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* '''marfluid.''' Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with masculine genders (based on mars symbol)." <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/93477794689/venufluid-marfluid-eafluid</ref> Synonyms butchfluid, mascufluid. Antonyms femmefluid, genderfae, venufluid.
* '''marfluid.''' Coined by a-tiny-peach in 2014. "Genderfluid but mostly/only fluid with masculine genders (based on mars symbol)." <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/93477794689/venufluid-marfluid-eafluid</ref> Synonyms butchfluid, mascufluid. Antonyms femmefluid, genderfae, venufluid.
* '''metagender'''. Coined by keyblademastercecilpalmer, agenderchrismclean, and lordmoriarty in 2014. "To identify around or beyond a gender. Where your gender identity is almost that gender, but not quite, and also extends beyond that. Imagine that —- is you, and | is the gender identity (and identifying fully with a gender is —-|), then metagender is —- | —-"<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91734862699/metagender</ref> For example, meta-boy, meta-girl, meta-nonbinary, and so on.
* '''microgender''' and '''macrogender'''. Coined by Baaphomett. "Small and large feelings of gender that are not identifiable within social gender categories."<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91736136744/masterpost-of-genders-coined-by-baaphomett</ref> Keywords: size, shape, space
* '''mirrorgender.''' Coined by branacle in 2014. "A gender that changes to fit the people you're around" <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92339349859/mirrorgender</ref>. Similar: amicagender. Keywords: genderfluid.
* '''modogender''' coined by: princetzimisce "a gender identity that is constantly changing; can be understood as somewhat of an intersection of genderfluid and genderflux identities in that the changes may encompass both identity and perceived “strength” of one’s gender (i.e., one moment I might be Very Much a girl, the next i might be somewhat agender, etc.). from latin modo (modo…modo = at one time…at another)." <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92509739774/modoromantic-sexual-an-orientation-that-is</ref>
* '''monagender'''. Coined by drkiriko/publicmiddleschool. Gender fluidity that happens according to a consistent, orderly cycle, like a lunar cycle.<ref>drkiriko. Untitled post. July (?) 2014. Post archived at http://frameacloud.tumblr.com/post/96642393745/drkiriko-so-i-was-chilling-and-thinking-about</ref>
* '''MTX'''. Male-to-X, covering people who were assigned male at birth, and who identify as nonbinary or X-gender.<ref name="roxiejapan"></ref>
*'''Multigender.''' coined by: VibraLively 2019. "A gender identity that may be used to describe a group of individuals, or and individual experiencing something like multiple personalities (or "personas," "alter egos," "multiple consciousness" etc.) sometimes associated with Dissociative Identity Disorders as a means to describe an array of genders that may be present in a group or within an individual with such multiple personalities. For example
**''"We go by Oblia and we're a multigender multiplicity of 4, using he/him as a group and responding "genderqueer" when asked how we identify. Within Oblia is Onto, Maria, Toryn, and Boxe. Onto (1st) and Maria (discovered 2008) are dominant personas and Toryn (discovered 2011) and Boxer(discovered 2012) are secondary personas. Onto uses he/him and identifies as a man unless he's in drag in which case he just identifies as fierce. Maria uses she/hers and they/them and identifies as a genderqueer woman. Toryn uses they/them and it/it/its and identifies as a trans-dimensional, inter-temporal, hypergender alien. Boxer is a canine who likes cuddling and chasing raccoons out of the yard"''
* '''musegender.''' coined by: anonymous "a gender named with artists/writers/roleplayers/actors etc in mind. a fluid gender influenced by the gender(s) of the characters you are drawing/writing/roleplaying/etc." <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/98729746839/musegender</ref>
* '''musicagender'''. Coined by transmomoi. "When your gender can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic and/or genre."<ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/92019315189/musicagender</ref> Keywords: sound, synaesthesia, symbols
* '''mutogender.''' coined by: thedonutsaurusrex "a gender that changes depending on situation or people you’re with etc., so like a subset of genderfluid" <ref>http://mogai-archive.tumblr.com/post/91735685184/mutogender</ref>

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