀者
    | 秀者
    Line 66: Line 66:
    | 海吉拉
    | 海吉拉
    | hǎijí lā
    | hǎijí lā
    | hijra
    | hijra, translated from Indian
    | 宦官
    | 宦官
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    | huànguān
    | huànguān
    | eunuch
    | eunuch
    |tài jiān
    |eunuch, historically used for the boys who suffered genital multination to serve in the royal palace, sometimes used as derogatory term for effiminate men
    | 灰色地带
    | 灰色地带
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    | 娘娘腔
    | 娘娘腔
    | niángniang qiāng
    | niángniang qiāng
    | sissy
    | (voice) sissy, derogatory
    |tài jiān
    |sissy man, effeminate man, derogatory
    | 女性特质
    | 女性特质
    Line 121: Line 131:
    | 人妖
    | 人妖
    | rényāo
    | rényāo
    | gender-bender (literally "human monster" or "human demon", often used as a transphobic term to describe someone who is transgender, transsexual, a transvestite or a "ladyboy")
    | gender-bender (literally "human monster" or "human demon", often used as a transphobic term to describe a trans woman, a "ladyboy")
    | 生理性别
    | 生理性别
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    | 雙靈
    | 雙靈
    | shuāng líng
    | shuāng líng
    | two-spirit
    | two-spirit, translated from English as a way to refer to the identity
    | 双性同体
    | 双性同体
    Line 142: Line 152:
    | shuāng xìng rén
    | shuāng xìng rén
    | intersex person; intersexuality
    | intersex person; intersexuality
    |jiān xìng rén
    |intersex person (more respectable term)
    | 他
    | 他