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'''On Pronoun Island:''' [http://pronoun.is/per http://pronoun.is/per]
'''On Pronoun Island:''' [http://pronoun.is/per http://pronoun.is/per]

'''phe, per, pers, pers, perself'''. The phe/per pronoun set was created as an alternative to per/per, since ''per'' is already a word in English (meaning ''according to'').{{Cite web|url=http://www.glasswings.com.au/Storytronics/Odysseus/notes/pronouns.htm|title=Gender Free Pronouns|last=Phelps|first=Katherine|date=May 1998|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=February 2020}}
* '''Nominative:''' When I tell someone a joke ''phe'' laughs.
* '''Accusative:''' When I greet a friend I hug ''per''.
* '''Pronominal possessive:''' When someone does not get a haircut, ''pers'' hair grows long.
* '''Predicative possessive:''' If I need a phone, my friend lets me borrow ''pers''.
* '''Reflexive:''' Each child feeds ''perself''.
'''Usage:''' In the 2019 Gender Census, no participants chose "phe/per" as an option.<ref name="Census2019"/>

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