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    From Nonbinary Wiki
    Exclamation mark white icon.svg This page is about a gender identity that is not widely used among gender-variant people. This does not mean that the identity is not valid, but that very few people are known to use this term.
    More information on uncommon identities...
    Related identities Juxera
    Frequency 0%
    Click here to see alternative flags!

    Nonpuella or nonera is a term for "Someone who is not female at all in any way, shape, or form, but feels a strong connection to femininity within their gender."[1] Nonpuella is Latin for "not girl" and nonera is Latin for "not woman".

    Nonpuer (or nonvir) is the corresponding gender for someone connected to masculinity but not male at all. For those who are connected to both masculinity and femininity but aren't female or male at all, the term is nonpuerella or nonvirmina.[2]

    In the 2020 Gender Census, five respondents (0.02%) were nonpuella or nonera.[3]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. "Nonpuella / Nonera (1)". 22 December 2015. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023.
    2. Archived on 17 July 2023
    3. GC2020 Public Copy, 1 November 2020 Archived on 17 July 2023

    {{uncommon identity}}

    {{infobox identity

    | flag = nonpuella.png

    | related = [[Juxera]]

    | frequency = 0%

    | gallery_link = Pride Gallery/Nonpuella, nonpuer, and nonvirmina


    '''Nonpuella''' or '''nonera''' is a term for "Someone who is not [[female]] at all in any way, shape, or form, but feels a strong connection to [[femininity]] within their [[gender]]."<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Nonpuella / Nonera (1)|date=22 December 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=17 July 2023}}</ref> Nonpuella is Latin for "not girl" and nonera is Latin for "not woman".

    [[Nonpuer]] (or nonvir) is the corresponding gender for someone connected to [[masculinity]] but not [[male]] at all. For those who are connected to both masculinity and femininity but aren't female or male at all, the term is nonpuerella or [[nonvirmina]].<ref> [ Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>

    In the 2020 [[Gender Census]], five respondents (0.02%) were nonpuella or nonera.<ref name="GC2020">[ GC2020 Public Copy], 1 November 2020 [ Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>



    [[Category:Nonbinary identities]]