
    From Nonbinary Wiki
    Revision as of 15:57, 28 September 2020 by imported>Sekhet
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    Content warning
    This article mentions genitals, reproductive organs, and surgery. If you are not comfortable with reading about this kind of topic, we suggest you take a step back.
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    The Nonbinary Wiki is written by volunteers who are not necessarily experts on medical topics. This wiki and its editors make no representations or warranties of any kind. This wiki and its editors shall not be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, prosecutions, or proceedings instituted against any person or entity as a result of the use of information from this file, or any loss, injury, or damage caused thereby. You claim full responsibility for your own health decisions. This wiki will not be held responsible for your actions. Any information here does not constitute legal, financial, medical, business, or other advice. This wiki should not be used to recommend a path for diagnosing or treating any medical condition. For that, you must consult your physician.
    Surgeries and procedures

    Penectomy is the surgical removal of the penis. It can be a partial penectomy, where some of the shaft remains and sexual penetration can still be achieved or a total penectomy which removes the entire penis- which means sexual intercourse is no longer possible. Penectomy is usually done to treat cancer of the penis but it can also be done for non binary reasons. A person may choose to undergo a voluntary penectomy with or without an orchiectomy (removal of the testicles) as part of genital nullification. During a penectomy the penis is amputated leaving a small stump for voiding or a perineal reroute is performed underneath the testicles.[citation needed]

    See also
