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Schools of all kinds, as well as other educational resources.
See [[Educational bodies (USA)]].
Note that for [[gender nonconforming]] [[children]] and teens, homeschooling or unschooling is an option. This still involves a lot of paperwork, but it's a life-saving option for youth who have difficulty fitting in or feeling safe around peers and faculty at school. Homeschooled or drop-out teens can work to pass the General Education Development (GED) test instead of getting a high school diploma. A GED certificate will satisfy all employers and colleges that ask for a high school diploma.
===Colleges and universities===
In the USA, many colleges use paperwork that makes problems for transgender people, especially nonbinary people. The Common Application and Universal College Application, used by many USA colleges, used to restrict answers to only the binary sex assigned at the birth of the applicant. However, starting in the 2016-2017 academic year, these applications updated the "sex" field to "sex assigned at birth" and added an optional free text field for gender.<ref name="OConnor">{{Cite web |title=College Applications Just Got Way More Gender-Inclusive |last=O'Connor |first=Lydia |work=HuffPost |date=April 28, 2016 |access-date=May 11, 2020 |url= https://www.huffpost.com/entry/common-application-gender_n_57225c03e4b01a5ebde4faf9}}</ref>
The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXcTiWKvTVfIYDx0ciZnZI5Bw5R_hfCdfTZKJPHpeHI/edit?pli=1 Applying to College as a Non Binary Trans Person] article is highly recommended because it goes into more detail about many aspects of college life for a nonbinary person in the USA, and some common problems in paperwork.
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size: 85%; text-align: center;"
! Organization
! Gender
! Notes
| American University
| Allows gender-neutral housing, "limited to the 'social justice' house for first years"<ref name="College">[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXcTiWKvTVfIYDx0ciZnZI5Bw5R_hfCdfTZKJPHpeHI/edit?pli=1 Applying to College as a Non Binary Trans Person]. October 21, 2013</ref>
| Austin Community College
| Students can submit their chosen name to be displayed in class rosters and online systems instead of their [[deadname]]. However, most official documents such as transcripts and diploma will use the student's legal name.<ref>https://www.austincc.edu/admissions/update-student-information/chosen-name</ref>
| Bard College
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| Bowling Green State University
| Allows gender neutral housing, but is limited to Founders Hall and one floor of MacDonald Hall for 2016-17 academic year<ref>https://www.bgsu.edu/residence-life/housing-options/gender-neutral-housing.html</ref><ref>http://www.toledoblade.com/Education/2016/05/01/BGSU-to-offer-less-expensive-all-gender-dorm.html</ref> Also has some gender neutral bathrooms accross campus <ref>https://www.bgsu.edu/content/dam/BGSU/multicultural-affairs/documents/gender-neutral-bathrooms.pdf</ref><ref>https://www.bgsu.edu/content/dam/BGSU/multicultural-affairs/documents/Gender%20Neutral%20Bathrooms_List+Campus%20Map.pdf</ref>
| Burlington College
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Can choose "I do not wish to identify"<ref name="College" />
| College of Wooster
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| Connecticut College
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Uses the Common App, which asks for sex assigned at birth, and has free text field for gender identity<ref name="OConnor" />
| >
| Dickinson College
| Allows gender-neutral housing, new to first years<ref name="College" />
| Evergreen State College, the
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Can choose "unspecified"<ref name="College" />
| Gutenberg College
| style="background-color:#9f9;"| Paper application doesn't ask<ref name="College" />
| Goucher College
| style="background-color:#f99;"| Application requires you to say whether your "sex" is M or F only, then asks a separate question in which you can write in your "gender."<ref name="College" />
| Grinnell College
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| Hampshire College
| Allows gender-neutral housing. Has gender-neutral bathrooms in all dorms and all over campus. Campus-wide student culture treats asking about preferred pronouns as a matter of basic etiquette.<ref name="College" />
| Haverford
| Doesn't say it has gender-neutral housing, but "regularly offers singles even to first years, and some floors have gender-neutral bathrooms".<ref name="College" />
| Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY)
| Has a gender-inclusive housing option that is friendly to genderqueer students. Has a speech pathology clinic to help transgender students with voice training for free.<ref name="Beemyn2012">Dr. [[Genny Beemyn]] and Shane Windmeyer. ''The Advocate.'' August 15, 2012. http://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2012/08/15/top-10-trans-friendly-colleges-and-universities?page=0,0 Mirror: http://www.campuspride.org/resources/top-10-trans/</ref>
| Juniata College
| Allows gender-neutral housing, new to first years<ref name="College" />
| Macalester College
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Uses the Common App, which asks for sex assigned at birth, and has free text field for gender identity<ref name="OConnor" />
| Allows gender-neutral housing.<ref name="College" />
| New College of Florida
| Doesn't say it has gender-neutral housing, but "has a campus community known for accepting gender-variant students—it works for some trans students because of the college’s informal acceptance, even if the school doesn’t have stated policies."<ref name="College" />
| New York University (New York, NY)
| Has a trans student group and several popular transgender focused events.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| Oberlin College
| Allows gender-neutral housing. Campus-wide student culture treats asking about preferred pronouns as a matter of basic etiquette.<ref name="College" />
| Pitzer College
| Allows gender-neutral housing. Lets you "indicate a gender preference for your roommate (but won't guarantee you'll get your preference)" [...] Pitzer also has the best housing application I've seen in terms of trans-friendliness".<ref name="College" />
| Prescott College
| style="background-color:#f99;"| Paper application has only M and F boxes<ref name="College" />
| Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
| Gives a lot of transgender focused programming and events, and works to be transgender-inclusive in its services.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| Savannah Technical College
| style="background-color:#f99;"| Only "male" and "female" gender options available
| Shimer College (in Chicago, Illinois)
| style="background-color:#9ff;"| Online form lets you write in a gender as you wish<ref name="College" />
| Skidmore College
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| St. Johns College
| style="background-color:#9f9;"| Paper application doesn't ask<ref name="College" />
| University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA)
| One of the first schools to cover transgender health care under its student health insurance, and makes it easy to access these benefits. The campus has gender-inclusive athletic facilities and more than 120 gender-inclusive bathrooms.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| University of California - Riverside (UCR)
| Has trans and genderqueer focused events. <ref name="Beemyn2012" /> Allows gender-neutral housing, as do all U of California schools, but this particular one is said to be "especially good" with "many options" of that kind.<ref name="College" />
| University of California - Santa Cruz (UCSC)
| Online application form gives about six gender options.<ref name="PracticalExamples">http://practicalandrogyny.com/2011/03/24/a-call-for-examples/</ref> Has separate questions for gender and for sex assigned at birth. Students can also indicate a preferred name and pronouns.<ref name="UCSC">{{Cite web |title=Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Questions |author= |work=registrar.ucsc.edu |date=June 25, 2018 |access-date=May 11, 2020 |url= https://registrar.ucsc.edu/gender-identity/index.html}}</ref>
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| University of Massachusetts, Amherst
| Formerly had actively transphobic faculty, but now works to be trans inclusive.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
| Works to be trans inclusive. Lets students be listed and called by a preferred name, in all contexts, rather than their legal name. Student culture accepts openly transgender students.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Can choose "unspecified"<ref name="College" />
| Works to be trans inclusive by introducing trans friendly policies before they're asked for. Rec centre has gender-inclusive locker rooms. Most buildings have gender-inclusive bathrooms.<ref name="Beemyn2012" /> Allows gender-neutral housing.<ref name="College" />
| University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
| LGBT center has a two-story building. Student culture is accepting of openly transgender people. Student health service is knowledgeable about trans health issues.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| University of Puget Sound
| Allows gender-neutral housing, new to first years<ref name="College" />
| University of Vermont (UVM) (Burlington, VT)
| Nondiscrimination policy includes "gender identity/expression." Has trans focused events. Lets students become listed by their preferred name. Works to help other schools be transgender-inclusive.<ref name="Beemyn2012" />
| University of Washington (UW) (Seattle, WA)
| Allows gender-neutral housing.<ref name="College" /> Has had a Q Center since 2005, which "welcomes students, staff, and faculty who are transgender". The University plans that in 2016 it will "broaden gender-neutral options for housing to include all of the new residence halls on west campus as well as Haggett Hall, which has provided gender-neutral bathrooms and living quarters for several years. ... UW staff is working on giving students an easy option to change their gender on University forms."<ref>Julie Garner, "True to self." ''Columns: The University of Washington Alumni Magazine'', September 10, 2015. [https://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns-magazine/september-2015/features/transgender/ https://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns-magazine/september-2015/features/transgender/]</ref>
| Vassar
| Doesn't say it has gender-neutral housing, but "has gender-neutral bathrooms throughout campus and in all the dorms".<ref name="College" />
| Warren Wilson college
| style="background-color:#f99;"| Application requires you to say whether your "sex" is M or F only, then asks a separate question in which you can write in your "gender."<ref name="College" />
| Wesleyan University
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />
| Western Washington University
| style="background-color:#ffb;"| Can choose "unspecified"<ref name="College" />
| Allows gender-neutral housing<ref name="College" />

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