Health insurance

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    "Action for Trans Health" banner at Trans Pride Brighton 2014.

    Health insurance often doesn't cover gender-validating surgeries or therapies for transgender people, including nonbinary people who want a physical transition. It can be difficult to find an insurer that does, or to persuade one to do so. Such insurance companies think transgender health care is merely cosmetic and optional. They don't understand that, for many transgender people, it is life-saving and not optional. This transgender rights issue needs to be addressed by activism, so that it will someday be standard for insurance to cover transgender health care.

    Many insurance plans exclude coverage for "services, drugs, or supplies related to sex transformation".[1] When prescribing HRT, some healthcare providers will get around this exclusion by entering the diagnosis as a hormone imbalance.

    See also

    External links


    1. Cray, Andrew; Baker, Kellan (3 October 2012). "FAQ: Health Insurance Needs for Transgender Americans". Center for American Progress. Retrieved 13 April 2020.