
Revision as of 21:07, 20 June 2023 by Ondo (talk | contribs)
Exclamation mark white icon.svg This page is about a gender identity that is not widely used among gender-variant people. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that very few people are known to use this term.
More information on uncommon identities...

Aesthetigender, aesthetigender, asthetegender, or videgender is a gender derived from, embodying, or best described as an aesthetic[1], also known as, Videgender.[2] As a nonbinary identity based on concepts other than connection to female or male, it is in the category of xenogender.

Under the umbrella term Xenogender
Frequency 0%

Basic information

  • Origin: Coined by curiosityismysin.[3]
  • Meaning: "A gender experience that is derived from, or the embodiment of, an aesthetic." There are many kinds of aesthetigenders,[3] and as such, aesthetigender can be considered an umbrella term within xenogender.
  • Keywords: abstract concepts, aesthetic, symbols, xenogender
  • Demographics: In the 2019 Worldwide Gender Census, three respondents said they were this.[4] In the 2020 Gender Census, one respondent was aestheticgender and one was aesthetigender.[5] In the 2021 Gender Census, six respondents were aesthetigender, two respondents were videgender, one was aestheticgender, and one was "aesthetic gender".[6]


  1. "Some terms and definitions". Tumblr. 22 December 2018. Retrieved 24 March 2023.
  2. "Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin". Mogai-Archive. Archived from the original on 21 February 2019. Retrieved 24 March 2023.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin." Mogai-Archive. Original post, lost: Archive of that post: Archive of that archive:
  4. "Gender Census 2019: Worldwide Report". Gender Census. March 31, 2019.
  5. "Gender Census 2020: Worldwide Report". Gender Census. November 2, 2020.
  6. "Gender Census 2021: Worldwide Report". Gender Census. April 1, 2021.
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