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Gender neutral language in German: Difference between revisions

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* meiniks bestiks Freundiks
* meiniks bestiks Freundiks
'''-ir, -on <ref>https://nibi.space/nichtbin%C3%A4re_w%C3%B6rter</ref> and -chen Forms.'''
* Chirurgon
* Doktoron
* Freundir
* Partchen
* Partnir
* Witwon

'''Shortened Words and Nonsense Forms <ref>http://nomthecatsaid.tumblr.com/post/124574373381/kennst-du-eine-gute-seite-auf-der-man-sich-%C3%BCber [https://web.archive.org/web/20211114230553/https://nomthecatsaid.tumblr.com/post/124574373381/kennst-du-eine-gute-seite-auf-der-man-sich-%C3%BCber Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>'''
'''Shortened Words and Nonsense Forms <ref>http://nomthecatsaid.tumblr.com/post/124574373381/kennst-du-eine-gute-seite-auf-der-man-sich-%C3%BCber [https://web.archive.org/web/20211114230553/https://nomthecatsaid.tumblr.com/post/124574373381/kennst-du-eine-gute-seite-auf-der-man-sich-%C3%BCber Archived] on 17 July 2023</ref>'''
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* Mau<ref name="nonbinarytransgermany" /> - nonstandard
* Mau<ref name="nonbinarytransgermany" /> - nonstandard
* Per - nonstandard
* Per - nonstandard
* "Vorname, Nachname" - In vielen Fällen kann und sollte man anstelle eines Ehrentitels der Vor- und Nachname verwenden, z.B. "Kim Müller" statt "Frau/Herr Müller".

'''Professional & Academic Titles'''
'''Professional & Academic Titles'''
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* Elter - nonstandard, will sound awkward but be recognised
* Elter - German word for parent, will sound awkward but be recognised
* Elta - nonstandard
* Mapa - nonstandard
* Mapa - nonstandard
* Pama - nonstandard
* Pama - nonstandard
* Wawa - nonstandard

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* Eltergeschwister - nonstandard
* Eltschwister - nonstandard
* Onte - nonstandard
* Pibling - nonstandard
* Tankel - nonstandard
* Tankel - nonstandard
* Tonke - nonstandard


* Nibling - nonstandard
* Nibling - nonstandard
* Niffe - nonstandard
* Geschwisterkind - nonstandard
* Schwisterkind - nonstandard
* Seitkind - nonstandard
* Batter
* Cousibling
* Cousinir
* Couson
* Seitschwister


* Großelter - nonstandard, will sound awkward but be understood
* Großelter - nonstandard, will sound awkward but be understood
* Ohlta - nonstandard
* Opma - nonstandard
* Owa - nonstandard

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* Bruderin, Bruder*in - nonstandard
* Bruderin, Bruder*in - nonstandard
* Brüderin, Brüder*in - nonstandard
* Brüderin, Brüder*in - nonstandard
* das Geschwister - nonstandard, will sound awkward but be understood
* Geschwister - standard, but not commonly used
* Geschwisterchen - standard, but old fashioned and usually used for very young siblings
* Geschwisterchen - standard, but old fashioned and usually used for very young siblings
* der/mein Schwester - nonstandard
* Große/Ältere Geschwister - big/older sibling
* Kleine/Jüngere Geschwister - little/younger sibling


* Brautpartnir - nonstandard
* Brautpartchen - nonstandard
* Eheperson
* Ehepartei
* Eheteil
* Eheherzmensch - married to the heart person
* Freund - nonstandard
* Freundir - nonstandard
* Freund*in
* Freund*in
* Gattir - nonstandard, oldfashion, from Gattin/Gatte
* Gema - nonstandard, oldfashion, from Gemahlin/Gemahl
* Gespons - oldfashion
* Heiratir - nonstandard
* Herzmensch - literally heart person, used as a term of endearment
* Herzmensch - literally heart person, used as a term of endearment
* Eheherzmensch - married to the heart person
* Liebschaft
* Liebschaft
* Paarteil
* Partchen - nonstandard
* Partner*in
* Partner*in
* Partnir - nonstandard
* Verlobtir - nonstandard
* Schwageron - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
* Schwiegerelter - nonstandard, parent-in-law
* Schwiegergeschwister - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
* Schwiegerkind - nonstandard, child-in-law
* Schwiegerperson - in-law person
* Schwiegschwister - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
* Schwägir - nonstandard, sibling-in-law
* Begleitir - nonstandard neutral word for one's company/companion
* Brautentourage - nonstandard neutral word for wedding entourage
* Erwachsene Person - neutral word for adult
* Hauspartnir/Hauspartchen - nonstandard neutral word for housespouse
* Hauselter - nonstandard neutral word for houseparent
* Jugenlicher/Jungere Person - neutral word for youth/young person
* Köni - nonstandard neutral alternative to queen (königin) and king (könig)
* Könilich - nonstandard neutral alternative to royal (königlich)
* Leut - nonstandard singular version of ''leute''
* Leute - standard word for people
* Prin/Kronprin - nonstandard alternatives for princess/prince and crownprincess/crownprince
* Thronfolger - neutral word for crownprincess/crownprince
* Regent/Monarch - standard neutral alternatives to queen and king
* Reich - neutral alternative to kingdom (königreich)
* Trauzeugir - nonstandard neutral alternative to ''trauzeugin/brautjungfern'' and ''trauzeuge(n)''
* Verehrte Publikum/Gäste/Leute - neutral alternative to "ladies and gentlemen"
* Verheirateten - neutral alternative to married couple
* Älterer person - neutral alternative to old woman and old man

== See also ==
== See also ==
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