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Glossary of Russian gender and sex terminology: Difference between revisions

I added the terms from my personal vocabulary I created based on the LGBTQ dictionary. I still don't know good Russian translation for few terms.
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(I added the terms from my personal vocabulary I created based on the LGBTQ dictionary. I still don't know good Russian translation for few terms.)
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{{Glossary list}}
{{Glossary list}}
This page lists Russian terms related to gender and sex. They are alphabetically ordered according to the Cyrillic alphabet, and a Latin alphabet transliteration is provided next to each term.
<!-- Allyship - союзничество
Asexual - асексуальность/асексуал (асексуальный, асексуальная)
Bisexual - бисексуал
Cissexism - циссексизм
Cisgender - цисгендер/цисгендерность
Coming Out (of the Closet) - камингаут (I'd love, if someone can suggest a proper Russian term. I don't know whether выход в свет would be appropriate.)
Gay - гей
Gender Attribution - Приписывание пола
Gender bending - Гендер-бендинг (the better term needs to be figured out for Russian.)
Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) - гендерно нонконформные/Несогласованный гендер
Genderqueer - гендерквир
Gender Role - гендерная роль
Heterosexism - гетеросексизм
Homophobia - Гомофобия
Homosexual - гомосексуал/гомосексуальный
Intersex - интерсекс
pansexual - пансексуал/пансексуальность
Questioning - ?
Same Gender Loving (SGL) - влечение к лицам своего пола
Sexual Behavior - Сексуальное поведение
Sexual Identity - Сексуальная идентичность
Sexual Orientation - Сексуальная ориентация
Sex Assigned at Birth - пол приписанный при рождении
Straight/Heterosexual - гетеросексуал
Transphobia - Трансфобия
-->This page lists Russian terms related to gender and sex. They are alphabetically ordered according to the Cyrillic alphabet, and a Latin alphabet transliteration is provided next to each term.

==А (A)==
==А (A)==
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