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« Yo descubrí las identidades no-binarias el año pasado, cuando tenía 18 años. Cuando leí la definición de "agénero", simplemente todo encajó. »
Jay, 19 (Agénero)[1]

Agender (also called genderblank[2], genderfree, genderless, gendervoid[3], non-gendered, ungendered[4], or null gender[5]) is an identity under the nonbinary and transgender umbrella terms. Agender individuals find that they have no gender identity, although some define it more as having a gender identity that is neutral. (See gender neutral for a related identity.)


Agender Pride day is celebrated on the 19th of May.[6][7]


A 1997 paper in International Journal of Transgenderism states that "An individual of any genetic sex may also regard him-herself as [...] an ungendered person, who does not or will not identify with any conventional gender."[4]

The 1998 book Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender College Students: A Handbook for Faculty and Administrators lists "ungendered" as a label used by some transgender people.[8]

A 2000 post on Usenet described the Christian God as agender. In 2005, another Usenet user wrote that "cultures can have transgender, agender, and hypergender individuals."[9]

"Non-gendered", "genderless", and "agender" were mentioned in a list of valid nonbinary identities in the 2013 text Sexuality and Gender for Mental Health Professionals: A Practical Guide.[10]

Salem X (also known as "Ska" or as their Tumblr user name "transrants") created the agender flag in 2014, sharing the design on Feb 18th.[11] In reference to the colors chosen, they said "The black and white stripes represent an absence of gender, the gray represents semi-genderlessness, and the central green stripe represents nonbinary genders." In 2014, they also created the demiboy, demigirl and deminonbinary flags.[12]

In 2014, agender was one of the 56 genders made available on Facebook.[13]

In 2015, added an entry for "agender,"[14] which it defined as "a person who does not have a specific gender identity or recognizable gender expression."[15]

On March 10 2017, a resident of Portland, Oregon, USA requested in court to be legally agender, and the request was approved.[16]

A 2018 survey of "Attitudes to Gender", ran by the Britain-based "Future of Legal Gender" project, asked people if they agree or disagree with the statement "More people will identify as agender (not having a gender) in the future." 32.4% selected "agree" and 13.7% selected "strongly agree". 20.6% selected "neither agree nor disagree" and 19.7% "don't know", compared to a mere 6.6% "disagree" and 7% "strongly disagree". (71% of nonbinary respondents agreed or strongly agreed.)[17]

Agender as gender identity or lack of gender identity

Some agender people feel that they have no gender identity, while others feel that agender is itself a gender identity. This can be similar to or overlap with the experience of being gender neutral or having a neutral gender identity.

As some agender people have no gender identity, it is important to not talk about nonbinary or transgender people's experiences only in the sense of gender identity.

Difference between genderless and neutrois

There is little agreement about the difference between terms such as agender, genderless, non-gender, gender neutral, and neutrois. These terms are often used interchangeably, or defined differently by individual writers in ways that don't necessarily match the self-definitions of others using those terms.[citation needed]

It is often said that non-gender or genderlessness is the experience of having no gender identity at all, whereas gender neutral or neutrois is the experience of having a gender identity, a gender identity which is not male or female, but neutral.[citation needed] However, these statements don't match the experiences of everyone who has taken up these identities as their own. This is a result of a disagreement between word definitions that are prescriptivist (telling everyone how they should use a word, and saying that many people use it wrong) and descriptivist (describing how people have actually been using a word, without telling them to change).

Non-gendered as an umbrella term

Some activists, such as Christie Elan-Cane, use non-gendered to mean all gender outside of the gender binary.[citation needed] This use comes from several years before the term nonbinary, but is seen as problematic because it gives the idea that nonbinary gender identities don't exist, or that all nonbinary people are genderless.[citation needed] Nonetheless this usage is in some official organisations' documents and resources as the term to cover all nonbinary people. This is most common in the United Kingdom, for example throughout the 2011 UK Government Transgender Action Plan.

List of kinds of agender identities

It can be difficult to describe and name a gender identity that involves a lack of inner gender identity. In order to do so, some people see the need to make new names for that gender identity, or to distinguish between different but similar genderless identities. A list of these names, in alphabetical order:

anongender. "A gender that is unknown to you and others".[18]

apogender. Coined by queerspike. "Greek prefix apo, meaning away from, separate, at the farthest point; a subset of agender in which you feel not only genderless but entirely removed from the concept of gender."[19]

agenderfluid. Coined by pleurocarpus. Basically agender, but also genderfluid. Synonym cancegender.[20]

agenderflux. Coined by perfectlybrokenbones. "Where you identify as agender but have fluctuations where you feel feminine or masculine but not male or female. ".[21]

agenderfluix. A cross between agenderfluid and agenderflux; "a gender identity that is predominantly agender, but is fluid in nature and fluctuates in intensity over time." May also be called gxnderfluix, agxnderfluix, afluidflux, or flxidflux.[22]

cancegender. coined by prideful-concerto. "An individual is agender as their “base” gender but experiences fluid/fluxing gender feelings in tandem with their emotions. These gender feelings may confuse or upset the individual and cause their emotional state to go haywire, which causes more gender changes."[23] Synonym agenderfluid.

genderblank. As described by Damloz: Having no gender.[24] Also, as described by anonymous: "a gender so indescribable that the only thought one gets when trying to describe it is a blank space"[25]

genderfree. As described by polyamaesthetic, "someone whose gender is not present; someone who feels their gender is insignificant or irrelevant; someone whose gender is kind of ambiguous, but definitely queer; someone whose gender feels blurry, cloudy, whimsical, and free"[26] Caution: sometimes used by trangender-exclusionary feminists to identify themself as someone who rejects the concept of gender identity.[27][28]

gendernull. As described by Baaphomett, "A gender like gendervoid but without the void."[29]

gendervoid. As described by Baaphomett, "A gender consisting of the void (also/originally used to mean the same thing as genderless)."[30]

librafluid. Coined by otterlyradical and pride-flags-for-us. "Mostly agender, but has a strong connection that fluctuates between masculinity, femininity and/or androgyny."[31] See also libragender.

null gender. Coined by dieselwolfe. "Undefinable, intangible, the uncreation of gender. Its taking everything everyone throws at you, saying male, female, pick one, pick this, pick that, and taking it in, only to expel it, poisonous crystals erupting from your skin, armor against those who don’t listen. A 'I don’t want a label because labels don’t fit but they help shut people up sometimes, so here have a label' gender label. A fall-back plan, a red herring to give people who can’t conceptualize the absence, void, nullification of gender. It is, and is not. All and none. Nonexistant but present."[32]

oneirogender. Coined by anonymous. "Being agender, but having recurring fantasies or dreams of being a certain gender without the actual dysphoria or desire to actually be that gender day-to-day. e.g. oneiroboy, oneirogirl, oneirononbinary, etc."[33]

polyagender. Someone who experiences multiple types of agender-spectrum identities; for example they could be a combination of agender, null gender, and gendervoid.[34][35]

Notable people


Angel Haze en directo en el Øyafestivalen 2013.
Andre J. en Dick's Bar en East Village, Marzo del 2007.
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein en la charla Becoming Interplanetary de la Bibliotyeca del Congreso, 2018.

Ver artículo principal: Notable nonbinary people

Hay muchas más personas notables que tienen una identidad de género fuera del binario. Las siguientes son solo algunas de las personas notables que usan específicamente las palabras "agender", "genderblank", "genderfree", "genderless", "gendervoid", "sin género" o "género nulo" para sí mismos.

  • Christie Elan-Cane es una activista sin género con sede en el Reino Unido que "lucha por el reconocimiento legal y social fuera del sistema social de género". [36] * Tyler Ford (n. 1990) es un escritor estadounidense y orador público de etnia judía mixta en blanco y negro. Ford apareció como el primer concursante transgénero en The Glee Project en 2012. Son agender. [37] * Raeen Roes (Angel Haze) (b. 1991), un conocido rapero agender. Han sido nominados para premios con MTV, O Music Awards, BET Awards y GLAAD Music Awards. Anunciaron en Twitter que eran agender. [38] [39] * Public Universal Friend (1752-1819), un evangelista que predicó contra la esclavitud en los primeros Estados Unidos. El amigo no tenía género y pidió que lo llamaran sin pronombres en absoluto. [40] [41] [42] * Andre J. (n. 1979) es un promotor de fiestas estadounidense que está presente en la escena de la moda de la ciudad de Nueva York. Han aparecido en fotos en la revista French Vogue y V. No tienen género [43][44] y agender. [45] * Amita Kuttner, PhD., es una astrofísica que está en la carrera por el liderazgo del Partido Verde de Canadá. [46]. Se llaman a sí mismos no binarios, genderfluid y agender. [47] * Juno Mitchell es un modelo estadounidense. Caminaron junto a Miley Cyrus en el desfile de Marc Jacobs de la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York de 2020. [48] Su perfil de Instagram dice que son agender. [49] * Jinkx Monsoon (b 1987), un actor, actor, comediante y cantante estadounidense más conocido por ganar la quinta temporada de RuPaul's Drag Race. En una publicación de Facebook sobre la transfobia y la escena drag, Monsoon dijo: "Yo mismo no me identifico como cisgénero. No tengo género". [50] * Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (n. 1982) es cosmóloga y escritora científica de la Universidad de New Hampshire. Fue miembro fundador del Comité de Orientación Sexual y Minorías de Género en Astronomía de la Sociedad Astronómica Estadounidense. En una entrevista, se describió a sí misma como una mujer cisgénero mujer agender. [51] * DeAnne Smith es una galardonada comediante, escritora y columnista canadiense-estadounidense. Smith es agender y transmasculine. [52] * Bogi Takács es un poeta, escritor, psicolingüista y editor judío. y traductor que ha escrito obras inspiradas en la Torá. Ganaron el Premio Literario Lambda a la Mejor Ficción Transgénero. Su biografía de Twitter dice que son agender. [53] * Eris Young es un escritor de varios géneros conocido por su libro debut They / Them / Their: A Guide to Nonbinary & Genderqueer Identities , publicado en otoño de 2019. [54][55] Son agender y genderqueer. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag Incluso yendo tan lejos como para escribir historias que evite referirse a Ashiok usando pronombres de género en absoluto. [56] La tarjeta de Ashiok se puede encontrar [http: //gatherer.wizards .com / Pages / Card / Details.aspx? multiverseid = 373500 aquí.] * Roswell, en el podcast The Adventure Zone , es un elemental de tierra hecho de arcilla viviente con una armadura, que habla a través de un pequeño pájaro. Roswell es agender y usa pronombres de ellos / ellos. [57] * Chaos Life de A. Stiffler y K. Copeland - Un webcómic alegre y semiautobiográfico sobre las idiosincrasias cotidianas de una persona con agendas, su pareja femenina y sus gatos. * 6ses de Kagome es un cómic que presenta a un protagonista agender. * * Eri the Cyborg de Ren es un cómic que presenta a un protagonista agender. * Biaggio, en la película "Los reyes del verano", afirma que no se ve a sí mismo como "de género". * En el videojuego [https: // ... NiGHTS into Dreams] el personaje "NiGHTS es neutral, y por lo tanto no tiene género. Las impresiones del personaje con respecto a el género depende totalmente del jugador "según Takashi Iizuka, el diseñador principal del juego. [58] * Bone Dance de Emma Bull. Personaje: el protagonista, Gorrión, se describe canónicamente como "sin sexo" y "sin género". Los detalles exactos de su identidad son materia de debate (spoilers). * Toda la raza de Chronicoms de Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. son vehementemente aguerridos, aunque son una raza de androides extraterrestres. Usan pronombres de género basados ​​en la comodidad de cada mometo.

Ver también

  There are 39 alternative pride flags for this identity.
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  1. This quote is a snippet from an answer to the survey conducted in the year 2018. Note for editors: the text of the quote, as well as the name, age and gender identity of its author shouldn't be changed.
  2. [1] [Dead link]
  3. [2] [Dead link]
  4. 4.0 4.1 Eyler, A.E.; Wright, K. (1997). "Gender Identification and Sexual Orientation Among Genetic Females with Gender-Blended Self-Perception in Childhood and Adolescence". International Journal of Transgenderism. An individual of any genetic sex may also regard him-herself as neither a woman nor a man, but a member of some other gender, as is common in non-Western cultures (and is becoming increasingly recognized in the West as well), or as an ungendered person, who does not or will not identify with any conventional gender.
  5. [3] [Dead link]
  6. "Important LGBT Dates". Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  7. Ohene, Benjamin. "Agender Pride Day". Believe Out Loud. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
  8. Sanlo, Ronni, ed. (1998). Working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender College Students: A Handbook for Faculty and Administrators. p. 37. Transgender persons are those who are not comfortable living within the confines of the social stereotype of gender as applied to themselves. Labels used include cross-dresser, drag king, drag queen, intersexed, transsexual, butch, femme, ungendered, androgynous, and more. The labels are many and changing, and they are not always accepted by the people to whom they are applied.
  9. "What Does It Mean to Be Agender?". them. 7 August 2018. Retrieved 13 June 2020. sj Miller
  10. Richards, Christina; Barker, Meg (2013). Sexuality and Gender for Mental Health Professionals: A Practical Guide. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781446293133.
  11. "Agender Flag – Majestic Mess Designs". Retrieved 2020-11-25.
  12. "Interview: Creator of the Agender Flag – Majestic Mess Designs". Retrieved 2020-11-25.
  13. Eve Shapiro, Gender circuits: Bodies and identities in a technological age. Unpaged.
  14. "New words added to" May 6, 2015.
  15. "Agender."
  16. O'Hara, Mary Emily (23 March 2017). "Judge grants Oregon resident the right to be genderless". NBC News. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
  17. "Survey Findings". The Future of Legal Gender. Retrieved 9 April 2020.
  18. [Dead link]
  19. "genders coined by queerspike". 25 August 2014.
  20. [Dead link]
  21. [Dead link]
  22. "Agenderfluix". Gender Wiki. Retrieved 25 January 2021.
  23. [Dead link]
  24. [Dead link]
  25. [Dead link]
  27. Williams, Rachel Anne (25 April 2019). "Can You Actually Be #Genderfree?". Medium. Retrieved 4 April 2020.
  29. [Dead link]
  30. mogai-archive. "masterpost of genders coined by baaphomett". Archived from the original on 25 August 2014.
  31. [Dead link]
  32. [Dead link]
  33. [Dead link]
  36. http: //elancane.livejournal. com / profile
  37. Childress, Sarah. -como-existir-como-persona-lo-que-significa-vivir-más allá-del-género / ""Me gusta existir como persona": lo que significa vivir más allá del género" Check |url= value (help). FRONTLINE. Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |fecha= ignored (|date= suggested) (help)
  38. "angxl hxze on Twitter", 14 de febrero de 2015
  39. "angxl hxze en Twitter", 14 de febrero de 2015
  40. Peg A. Lamphier, Rosanne Welch, Women in Historia americana (2017), p. 331.
  41. Catherine A. Brekus, Strangers and Pilgrims: Female Preaching in America, 1740-1845 (2000), pág. 85
  42. Juster & MacFarlane, A Mighty Baptism , págs. 27-28; Brekus, pág. 85
  43. AlphaKitty (29 de noviembre de 2007). "Andre J es glamoroso, sin género & .... an Alpha Kitty". YouTube. Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  44. [http: // http: //] Check |url= value (help). Unknown parameter |último= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |título= ignored (|title= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |primero= ignored (help); |archive-url= is malformed: path (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  45. [https: // www / andrejworldwide / biografía de Instagram], consultado el 17 de mayo de 2020
  46. Parsons, Vic (10 de marzo de 2020). [https: // www. "Este astrofísico podría convertirse en la primera persona no binaria en liderar un partido político importante en Canadá"] Check |url= value (help). PinkNews. Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. Kuttner, Amita (2019). "Identity in Politics". Retrieved 18 Mayo de 2020. Check date values in: |access-date= (help)
  48. "EXCLUSIVE: Modelo trans sin género que se pavoneó en la pasarela de Marc Jacobs con Miley Cyrus abre sobre su 'refrescante' corazón a corazón con el cantante, al tiempo que insta a la industria a aceptar más a las personas no binarias". Unknown parameter |acceso- date= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |primero= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |trabajo= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |último= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |fecha= ignored (|date= suggested) (help)
  49. Instagram bio consultado el 1 de junio de 2020
  50. jinkx.monsoon / posts / 818079764894630,
  51. McNeill, Leila. "Bonus: Talking Feminist Astrophysics with Chanda Prescod-Weinstein - Lady Science". Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |fecha= ignored (|date= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |trabajo= ignored (help)
  52. TheMelbComedyFest. "DeAnne Smith - Comedy Up Late 2017 (S5, E2)". Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |fecha= ignored (|date= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |trabajo= ignored (help)
  53. biografía de Twitter
  54. "On Writing and Growing: A Q&A with Eris Young". The Ampersand Project. Retrieved 26 de junio de 2020. Check date values in: |access-date= (help)
  55. Inglis, Becca (10 de septiembre 2019). to-being-a-non-binary-person / "Eris Young en They / Them / Their: 'Es como una guía básica para ser una persona no binaria'" Check |url= value (help). The List. Unknown parameter |fecha de acceso= ignored (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  56. -the A Voice for Vorthos - Ok, entonces, ¿cuándo vamos a aprender más sobre los detalles sobre Ashiok? Ashiok no está en la primera novela y no hay nada representado en las tarjetas. ', 7 de mayo de 2014, Blog de Doug Beyer - Una voz para Vorthos.
  57. The Adventure Zone Wiki: Roswell
  58. Mike Taylor," Entrevista: Takashi Iizuka Talks NiGHTS "5 de diciembre de 2007. Nintendo Life http: //