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Recursos e conselhos para amigos, parentes e aliados de pessoas não-binárias. Isso também lida com alguns conselhos para se dar bem com e ajudar outras pessoas transgênero, e algumas questões relacionadas a pessoais intersexuais.

Educação e Comportamento

Muitas pessoas esquecem de agir com boas maneiras quando estão tratando de pessoas transgênero. Alguns aliados têm boas intenções, mas dizem coisas mal-educadas para pessoas trans que eles nunca diriam para pessoas cisgênero. Isso acontece meramente porque a maior parte das pessoas não foi criada com uma boa ideia do protocolo social de situações que são novas para elas. Muita mídia (que machuca) têm dado ideias erradas de como agir em uma situação como essa. Por exemplo, programas de televisão em que mulheres transgênero são perguntadas perguntas intrusas dá às pessoas a ideia de que isso é o que deve ser feito quando elas descobrem que alguém é transgênero.

Use linguagem adequada e os pronomes corretos

  • Se alguém lhe pedir para usar linguagem específica como pronomes e substantivos associados a um certo sexo, use-a! Talvez seja difícil para você trocar a forma como você fala, mas se você não se esforçar, é fácil de perceber. Pratique mentalmente e tente o seu melhor para trocar a forma como você pensa na outra pessoa, isso fará com que a linguagem correta saia mais naturalmente.
  • Em um mundo ideal, você sempre acertaria tudo, mas é bem provável que você faça uns errinhos aqui e lá. Se você acidentalmente usar os pronomes errados, não faça um show. Desculpe-se rapidamente, se corrija e continue. Chamar muita atenção a um erro (desculpando-se muito ou se justificando) só vai fazer a outra pessoa ficar mais desconfortável.
  • Lembre-se sempre que a linguagem que você usa na frente de uma pessoa deveria ser a mesma que você usa quando ela não está com você. Isso não é só mal-educado, como tem influência em protegendo pessoas transgênero in espaços potencialmente transfóbicos.

Não de conselhos não-solicitados

Dizer para alguém o que você acha que ele deveria fazer, quando eles não te pediram isso, é sempre mal-educado, para qualquer um. É muito comum que pessoas façam isso assim que elas descobrem que seu amigo é trans.

  • Don't give unsolicited fashion advice. If someone wants your opinion on how they look, they'll ask. It's always rude to tell any person how to change their looks if they haven't asked. If you have good fashion advice for nonbinary people, and none of them have asked, you can put it in this wiki on the clothing page.
  • Don't give unsolicited advice about how to pass as a certain gender presentation. As is often the case with unsolicited advice to anybody, this tends to be insulting rather than helpful.
  • Don't give unsolicited advice about surgery, or about things about their body that could be hard to change. This can be very offensive because it sounds like you're passing judgement on their bodies. Nobody likes to be treated like that. The person might not even be interested in changing or hearing about those things.

Respect their privacy

  • Private parts are private. If the nonbinary person isn't your patient or your lover, don't ask about their private parts, whether they've had surgery, or what gender they were assigned at birth. It's always rude to ask any person about their private parts, unless if you are their doctor or their lover. Some nonbinary people don't want everybody to know about that, or what gender they were assigned at birth.
  • Learn to be content with not knowing certain intimate details about all people, such as their private parts, or their gender assigned at birth, or what part of the gender binary you think they're the most like. If you start wondering about it, don't blurt it out. Put the thought away, and focus your attention on what people are saying and doing, instead of speculating about private parts of their lives. This is very important when having to do with people who you think look androgynous, who you aren't sure how to fit into a female or male category.
  • Don't violate confidences or "out" nonbinary people. It's always rude to spread information about a person that they don't want to make public. Some nonbinary people are very public and out. Others want some sensitive details to be kept private. That might include their gender assigned at birth, the name they had before they changed it, and so on. Your nonbinary friend might be out to some people, and not out to others. Let them decide how much they want to tell about themselves. Don't do it for them.
  • It's not helpful to introduce your nonbinary friend to others as being nonbinary. You might be outing them. Let your friend decide whether they want to be open about that to each person.
  • Don't gossip about your guess that someone you don't know well might be transgender or nonbinary.

Take up gender-inclusive things

When binary people take up things for themselves that are gender neutral or gender inclusive, this often isn't an example of cultural appropriation, but is an example of the "curb effect". Making a sidewalk curb accessible to wheelchair users makes a more usable street design for everybody else, too: people with baby carriages, shopping carts, and so on. The curb effect means any kind of change that society takes up to make life less hard on marginalized groups of people, making life easier for other people, too. Accessible design is good design. Gender inclusive things are a benefit to nonbinary people, as well as to binary transgender people, and to women of all kinds.

  • Take up a gender neutral title for yourself, such as Mx. This isn't appropriating from nonbinary people something that belongs only to them, because the Mx title is for anyone who doesn't want their title to tell their gender. Everyone has the right to leave their gender undisclosed. Ask organizations if they will let you or others to be listed under a Mx title in their paperwork. Also ask if they let people go without a title entirely.
  • When you introduce yourself, tell your name and pronouns. When you meet someone new, ask for their name and pronouns. This isn't appropriating from transgender people. It helps create a society that is friendly to transgender people if you make it standard etiquette to ask about someone's pronouns, rather than guessing someone's pronouns.

See also