Gender symbols

    From Nonbinary Wiki

    Gender symbols are graphic designs that represent a gender, such as the Venus symbol for female, and Mars symbol for male. Symbols for nonbinary gender identities explore variations on these. This page gives an incomplete list of symbols for gender identities.

    Symbols based on Venus/Mars paradigm[edit | edit source]

    Like the Venus and Mars symbols for the binary genders, these designs have a large, central circle, just with different prongs, angles, or other details. These designs may also use other astrological symbols.

    Binary gender symbols[edit | edit source]

    These are the basic symbols of the binary genders.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb The Venus symbol, for women. Depicts the handmirror or distaff of the Roman goddess of love. Alchemical symbol for copper. U+2640 ♀
    thumb The Mars symbol, for men. Depicts the shield and spear of the Roman god of war. Alchemical symbol for iron. U+2642 ♂

    Transgender symbols[edit | edit source]

    The transgender symbol has a combination of female, male, and mixed symbols.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb The transgender symbol. A mix of female (Venus), male (Mars), and androgyne (Venus and Mars mixed). This symbol was designed in the 1990s by Holly Boswell, Wendy Parker, and Nancy R. Nangeroni. A specific version-- blue, with rounded line ends, on a lavender triangle-- belongs to Nangeroni, but otherwise the symbol belongs to none and can be used freely.[1] U+26A7 ⚧
    thumb Transfeminism symbol, combining the transgender symbol with the feminism symbol (a Venus symbol containing a fist of power).
    thumb Transgender equality symbol.
    Transcommunist symbol.svg The transcommunist symbol, combining the traditional transgender symbol with the communist hammer and sickle, indicating transgender support of communism and/or queer liberation.

    Ambiguous symbols[edit | edit source]

    There are several common symbols that don't have clearly defined meanings, and may be used to represent various different concepts.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb Symbol for a mix of female (Venus) and male (Mars). Can mean intersex or transgender.[2] Botanical symbol for hermaphrodite. This symbol is also used to represent bigender individuals whose two genders are female and male.[3][4] Can also be interpreted as representing heterosexuality.[5] U+26A5 ⚥
    thumb Androgyne, intersex, or other gender symbol. Made from female (Venus) and male (Mars) symbols. Can point other directions, but meanings of this aren't agreed upon. Also the alchemical symbol for iron sulfate. U+26A8 ⚨ or U+26A6 ⚦ or U+26A9 ⚩

    Nonbinary gender identity symbols[edit | edit source]

    These are symbols for specific nonbinary gender identities. Listed in alphabetical order.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb An agender symbol made by tumblr user system-lgbt. U+2205 ∅
    thumb An aliagender symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3]
    thumb A demiboy symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3] It is a Mars symbol with half of the extending arrow removed.
    thumb A demigirl symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3] It is a Venus symbol with half of the extending cross removed.
    thumb thumb thumb Various genderfluid symbols made by tumblr user system-lgbt.
    thumb An interlocked 'G' and 'Q' symbolizing the genderqueer identity. Dates back to at least 2010.[6]
    thumb A gender symbol meant to represent nonbinary individuals specifically. The use of the "x" was a decision made by the creator (Johnathan R), in 2012, due to the rise of use of "x" as a letter that represents nonbinary individuals both legally and in pronouns and titles.
    thumb An agender symbol. Also a neuter or neutrois symbol. Based on Venus and Mars symbols, but with no prongs. U+26AA ⚪
    thumb A neutrois or neuter gender symbol, the latter used in botany. Also an older version of the Venus symbol. U+26B2 ⚲
    Neutrois Outpost Symbol - a purple triagle pointing doenwards, with a blue circle inside, and a smaller blue circle above connected to the triangle by a line Neutrois symbol used by the Neutrois Outpost in 2000. The circles represent a null gender. Additionally, the lavender triangle is for pride in LGBT identity.[7]
    thumb A neutrois symbol. Can be seen as a variation on the Venus and Mars symbols that omits the prongs of either. Null or empty set symbol. U+2205 ∅
    thumb The astronomical symbol for comets used as a nonbinary symbol. Proposed because the male and female signs are both signs for planets. U+2604 ☄

    Nonbinary man symbol created by a tumblr user named Aster in 2018. It is a Mars symbol with an asterisk inside the circle.

    thumb Nonbinary woman symbol created by a tumblr user named Aster in 2018. It is a Venus symbol with an asterisk inside the circle.
    thumb Other gender symbol.
    thumb Pangender symbol.
    Sissy Gender Symbol PNG.png Symbol for those who use Sissy as a gender identity. Replaces the masculine spear icon with a feather duster.
    Solarian symbol.png A symbol for solarian nonbinary people. It is a minimalist representation of the Sun. U+263c ☼
    Third gender symbol.png A third gender symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3] It is made of two shapes, a small triangle and a larger circle, connected by a horizontal line.

    More identity symbols[edit | edit source]

    These symbols are for identities that aren't always seen as nonbinary gender identities, or sometimes even as gender identities. Listed in alphabetical order.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb A butch symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3] It is a Mars symbol with elongated arms on the arrow.
    thumb Eunuch symbol. A male (Mars) symbol, with the extending arrow detached from the circle.
    thumb A femme symbol designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[3] It is a Venus symbol with longer arms on the cross.
    thumb Gallae gender symbol, by Laura Anne Seabrook. Based on the female (Venus) symbol, but also an alchemical symbol for sulfur (representing a fire triangle on a cross of earth) U+1F70D 🜍
    thumb Intersex symbol, the astrological symbol for Earth. U+1F728 ⴲ
    thumb Mercury symbol, meaning hybrid. Used for intersex people and genderfluid/gender nonconforming individuals[8][9]. Originally used for hermaphroditism; before gender and sex were depicted as separate[10], it also became symbol for androgyny. Depicts the staff of the Roman messenger god, based on the caduceus (below). U+263F ☿
    thumb The caduceus symbol represents Hermes (or the Roman Mercury), and by extension trades, occupations, or undertakings associated with the god. In later Antiquity, it provided the basis for the astrological symbol representing the planet Mercury. Thus, through its use in astrology, alchemy, and astronomy it has come to denote the planet and elemental metal of the same name. It is said the wand would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If applied to the dying, their death was gentle; if applied to the dead, they returned to life.

    By extension of its association with Mercury and Hermes, the caduceus is also a recognized symbol of commerce and negotiation, two realms in which balanced exchange and reciprocity are recognized as ideals. This association is ancient, and consistent from the Classical period to modern times. The caduceus is also used as a symbol representing printing, again by extension of the attributes of Mercury (in this case associated with writing and eloquence).

    U+2624 ☤
    thumb thumb Gender questioning symbols. The circle of the female (Venus) and male (Mars) symbols, but instead of their prongs, a question mark shape.

    Other kinds of gender symbols[edit | edit source]

    Some gender symbols aren't based on the Venus and Mars symbols. This can be an intentional choice for those who don't like Venus and Mars symbolism, or to get farther away from the gender binary.

    Symbol Description Unicode
    thumb In 1996, Raphael Carter proposed that this ambiguous geometric shape called the Necker Cube be a symbol for androgynes, "because it is either concave or convex depending on how you look at it."[11][12]
    thumb In some kinds of family tree diagrams (genograms or pedigrees), a triangle is a symbol for a person whose gender is unknown. It's also for fetuses that were miscarried, or were not yet born when the genogram was drawn. This is as opposed to squares (male) and circles (female). U+25B3 △
    thumb A rhombus is a botanical symbol for a plant of unknown sex, as well as a family tree symbol for a person of unknown sex. U+25CA ◊

    See also[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. Nancy R. Nangeroni. "Transgender symbol." July 1994. Archived on 17 July 2023
    2. lucas (26 July 2006). "Symbols". Archived from the original on 21 August 2012.
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Cari-Rez-Lobo (2 October 2014). "Gender Symbols". DeviantArt. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
    4. SilenceTheFox (13 February 2019). "Gender Symbols + Orientation Symbols". DeviantArt. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 10 June 2020.
    5. ⚥ Male and Female Sign, Emojipedia, retrieved 15 November 2020 Archived on 17 July 2023
    6. "File:Gqsymbolproudava.png". Wikimedia Commons. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Date: 3 September 2010
    7. Axey, Qwill, Rave, and Luscious Daniel, eds. “FAQ.” Neutrois Outpost. Last updated 2000-11-23. Retrieved 2001-03-07.
    8. "☿️ Mercury Emoji". Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 2020-11-12.
    9. "Gender symbols - Cakeworld". Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 2020-11-12.
    10. "Sex and gender distinction". Wikipedia. 2020-11-04. Archived from the original on 2023-07-19. Retrieved 2020-11-12.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
    11. Raphael Carter, "Angel's Dictionary." July 14, 1996.
    12. Nat Titman, "The Necker Cube: Symbol for androgyny." June 25, 2011. Practical Androgyny. Archived on 17 July 2023