Gender neutral language in German

From Nonbinary Wiki

See also: Glossary of German gender and sex terminology

See also: Pronouns#German neutral pronouns

Gender neutral language

Gender neutral language in German is more difficult than gender neutral language (also called gender inclusive language) in some languages, because German's grammatical gender is pervasive. See the main article on gender neutral language for general reasons to use neutral language, common problems in using it, and its use for nonbinary people.

Nouns, Adjectives etc.

See also: Geschlechtsneutrale Sprache at Nichtbinär-Wiki

Asterisk, Underscore, Punctuation

Pronounced as a pause or glottal stop. In between "feminine" and "masculine" ending, the most common version:

  • mein_e beste*r Freund:in

Either after the stem - or more realistically at the next best place that has nothing to do with feminine/masculine forms but makes sense for pronunciation:

  • mei:ne bes_ter Freun*din

At random places:

  • mei*ne best:er Freundi_n

Can be used consistently or mixed up like in the example above.


Pronounced like iks.[2]

  • meinx bestx Freundx

(or e.g. Befreunx to avoid basing it on the masculine form) Or write it as -iks.

  • meiniks bestiks Freundiks

Shortened words, -ir and -on [3] forms.

Shorten and/or add -ir or -on to make nouns gender-neutral. -ir works as a gender-neutral ending as it is a combination of -in and -er. -on can be used as an alternative to -ir when a word ends on the letter r.


  • Gema (Gemahlin/Gemahl)
  • Prin/Kronprin


  • Begleitir
  • Chirurgir
  • Cousir/Cousinir
  • Doktir/Doktoron
  • Freundir
  • Gattir (Gattin/Gatte)
  • Heiratir
  • Könir
  • Lehrir/Lehreron
  • Partnir
  • Professir/Professoron
  • Schägir/Schwageron
  • Trauzeugir
  • Verlobtir
  • Witwir

Shortened words and nonsense forms [4]

Fairly well known -i words:

  • der_die Studi, dix Touri

New words by the same pattern:

  • dier Mitbewohni, der*die Kollegi

Use the short -i forms or make up new endings and treat the word as neutrum.

  • mein bestes Freundi
  • mein liebes Mitbewohnsi

Use -mensch, -menschi, -person:

  • das Postmenschi
  • meine Liebhabperson
  • der liebe Katzenbetreu-Mensch

Or just random words that you think are cute.

  • Ich will Fotografierflausch werden.

"-person" and "-mensch"


See main article at German neutral pronouns.


Suggested by Riley Alexis in August 2016,[5] the "dey"-pronoun seems to be the most widespread nowadays. German translation of Starfield vom Bethesda Games Studios uses 'dey'/'demm' pronouns to refer to nonbinary protagonists. Some German speaking influencers use them as their pronouns (cf. @kai.isaiah_jamal) and so do other numerous Instagram users (i. e. search for the key words 'dey/dem' in the Instagram search engine). As for series, Star Treck Discovery uses 'dey' pronouns for their nonbinary/genderless characters.[6]


Ravna Marin Siever, author of the book Was wird es denn? Ein Kind! Wie geschlechtsoffene Erziehung gelingt, uses pronouns from the sier-paradigm for people to refer to them. Several books use 'sier' pronouns.[7]


In the second episode (1:02) of the series City of Ghosts, i. e. Stadt der Geister in German, Thomas states that their pronoun is 'xier'. The blogger Frau Papa Nina tells in an interview from the podcast Das gewünschteste Wunschkind, hosted by Danielle Graf and Katja Seide, t

that they use the pronoun 'xier' for themselves.[8] Several books,[7] series[9] and video games use 'xier' pronouns. For an exhaustive list, see Xier Pronomen in Texten, Serien, Filmen und Video Games from Illi Anna Heger.[9]


In the German version from Kivi & Monsterhund from Jesper Lundqvist and Bettina Johansson, the protagonist, Kivi, who is referred to with the Swedish gender neutral pronoun 'hen', is referred to with the same pronoun in the German translation from Jochen Barthel.[10] 'hen' also seems to be used by some bloggers,[11] instagrammers, and to be currently perceived as popular.[12][13]


An important number of the members of the Verein für Geschlechtsneutrales Deutsch, that is currently growing, uses the en/em forms from the De-e-System as their pronouns.[14]


The relative pronouns are all similar to the demonstrative pronouns but for the genitive, represented in the last ligne of the table.

Except for the De-e-System (definite article: 'de' [də]; relative and demonstrative pronoun: 'de' [de(:)]), the definite article is similar to the demonstrative personal pronoun.

Primary and demonstrative personal pronouns, relative pronoun and definite article: dominant usage
Paradigm 'dey/dej'[15][16][17] 'sier' Version 2.1[18] 'xier' Version 3.3[19] 'hän'[20][21] NoNa-System[22][23] g-Genus[24] De-e-System[25]
solely referential and/or demonstrative syncretic pronoun solely ref. demonstr. solely ref. demonstr. solely ref. solely ref. demonstr. solely ref. demonstr. solely ref. demonstr.
Nominative dey/dej sier [zi:ɐ̯] dier [di:ɐ̯] xier dier hän hen dai hen dio en de [də]/[de(:)]
Accusative dey/dej; dem(m) [dɛm] sien dien xien dien sin hen dai hen dio en de [də]/[de(:)]
Dative denen; demm[26] siem diem xiem diem sim hem dam hem dero em derm
Genitive derer/deren sieser - xieser - sirer henser dais henser dero enser -
Genitive: relative pronouns derer/deren deren[27] deren - - dereno dersen
'hen' paradigms
Examples Dey wohnt in deren eigener Wohnung. Hast du demm neulich gesehen? Wie geht es denen? Ich kenne sien nicht. Ist sier hier eingezogen?Ich habe noch nie mit siem gesprochen. Mit diem will ich nichts zu tun haben. Dier hört mir nie zu! Suchst du xien?Xier ist im Urlaub. Same as for "sier".  Ich rufe sin später zurück an, wenn ich mit sim auch entspannt reden kann. Hen lächelt wie du. Bist du mit hem verwandt? Dai Tankel, dai neu hier ist, fragt dai Ompa, dam ich mal ein Bild geschenkt habe, wie es hem geht. Hen wohnt mit hem in einem Reihenhaus. Dio Hansi, dereno Geschwister ich noch nie getroffen habe, findet dio Kayan beim Versteckenspielen nie. Em schmeckt mein Essen nie. Ich will en nicht mehr einladen. De Studente, mit derm ich gestern gesprochen habe, gefällt mir.
Personal pronouns: peripheral usage
Paradigm SYLVAIN-Konventionen[28] 'sir' [zi:ɐ̯][29][30] 'hen'2[31] 'el'[32][33] 'ey'[34][35]
solely referential and/or demonstrative solely ref. demonstr. solely ref. demonstr. - - -
Nominative nin din sir dier hen el ey
Accusative nin din sihn dien han en emm
Dative nim dim ihrm derm ham em emm
Genitive nimser - sihrer - - emser eyser
(almost) Indeclinable personal pronouns
Paradigm 'ens'[36][37] 'en'[13][38] 'iks'[39]
Nominative ens en iks
Accusative ens en iks
Dative ens en iks
Genitive enser enser ikser

For an exhaustive list of all existent neopronouns, see or

Possessive adjectives

For the sake of clarity, the neuter grammatical gender is omitted from this table.

Inclusive possessive adjective (ownership of any gender)
Paradigm 'dey/dej'[15][16][17] 'sier' Version 2.1[18] 'xier' Version 3.3[19] 'hän'[20][21] NoNa-System[22][23] g-Genus[24] De-e-System[25]
Gender of the owned object masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. masc. fem. incl. 3d PS incl. 1st and 2d PP
Nominative deren sies siese siesa xies xiese xiesa sir sire - hens hens hense henseo ens ense ens unse eue
Accusative siesen siese siesan xiesen xiese xiesan siren sire - hensen hense henseo ensen ense ens unse eue
Dative siesem sieser siesam xiesem xieser xiesam sirem sirer - hensem henser hensero ensem enser enserm unsererm eurerm
Genitive sieses sieser siesas xieses xieser xiesas sires sirer - henses henser hensero enses enser ensers unserers eurers
'hen' paradigms

The possessiv adjectives 'deren' and 'hens' offer the advantage of being easily learnable. As for the possessives suggested by the g-Genus, aside from appearing on nonbinary grammatical websites, they don't seem to have gained much popularity on online platforms. The possessive adjectives from the 'hän' paradigm are phonetically similar to the ones of the system proposed by Kathrin Kunkel-Razum, the editor-in-chief of the Duden.[30]

Article pronouns, possessive pronouns

Unlike possessive adjectives ('dein Eis', 'ihr Bleistift', 'unser Löffel'), possessive pronouns ('deins', 'ihrer', 'unserer') stand for the entire possessed object, so they are not followed by a noun or hierarchically tied to one. Thus, they act as an autonomous, unbreakable syntactic unit.

Article pronouns can both function as articles and pronouns without undergoing any formal changes (ex.: Diesen (Pulli) mag ich nicht.).[40] For that reason, demonstratives that also function as pragmatically marked personal pronouns (see table 'Personal pronouns: dominant usage'), are considered article pronouns too, as they can refer to an entire syntagma on their own, or accompany/precede a noun (ex.: Den (Julian) mag ich nicht). In the De-e-system, however, the declension of the demonstrative personal pronoun is different from the other article pronouns.[41]

Inclusive possessive and article pronouns (genderneutral/-inclusive owned object)
Paradigm 'dey/dej'[15][16][17] 'sier' Version 2.1[18] 'xier' Version 3.3[19] 'hän'[20][21] NoNa-System[22][23] g-Genus[24] De-e-System[25]
ex. with 'die' (plurall) ex. with 'jene·r·s' ex. with 'jede·r·s' ex. with 'eins·e·er'
Nominative derer

(only attested possessive pronoun for this paradigm)

no data yet no data yet no data yet jenai jedeo einey
Accusative jenai jedeo einey
Dative jenam jedero einerm
Genitive - - -
'hen' paradigms

Indefinite pronoun

In German, there is the indefinite pronoun "man". This is used in everyday language regardless of gender. But the fact that it sounds exactly like the word "Mann" makes some people uncomfortable. A few decades ago, feminist language critics suggested using alternatives such as "frau" or "mensch". However, the word "frau" only evokes one gender, so it has no real advantage over "man".

From a linguistic history perspective, "man" is an Old High German noun that had the gender-neutral meaning of the word "human" and only later took on the meaning "man" as a noun.

The form "man" is only used in the nominative. In the dative and accusative, the forms "einem" and "einen" are used as indefinite pronouns; there is no genitive form of the indefinite pronoun in German.

"Mensch" and "eins" are suggested alternatives to the subject form of “man”. "einem"/"einen" would stay the same.


Instead of Frau/Herr

  • Frann[42] - nonstandard
  • Ind.[42] von "Individuum", nonstandard
  • Mau[42] - nonstandard
  • Per - nonstandard
  • "Vorname, Nachname" - In vielen Fällen kann und sollte man anstelle eines Ehrentitels der Vor- und Nachname verwenden, z.B. "Kim Müller" statt "Frau/Herr Müller".

Professional & Academic Titles

  • Doctorx[42] - nonstandard
  • Professorx[42] - nonstandard
  • Professx[43], abgekürzt Prof. oder Profx. - nonstandard

Family, relationship and people terms

See also: Nichtbinäre Wörter at Nichtbinär-Wiki


  • Elter - German word for parent, will sound awkward but be recognised
  • Elta - nonstandard
  • Mapa - nonstandard
  • Pama - nonstandard
  • Wawa - nonstandard


  • Kind - standard
  • Kleines - standard
  • Großes - standard
  • Enbie, Enby - instead of Mädchen/Junge/Bub, nonstandard
  • Spross/nachkomme, means sprogeny/offspring/descendant


  • Eltergeschwister - nonstandard
  • Eltschwister - nonstandard
  • Onte - nonstandard
  • Pibling - nonstandard
  • Tankel - nonstandard
  • Tonke - nonstandard


  • Nibling - nonstandard
  • Niffe - nonstandard
  • Geschwisterkind - nonstandard
  • Schwisterkind - nonstandard
  • Seitkind - nonstandard


  • Batter
  • Cousibling
  • Cousir/Cousinir
  • Seitschwister


  • Großelter - nonstandard, will sound awkward but be understood
  • Ohlta - nonstandard
  • Opma - nonstandard
  • Owa - nonstandard


  • Bruderin, Bruder*in - nonstandard
  • Brüderin, Brüder*in - nonstandard
  • Geschwister - standard, but not commonly used
  • Geschwisterchen - standard but old fashioned and usually used for very young siblings
  • Große/Ältere Geschwister - big/older sibling
  • Kleine/Jüngere Geschwister - little/younger sibling


  • Brautpartnir - nonstandard
  • Eheperson
  • Ehepartei
  • Eheteil
  • Eheherzmensch - married to the heart person
  • Eheperson
  • Eheherzperson
  • Freun - nonstandard
  • Freunir/Freundir - nonstandard
  • Freund*in
  • Gattir - nonstandard, oldfashion, from Gattin/Gatte
  • Gema - nonstandard, oldfashion, from Gemahlin/Gemahl
  • Gespons - oldfashion
  • Heiratir - nonstandard
  • Herzmensch - literally heart person, used as a term of endearment
  • Liebschaft
  • Paarteil
  • Partner*in
  • Partnir - nonstandard
  • Verlobtir - nonstandard


  • Schwiegerelter - nonstandard, parent-in-law
  • Schwiegergeschwister - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
  • Schwiegerkind - nonstandard, child-in-law
  • Schwiegerperson - in-law person
  • Schwiegschwister - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
  • Schwägir/Schwageron - nonstandard, sibling-in-law


  • Begleitir - nonstandard neutral word for one's company/companion
  • Brautentourage - nonstandard neutral word for wedding entourage
  • Erwachsene Person - neutral word for adult
  • Hauspartnir - nonstandard neutral word for housespouse
  • Hauselter - nonstandard neutral word for houseparent
  • Jemensch - non-male-generalizing alternative to jemand
  • Jugenlicher/Jungere Person - neutral word for youth/young person
  • Niemensch - non-male-generalizing alternative to niemand
  • Leut - nonstandard singular version of Leute
  • Leute - standard word for people
  • Trauzeugir - nonstandard neutral alternative to trauzeugin/brautjungfern and trauzeuge(n)
  • Verehrte/Liebe Publikum/Gäste/Leute/Menschen - neutral alternative to "ladies and gentlemen"
  • Verheirateten - neutral alternative to married couple
  • Witwir - neutral alternative to widowed person/wid
  • Älterer person - neutral alternative to old woman and old man

Other terms

  • Bürgir/Bürgeron - nonstandard neutral word for citizen
  • Chirurgir
  • Doktir/Doktoron
  • Kollegir
  • Könir - nonstandard neutral alternative to queen (königin) and king (könig)
  • Könirlich - nonstandard neutral alternative to royal (königlich)
  • Mittbewohnir - nonstandard neutral alternative to mittbewhonerin/mittbewohner
  • Lehrir/Lehreron
  • Prin/Kronprin - nonstandard alternatives for princess/prince and crownprincess/crownprince
  • Professir/Professoron - nonstandard alternatives for professor
  • Schülir/Schüleron - nonstandard alternatives for school-student
  • Studentir - nonstandard alternative for student
  • Thronfolger - neutral word for crownprincess/crownprince
  • Regent/Monarch - standard neutral alternatives to queen and king
  • Reich/Könirreich - neutral alternatives to kingdom (königreich)

See also

Main resources

  1. Nichtbinär-Wiki (2024): Geschlechtsneutrale Sprache. Online at:
  2. (2024): Liste bekannter Pronomen. Neopronomen. Online at:
  3. (2024): Wörterbuch für geschlechtsneutrale Sprache. Online at:
  4. Illi Anna Heger (2022): Pronomen wie sier und xier. Online at:
  5. Verein für geschlechtsneutrales Deutsch e. V. (2024): De-e-System. Online at:


  1. Archived on 17 July 2023
  2. Archived on 17 July 2023
  4. Archived on 17 July 2023
  5. Riley Alexis (2024): agenderbee. Online at: (retrieved 21.03.2024).
  6. Heger, Illi Anna (2022): Darunter und darüber — "they" Pronomen in Filmen/Serien Deutsch übersetzen. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  7. 7.0 7.1 Heger, Illi Anna (2022): DiverserLesen. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  8. Frau Papa Nina in conversation (2019): Transsexualität und Diversität. In: Graf, Danielle/Seide, Katja (hosts): Das gewünschteste Wunschkind. Der Podcast. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Heger, Illi Anna (2022): Xier Pronomen in Texten, Serien, Filmen und Video Games. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  10. Lundqvist, Jesper/Johansson, Bettina (2019): Kivi & Monsterhund. Berlin: Maria Benson Verlag.
  11. Annat75pyz (2023): Benutzt du das Pronomen "hen"?. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  12. Erhardt, Melissa (2022): Dey, Xier, Hen: Was es mit genderneutralen (Neo-)Pronomen auf sich hat. In: radio FM4. Online at: (retrieved 09.02,2024).
  13. 13.0 13.1 von Usslar, Maria (2019): Er, sie, they, hen: Wie wollen Trans- und Interpersonen bezeichnet werden? In: Der Standard. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  14. Verein für Geschlechtsneutrales Deutsch e. V. (2024): r/geschlechtsneutral. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Anonym (2017): Q: Ein [...] gegeben. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 (2024): dey/denen/demm. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 (2024): dej/denen/dej. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Heger, Illi Anna (2022): Version 2.1: sier Pronomen ohne Geschlecht. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Heger, Illi Anna (2022): Version 3.3: xier Pronomen ohne Geschlecht. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 zweisatz (2011): HIGH ON CLICHÉS. Glossar. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 (2024): hän/sim. Online at: (retrieved 02.09.2024).
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 (2024): hen/hem. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Moro, Jona/Frank, Noah (2024): Das NoNa-System. geschlechtsneutrale deutsche Grammatik. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Dominik Jahre (2018): Das g-Genus. Merkmale des g-Genus. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Verein für Geschlechtsneutrales Deutsch e. V. (2024): De-e-System. (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  26. Nichtbinär-Wiki (2024): Pronomen. dey. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  27. Heger, Illi Anna (2024): Personal Communication.
  28. de Sylvain, Cabala/Balzer, Carsten (2008): Die SYLVAIN-Konventionen — Versuch einer "geschlechtergerechten" Grammatik-Transformation der deutschen Sprache. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  29. Nichtbinär-Wiki (2024): sir. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  30. 30.0 30.1 Berliner Morgenpost (2017): Das sagen Berliner Experten zum Streit ums dritte Geschlecht. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  31. Catboy Jaebeom/Fliederfuchs (2023): ASTRI'FA | THE BEARER OF STARS. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  32. (2024): el/em. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  33. Nichtbinär-Wiki (2024): el. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  34. (2024). ey/emm. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  35. Nichtbinär-Wiki (2024): ey/em. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  36. Lann Hornscheidt in conversation (2021): Debatte um Gendersprache: Sie oder er oder wie? „Ich wünsche mir, dass alle erst mal ens sind“. In: Berliner Zeitung. Retrieved 28.04.2021.
  37. (2024): ens/ens. Online at: (retrieved 10.02.2024).
  38. (2024): en/en. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  39. (2024): iks/iks. Online at: (retrieved 09.02.2024).
  40. Ertl, Martin (2022): Kasusauffälligkeiten in Lerntexten. Bielefeld: wbv Publikation, p. 53.
  41. Verein für Geschlechtsneutrales Deutsch e. V (2023): Demonstrativ-/Relativpronomen. Online at: (retrieved 28.03.2024).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Nonbinary Trans Germany, "Language." Archived on 17 July 2023
  43. Archived on 17 July 2023