
    From Nonbinary Wiki


    hi, im øzrynne, 16 y/o non-binary gremlin :3

    here to both learn and educate, depending on what i see that needs to be done

    proud to be a polytheistic religious nonconformist[1]

    i believe we should love everyone, except for the people who prove themselves unworthy to be loved[2]

    i make extremely interesting music (interesting is the only adjective that describes it fully)[3]

    i am only living out of spite for the establishment, if there was no establishment to spite i would have no purpose


    - øzrynne (shortened term øzzie)[5]

    - jack/jacklyn[6]

    - seraph, lara, erich, noros, ero[7]

    - charles-elizabeth[8]

    - beau[9]

    - sonor[10]

    1. i believe in the existence (at least theoretically) in every higher being, but i dont belong to a religion
    2. self explanatory. there are very bad people on this planet
    3. not going to link it here bc i hate self promotion
    4. names i currently accept to refer to me or some version of myself
    5. my main name. i use the o with the line through it because i just really enjoy the fact that it exists
    6. these were the first names i chose for myself, as a major reference to my heavily irish heritage. nobody uses these but they still work
    7. i have a mixed personality disorder (which one i have is essentially unknown right now, my doctors and i are working on it) so these names represent another version of myself that is separate enough to warrant another name
    8. this name began as an inside joke, which eventually developed into a name i actually like, as it goes against basic naming rules
    9. dont worry about this name
    10. this name relates to sound. everything we do creates sound that echoes in some amount. its everything. all of us