Facial surgery

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    Surgeries and procedures

    Facial surgeries are sought by some transgender and nonbinary individuals as part of their transition. When done on a trans person, the procedures are also called Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) or Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS), depending if the person is transfeminine or transmasculine.[1] These types of surgeries are also performed on cisgender men and women in some cases, in which case they may be called Facial Harmonization Surgery.[2]

    Even as young children, before being conscious of gender differences, people automatically categorize faces as male or female. This categorization is involuntary and occurs in a split second. Thus, facial surgery is a necessity for some transgender and nonbinary people who wish to pass as their gender.[2]

    Facial surgeries for gender transition may include having the hairline moved to create a smaller forehead, having the lips and cheekbones augmented, having the eyelids modified (blepharoplasty), having the nose reshaped (rhinoplasty), having the lips reshaped/"lifted"[3], and/or having the jaw and chin reshaped and resized (mandibular angle reduction and genioplasty). Chondrolaryngoplasty (Adam's apple reduction) is sometimes also done as part of facial feminization surgeries, although it is a surgery on the neck rather than the face.[4]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. "FFS and FMS Surgery Event Resources". Plume Health. Archived from the original on 17 September 2023. Retrieved 16 September 2023.
    2. 2.0 2.1 FACIALTEAM. "FFS Surgery: Facial Gender & Facial Harmonization". Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 10 September 2020.
    3. "Facial Feminization". Stiller Aesthetics. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 23 September 2021.
    4. "Facial feminization surgery". Mayo Clinic. 11 September 2019. Archived from the original on 17 July 2023. Retrieved 10 September 2020.