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    [[Intergender]] is a [[gender identity]] under the [[nonbinary]] and [[transgender]] [[umbrella terms]]. Intergender people have a gender identity that is in the middle between the [[binary gender]]s of female and male, and may be a mix of both. The word "intergender" has been independently coined by different people at different times, resulting in two main differences in meaning:
    [[Intergender]] is a [[gender identity]] under the [[nonbinary]] and [[transgender]] [[umbrella terms]]. Intergender people have a gender identity that is in the middle between the [[binary gender]]s of female and male, and may be a mix of both. The word "intergender" has been independently coined by different people at different times, and the meaning has been the same, as above. At least one person claiming to be intergender and intersex independently has argued that "intergender" should only by used by people who are intersex, and that intergender is an identity only for intersex people.<ref name="Aeshling_Mogai">Aeshling. "Intergender." ''Mogai-Archive.'' 2014.</ref> However, the identity label had already been in use for at least sixteen years as something that was open to people of any birth sex.<ref name="Matthews_Intergendered">Donna Lynn Matthews, “What is intergendered?” 1998-10.</ref><ref name="Matthews_Genderqueer">Donna Lynn Matthews, “Being genderqueer – What it means for me.” 2006-10.</ref>

    1. Some of them have given it as an identity label that any person can use, even if they are not [[intersex]] ([[dyadic]]) themselves. This definition seems to have been coined earlier, at least in the 1990s.<ref>Donna Lynn Matthews, “What is intergendered?1998-10.</ref>
    In the 1990s, people who identified as intergender had a discussion group in the newsgroup, which was created by an intergender and non-intersex person named Donna Lynn Matthews.<ref name="Matthews_Genderqueer">Donna Lynn Matthews, “Being genderqueer – What it means for me.” 2006-10.</ref> Some participants of that newsgroup used gender-neutral [[pronouns]].<ref>"GNP FAQ." []</ref> It was an identity label that any person can use, even if they are not [[intersex]] themselves. This definition seems to have been coined earlier, at least in the 1990s.<ref name="Matthews_Intergendered" />  
    In 1998, Matthews described intergender as "a gendered state ''between'' the polar endpoints of man and woman. […] I'm both and neither at the same time. […] As we do not gender ourselves along the either/or lines of the binary gender system, we often choose not to present along these lines. […] We are not really interested in ''passing'' as women or men. We want nothing more than to be able to simply be who we are without having choose between two extremes."<ref name="Matthews_Intergendered" />
    In 2000, a non-intersex and intergender person named Deird Duncan coined the word "interdressing," meaning intergender [[gender expression]] in clothing, possibly without any intention to be seen as any particular gender.<ref>Deird Duncan, “Interdressing.2000-04-10. </ref>
    In 2014, one intersex intergender person named Aeshling (Tumblr usernames quietlyloud-intersex, indonintersex) independently coined the word "intergender," with the rule that this word is for the use of intersex people only. Otherwise, the word's meaning is the same as it had been when it had been coined and used by non-intersex transgender people. Aeshling's definition of it is "A gender that is between and among male and female."<ref name="Aeshling_Mogai" /> Aeshling's post didn't show awareness that the word had already been in use for people of any birth sex for at least sixteen years.
    Some non-intersex people interested in calling themselves "intergender" may choose to defer to intersex people by using a different label with a similar meaning instead, such as [[bigender]] or [[androgyne]], which are open to people of any birth sex. On the other hand, non-intersex people may be no less entitled to calling themselves intergender, because the label "intergender" was open to people of any birth sex for many years longer. There is also the matter that some nonbinary people who were born non-intersex describe their [[transition]] as the intention to make their body more intersex, and call themselves female-to-intersex or male-to-intersex transsexuals, which goes back to at least 1996.<ref name="Carter_Angels">Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." 1996-07-14. []</ref> Some intersex people have argued that it is appropriative for non-intersex people to say that they want to become intersex or intersex-like, given that intersex people face unique types of social oppression.{{Citation needed}} Either way, the old definition and Aeshling's definition agree that "intergender" means a gender identity between female and male, one which may be a mix of both.

    2. Others have said that "intergender" can only by used by people who are intersex, and that intergender is an identity only for intersex people.<ref>Aeshling. "Intergender." ''Mogai-Archive.''</ref> Intersex people need words for gender identities that correlate only with intersex bodies. In that case, dyadic nonbinary people should respect intersex people by taking up a different label than intergender for themselves, such as [[androgyne]] or [[bigender]].
    ==Gender expression==

    On the other hand, dyadic people who identified as intergender before this rule was created may be no less entitled to it. There is also the matter that some nonbinary people who were born dyadic describe their [[transition]] as one that will make their body more intersex, and call themselves female-to-intersex or male-to-intersex transsexuals.<ref>Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." 1996-07-14. []</ref> (However, some intersex people have said they were uncomfortable with this.) Either way, both definitions agree that "intergender" means a gender identity between female and male, which may be a mix of both.
    Some intergender people see it as solely a matter of gender identity, and therefore requires no particular kind of gender expression. They may even be satisfied with an appearance that fits within the gender binary, even though their gender identity does not. Other intergender people seek the aesthetic of [[androgyny]]. They may express their intergender identity through their personality or activities such as [[crossdressing]] or "interdressing" (see above), though this doesn't necessarily have the intention of being seen as any particular gender. Some intergender people have or wish to [[transition]] to a body that has traits 'in between' female and male, or which is more like an intersex body. There are dyadic people who call themselves female-to-intersex or male-to-intersex transsexuals.<ref name="Carter_Angels" />

    == Notable intergender people ==
    ''See main article: [[Notable nonbinary people]]''

    In the 1990s, people who identified as intergender had a discussion group in the newsgroup, which was created by a dyadic intergender person named Donna Lynn Matthews.<ref>Donna Lynn Matthews, “Being genderqueer – What it means for me.” 2006-10.</ref> Some participants of that newsgroup used gender-neutral [[pronouns]].<ref>"GNP FAQ." []</ref>
    There are many more [[notable nonbinary people|notable people who have a gender identity outside of the binary]]. The following are only some of those notable people who specifically use the word "intergender" for themselves.  

    In 1998, Matthews described intergender as "a gendered state ''between'' the polar endpoints of man and woman. […] I'm both and neither at the same time. […] As we do not gender ourselves along the either/or lines of the binary gender system, we often choose not to present along these lines. […] We are not really interested in ''passing'' as women or men. We want nothing more than to be able to simply be who we are without having choose between two extremes."<ref>Donna Lynn Matthews, “What is intergendered?” 1998-10. </ref>
    ''Please help expand this section.''

    In 2000, a dyadic intergender person named Deird Duncan coined the word "interdressing," meaning intergender [[gender expression]] in clothing, possibly without any intention to be seen as any particular gender.<ref>Deird Duncan, “Interdressing.” 2000-04-10. </ref>
    == Intergender characters in fiction ==

    In 2014, an intersex intergender person named Aeshling (user-names quietlyloud-intersex, indonintersex) independently coined the word "intergender," with the rule that this word is for the use of intersex people only, and not for dyadics. However, otherwise the word's meaning is the same as it had been when it had been coined and used by dyadic transgender people. Aeshling's definition of it is "A gender that is between and among male and female."<ref>Aeshling. "Intergender." ''Mogai-Archive.''</ref>
    ''See main article: [[Nonbinary gender in fiction#Nonbinary genders in fiction|Nonbinary gender in fiction]]''

    ==Gender expression==
    There are many more [[Nonbinary gender in fiction#Nonbinary genders in fiction|nonbinary characters in fiction who have a gender identity outside of the binary]]. The following are only some of those characters who are specifically called by the word "intergender," either in their canon, or by their creators.

    Some intergender people see it as solely a matter of gender identity, and therefore requires no particular kind of gender expression. They may even be satisfied with an appearance that fits within the gender binary, even though their gender identity does not. Other intergender people seek the aesthetic of [[androgyny]]. They may express their intergender identity through their personality or activities such as [[crossdressing]] or "interdressing" (see above), though this doesn't necessarily have the intention of being seen as any particular gender. Some intergender people have or wish to [[transition]] to a body that has traits 'in between' female and male, or which is more like an intersex body. There are dyadic people who call themselves female-to-intersex or male-to-intersex transsexuals.<ref>Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." 1996-07-14. []</ref>
    ''Please help expand this section.''

    ==See also==
    ==See also==