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List of uncommon nonbinary identities: Difference between revisions

→‎A: removed troll influenced content and false nbphobic information
(→‎C: Added Customgender and definition.)
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* '''abimegender'''. A gender which is profound, deep, and infinite.<ref>"Abimegender." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/93322746459/abimegender-old-french-related-to-abyss-from</ref> This is a kind of [[xenogender]], meaning that it's defined without relation to female or male, but instead to other concepts.
* '''aerogender.''' "Where an individual’s gender relies highly on their setting and/or atmosphere, which can be composed of a great number of things (ex. who they’re around, their level of comfort, the temperature, the weather, the time of day/year, etc.). ... Coined by tenderagender".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92608429989/aerogender-where-an-individuals-gender-relies</ref>
* '''[[Aesthetgender|aesthetigender or aesthetgender]]'''. "A gender experience that is derived from, or the embodiment of, an aesthetic."<ref name="curiosityismysin">"Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91781455594/misc-genders-coined-by-curiosityismysin</ref> or "A gender experience that is derived from, or the embodiment of, an aesthetic."<ref>"Misc genders coined by curiosityismysin." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91781455594/misc-genders-coined-by-curiosityismysin</ref> A kind of xenogender.
*'''affectugender'''. A gender that is affected by one’s neurodivergency especially fluctuating moods, e.g. feeling like a boy during depressive episodes and feeling more like a demigirl during happy/manic episodes.<ref>http://witchtree.tumblr.com/post/98848290913/affectugender</ref> A kind of neurogender, meaning that it's defined in relation to a mental variation. Coined by: joysooyoungs. '''Keywords:''' Depression, mood disorders, bipolar, BPD<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/98660025754/affectugender</ref> Note: for people with mood disorders and personality disorders only.
*'''agenderflux.''' "Where you identify as agender but have fluctuations where you feel feminine or masculine but not male or female. Coined by: perfectlybrokenbones".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92999709954/agenderflux</ref>
* '''alexigender.''' Coined by eaglestrike in 2014. "A fluid gender experience, where you are aware that your gender is changing but cannot label each individual gender".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91735771964/alexigender</ref> A kind of [[genderfluid]].
* '''alexigender.''' Coined by eaglestrike in 2014. "A fluid gender experience, where you are aware that your gender is changing but cannot label each individual gender".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91735771964/alexigender</ref> A kind of [[genderfluid]].
* '''[[aliagender]]''' (from Latin ''alius,'' "other") is “A gender experience which is 'other', or stands apart from existing gender constructs.”<ref>http://askanonbinary.tumblr.com/post/71388258891/glossary-prod-at-me-through-the-inbox-if-you</ref>
* '''[[aliagender]]''' (from Latin ''alius,'' "other") is “A gender experience which is 'other', or stands apart from existing gender constructs.”<ref>http://askanonbinary.tumblr.com/post/71388258891/glossary-prod-at-me-through-the-inbox-if-you</ref>
* '''aliengender'''. "A gender that is an interpretation of a gender or genders, from a nonhuman perspective. may or may not like to fit into a gender and adopt a gender, but in a sort of ‘alien trying out foreign species’s gender’ way."<ref>http://purrloinsucks.tumblr.com/post/95720622604/aliengender</ref>
* '''amaregender.''' Coined by transmomoi in 2014. "A gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91779879924/amare-and-amicagender</ref> A kind of genderfluid.
* '''[[ambigender]].''' As defined by Baaphomett in 2014, "Experiencing two genders simultaneously and without fluidity or shifting."<ref name="baaphomett_masterpost" /> Syn. Bigender?
* '''[[ambigender]].''' As defined by Baaphomett in 2014, "Experiencing two genders simultaneously and without fluidity or shifting."<ref name="baaphomett_masterpost" /> Syn. Bigender?
* '''[[ambonec]]'''. A nonbinary "gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither, at the same time."<ref>http://queerascat.tumblr.com/post/94559591894/nbshadow-introducing-ambonec-an-for-short</ref><ref>"Terms." Queer Querys (blog). http://queerquerys.tumblr.com/terms</ref><ref>"Ambonec." Mogai-Archive (blog). http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91796206149/ambonec-an-for-short (dead link)</ref>
* '''[[ambonec]]'''. A nonbinary "gender identity in which you identify as both male and female, yet you also identify as neither, at the same time."<ref>http://queerascat.tumblr.com/post/94559591894/nbshadow-introducing-ambonec-an-for-short</ref><ref>"Terms." Queer Querys (blog). http://queerquerys.tumblr.com/terms</ref><ref>"Ambonec." Mogai-Archive (blog). http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91796206149/ambonec-an-for-short (dead link)</ref>
* '''amicagender.''' Coined by transmomoi in 2014. "A gender that changes depending on which friend you’re with at the moment".<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91779879924/amare-and-amicagender</ref>
* '''amorgender''' is defined as when your gender changes whilst in the presence of an individual to whom you have developed a deep connection for. This could be a romantic attraction, platonic connection, a spiritual affinity or anything similar. Can be combined with relevant genders to express what your gender changes to.<ref>http://mogai-lexicon.tumblr.com/post/122160825499/amorgender</ref><ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13">http://aporagender.tumblr.com/post/91274549054/introducing-antigenders</ref>
*'''antiagender'''. "similar to [[aporagender]], but defined as the opposite of no gender."
* '''antiaporagender''' "also similar to aporagender, a gender that is neither masculine nor feminine and has a gendered feeling, but the feeling isn’t specific or strong".<ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13" />
* '''antiboy.''' The opposite of a boy, but not a girl.<ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13" />
* '''antibigender''' "a [[bigender]] experience where one or both genders are antigenders".<ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13" />
* '''antifluid'''. "a [[genderfluid]] experience where one or more of the genders experienced are antigenders".<ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13" />
* '''antigender''' is a category of "Genders that can only be defined as the opposite of an existing gender. For instance: antiboy would be the opposite of a boy. antigirl would be the opposite of a girl.""<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91782643999/antigenders</ref> The word was coined by asexualjavert<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91782643999/antigenders</ref> and kgmps2.<ref>http://aporagender.tumblr.com/post/91274549054/introducing-antigenders</ref> Similarly, '''ungender''' (coined by Baaphomett) is a category of genders that are "Not without but a negative; an unboy would be the negative of a boy and an ungirl would be the negative of a girl."<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91736136744/masterpost-of-genders-coined-by-baaphomett</ref> (Note that this has a homonym that is widely used in the transgender community: "to ungender" is a verb similar in meaning to the verb "to misgender," that is, to portray someone's gender in a degrading way that they would not have wanted.) Antigenders are under the umbrellas of [[Nonbinary|nonbinary]] and [[transgender]] identities, as well as possibly [[xenogender]].
* '''antigirl'''. The opposite of a girl, but not a boy.<ref name="aporagender_antigenders-13" />
* '''apagender'''. Coined in 2014 by anonymous. "Someone who is apathetic towards their gender identity and doesn’t care enough to look further into it."<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92547893934/apagender Retrieved 2014.</ref> Keywords: apathy. Compare cassgender, commogender, gendermeh, genderwhat, nologender, personagender.
* '''aquarigender''' Coined by 8-bit-angel in 2014. "A gender that is perpetually changing. It is never to a specific gender identity, but sometimes there are existing labels that are close to what the gender feels like at the time. Sometimes it changes to a completely inexplicable feeling. Aquarigender is a flowing gender that changes slowly and constantly. It is not a set amount of genders that it switches between. Aquarigender is infinite. (Aquarigender can alternatively be called genderflow.)"<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/93321939324/aquarigender</ref>
* '''argogender, argogenderfluid.''' Coined by gyey in 2014. "A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. 'Argogender' can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow."<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92463052994/argogender-argogenderfluid-a-subset-of</ref>
* '''archaicgender'''. Coined by irredeemablegoety. "A gender that stretches far beyond one’s own age or lifetime. The vast-age of this gender has allowed it to grow far beyond whatever size/presence one would expect, or perhaps to shrink down and almost be forgotten."<ref>"Archaigender, archaicgender." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92395224609/archaigender-archaicgender</ref> Synonyms: archaigender, historiagender. Keywords: time
* '''archaigender'''. Coined by completelynormalscientist. "A gender that is ancient/old and big, and can either only be described with those words, or is correlated to them. Can be changed into archaiboy/girl/nonbinary/other."<ref>"Archaigender, archaicgender." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92395224609/archaigender-archaicgender</ref> Synonyms: archaicgender, historiagender. Keywords: time
* '''arithmogender'''. Coined by furryhell. "A number gender. It can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc. gender can be replaced with xirl, [[Genderfluid|fluid]], girl, [[boi]], nb, nonbinary, boy, enby, etc."<ref>"Genders coined by furryhell." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92029947359/genders-coined-by-furryhell</ref> Keywords: abstract concepts, symbols
* '''astergender'''. "Latin - related to 'star'. Having a gender which is bright, celestial, and radial."<ref>"Abimegender." Mogai-Archive. http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/93322746459/abimegender-old-french-related-to-abyss-from</ref> Keywords: light, nature, shape, space, symbols

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