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    Non-binary gender is an umbrella term covering any gender identity or expression that does not fit within the gender binary. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as falling outside of the gender binary without being any more specific about the nature of their gender.

    As an umbrella term, non-binary has similar scope to genderqueer with most nonbinary-identifying individuals also considering themselves genderqueer. However the terms have different meanings and connotations. The term genderqueer predates non-binary by at least a decade.

    Kye Rowan designed the non-binary flag in 2014, shown at right. This flag is meant to "represent non-binary folk who did not feel that the genderqueer flag represented them. This flag was intended to go alongside Marilyn Roxie's genderqueer flag rather than replace it. The flag consists of four stripes. From top to bottom: yellow represents those whose gender exists outside of and without reference to the binary as yellow is often used to distinguish something as its own. White represents those who have many or all genders as white is the photological presence of color and/or light. The purple stripe represents those who feel their gender is between or a mix of female and male as purple is the mix of traditional boy and girl colors. The purple also could be seen as representing the fluidity and uniqueness of non-binary people. The final black stripe represents those who feel they are without gender, as black is the photological absence of color and/or light."[1] The non-binary flag and the genderqueer flag are both options for non-binary people to use to symbolize themselves, and take different approaches to how to symbolize non-binary genders.

    Nonbinary identities

    Identities that fall under the non-binary umbrella include, but are not limited to:

    • Agender aka Genderless, Non-gender - Having no gender identity or no gender to express (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Gender Neutral and/or Neutrois).
    • Androgyne aka Androgynous gender - Identifying or presenting between the binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine (Similar and sometimes used interchangeably with Intergender).
    • Multigender aka Bigender, Polygender, and Genderfluid (may also include Androgyne) - Moving between two or more different gender identities at different times/situations, Or having more than one gender identity at one time.
    • Gender Neutral aka Neutral Gender - Having a neutral gender identity and/or expression, or identifying with the preference for gender neutral language and pronouns.
    • Genderqueer aka Gender Queer - Non-normative gender identity or expression. While genderqueer originated as an inclusive umbrella term, it is also considered by many to be an individual identity.
    • Intergender - Having a gender identity or expression that falls between the two binary options of man and woman or masculine and feminine
    • Neutrois - Belonging to a non-gendered or neutral gendered class, usually but not always used to indicate the desire to hide or remove gender cues
    • Non-binary aka Nonbinary - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all people with gender outside of the binary, without defining oneself more specifically. Is also used as an individual identity in itself. you could be Nonbinary Butch or Nonbinary Femme
    • Transgender - Identifying with the umbrella term covering all gender identities or expressions that transgress or transcend (go beyond the limits of) society’s rules and concepts of gender (Transgender is a wide umbrella term also covering people who hold binary gender identities and expressions but who transgress gender by transitioning between the binary genders).